Posts by TKustom

    Good posting Raoul :thumbup:

    I pretty much feal the same. There are so many people complaining here... but just take some time and think about it. Kemper is fairly small company. Their employees are working of there asses off to provide us with the best service possible. They listen to our needs, explain stuff to us when there's questions and last but not least created a great product and keep improving it. What is so hard about being thankful for that? Even if Kemper is asking for our needs and wished, it doesn't necasserily mean that all of them will become true. They are developing a product and in the end it is up to CK to decide what is done and how it is done. I'm very sure he carefully thought everything through in terms of benifts and feasibility.
    I'm a software developer myself if my company would take every customer request and do it we would't have a product to sell but have hundrets of custom solutions which would be impossible to maintain. Personally I'm very pleased that we even get the chance to request or wish for features. I haven't had many products were there was such a direct communication between customer and company.

    How do you connect to your EPQ. I was using the exact same combination with Kemper Monitor Out via unbalanced TS to the EPQ into a 4x12 cab with 8 Ohms. I had the Monitor Out at about -12dB and the EPQ bridged with volume half way up. That was more than load enough and we are a fairly loud metal band.

    What I recently discovered is that the level is significantly lower when you are using a balanced input via XLR.

    With great sadness I have to put my beloved KPA up for sale. I was hoping that day would never come but I need the money and can't afford to keep it at the moment. Hopefully I'll be able to get a new one some day later.

    It is a the black Toaster Version in very good condition. All LEDs are working and never had any problems with them. Latest firmware release is installed and it comes with 800+ Profiles. Asking 1250€ including shipping within Germany for it. Feel free to ask questions if there are any.

    I recommend NOT going for guitar power amps. They color the sound way to much and the Kemper doesn't need this. It rather the other way round: get a power amp that is as linear as possible.
    For a cheap solution you could use any entry level PA power amp. I'm currently using a Behringer EPQ900 which is 1u and delivers more power and punch you would ever need.

    The FBV is very nice but there is one big problem I have with the Line6 boards. The buttons are too close. I have shoe size 49 and already had lots of troubles with the Pod HD300 I used to have. The FCB is ok in terms of build quality and I have no problem with the buttons. Only the way the expression pedals behave is what bugs me.

    Like many others out there I not very satisfied with the quality of the FCB's expression pedal. I already adjusted the LEDs twice and did multiple calibrations but I can't get it wo work as smooth as I'd like.
    I know that there have been done quite some mods to the FCB. I have found manuals for cutting off the expression pedal, converting it to a external 9V power supply, phantom power and more. What I haven't found yet is a review or anything of someone who cut of the expression pedals and added plugs to use (higher qualitity) external pedals.
    I know that the FCB uses a optical solution but there are small boards attached to each sensor that seem to do a conversion with 3 leads going to the main circuit. My assumption no was that maybe it is possible to simply uses these connections out of the box with a regular poti based expression pedal.
    Has anyone every tried that? With google I found one forum comment somewhere, where a person wrote that you might need an additional resistor but it should work. Unfortunately no further comment and/or review of him actually doing this.
    I was hoping maybe some member of Kemper forum has made some experience with that ?(

    Rigs in the regular browse pool and in performances are general treated as separate rigs. The rig in performance mode is a copy of the version in browse mode and not only a refference. It is possible to add rigs from performance mode to the browse pool and you can load rigs from browse pool into performances. If you changes a rig in browse mode and want it in all spots in performances you used it you need to update it one by one I'm afraid.

    At yesterdays rehearsal I stumbled upon some problem with the output preset feature and before reporting it to the Kemper team I wanted to check of anyone of you has experienced similar problems.

    The thing is set I thought I had set up two different output presets, one for home use and the other for band rehearsal etc. However when I loaded the output preset it didn't change all values. The type of signal per output was changed but what is most important to, the levels, did not change. They actually never changes. Whatever i dialed in stayed there with any preset. :(

    Also when storing a preset I was not able to overwrite an existing one. A replace option like with regular rigs was not displayed and storing it with the same name just created a second setting with that name. :S

    By the way, I'm running V2.2.1 and all presets where created using this version. No old presets.

    Take a two button momentary footswitch and connect it to the Kemper footswitch inserts at the back. Then configure it to do rig up with one and rig down with the other switch. Probably the smallest solution possible.