Posts by Neo

    Okay and when i do drag and drop into the presets can i find the tweaked preset then's not marked or only have 5 times "legacy delay" and have to compare each setting then...????

    I'm getting realy angry about the rig manager.

    The Software didn't came out yesterday and it's still not save and conveniant to work with.

    Kemper Guys: that's not professional at all !!!

    Get yourself some good Software-Engineers real quick or it will fall back on your reputation sooner or later.

    Im just saying.

    Hi guys,

    in live situations I often use the channel button on the profiler-remote to switch the tuner off again.

    However, if you have a morph program running in the respective rig, the morphed rig is automatically switched to 100%.

    This often leads to the fact that you may start to play a new song with the morphed sound.

    Wouldn't it make sense to always jump back to the unmorphed sound in such a case (or even better to the morph-pedal state)?

    Hi guys,

    in live situations I often use the channel button on the profiler-remote to switch the tuner off again.

    However, if you have a morph program running in the respective rig, the morphed rig is automatically switched to 100%.

    This often leads to the fact that you may start to play a new song with the morphed sound.

    Wouldn't it make sense to always jump back to the unmorphed sound in such a case (or even better to the morph-pedal state)?

    Hi Don,

    thx for that quick response.

    i realy didn't see the tag "amp pickup type", cool it's already there!

    Although the tag-name is somewhat missleading to me (i know, picky).

    I would find it helpful if the tagging were standardized a little more. For example, under the tag "Mik Model" you have a few choices and that's it. I find it pretty practical because you know exactly where the sound is going.

    But if you look at "Amp Pickup Type" there is pretty much everything in it, from HB / SC (good for a start) to just "Gibson". I think pre-made selections would just be more effective. And there could also be some additional information such as neck position, active electronics etc.

    My only concern here is to improve the rig manager. I know the possibilities to improve the sound with the help of the kemper controls, and they also work great.

    We can also talk over a beer about what it takes for a good jazz sound or a "perfectly" setup guitar ... or the advantages of a (real) goldfoil ...

    and I'm not an opponent of sound experiments either... :)

    In this case, i t's just about ....tagging und an efficent data-bank .

    Hi Guys,

    I noticed that the cataloging in the Rig Manager using the tags excludes one of the most important parts of the signal chain, namely detailed information about the instrument that was operated with the rig.

    Because a certain profile is usually matched to a certain instrument and its settings.

    It is e.g. a fundamental difference in the amplifier settings whether I use a Fender Deluxe Reverb to operate with a strat in neck / single-coil mode or an ESP with an active bridge humbucker, the gain, equalizer etc. settings will vary depending on the guitar and setting differ clearly.

    This procedure in the profiling process also makes perfect sense, since the Kemper has so far e.g. cannot simulate the EQ behavior of each amplifier 100%, but only the "is" state of a particular setup.

    In everyday studio life it is usually the case that I am looking for a suitable rig for a specific guitar and not vice versa. It is extremely helpful to know for which guitar the profile was created, which pickup position was used and is it a humbucker, single-coil or piezo pickup, active or passive electronics?

    In my opinion, with over 16,000 rigs in the manager, this would significantly improve the search and, above all, significantly speed up the musical process (which is actually what this is about) in our daily work...

    what do you think about it?