Posts by phaedrus

    Another very satisfied ADAM owner here! :thumbup: I have a pair of the 'older' A7, and they are wonderful.

    But it's shocking to hear that You are not pleased with the Focusrite?!

    I've been using their Saffire PRO 40 firewire interface for years now, without a single problem. (even recorded a couple of live shows with it)
    I've used it with both my MacPro rig and also a MacBookPro, running Logic 7 - 9, rock solid!
    Easily the most robust and good sounding interface I've tried.
    Have you been in contact with Focusrites support?

    They do have a stellar reputation both for their customer support and fixing bugs in their drivers. (and they seems to be Mac users themselves!)
    I wouldn't say that the mix software is crap, but it IS confusing. But it seems to be a common problem with audio interface software, the more it can do, the harder it gets to figure out how...

    Just to report back, it was a bug in the iMac’s FireWire systems. A bit too much daisy-chaining going on there. I since switched to the USB version of the Saffire on the iMac and use the FireWire one on the macBook. Both work sterling. And the mixing software I got used to. Set once and forget.

    Another data point for active Studio Monitors. I use Adam A7X-es. As for playing over backing tracks or just playing along with music, I get those from my computer. Both the computer output and the Kemper’s output are joined and mixed (software mixer) in a Saffire USB audio interface. Works very well, there is no noticeable latency and there are lots of other brands.

    Just upgraded my monitors to some Adam A7x's and what can I say, the kemper sounds incredible. Id share a picture but the jpg is too big. For anyone thinking of upgrading I'd say don't skimp on monitors, invest as much as you can. Thanks for the advice on the board, gianfranco especially (the wiki guy)

    A better interface next I think.

    I have them, too, on my Kemper and can confirm they are uneffingbelievable good. Make sure to try the Stereo Widener Effect on some of your profiles. It's a treat.
    And please do report back when you've found a good USB audio interface. I run a Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 connected to an iMac at the moment and hate it with a vengeance. The mixing software is crap, runs no longer than about a quater of an hour before it crashes and often takes Logic Pro with it. :thumbdown: