Posts by DavidA

    While in a tube amp a booster helps saturating the input and gives the amp a specific character, the same is not generally true for an electronic device: saturating the input is never a good idea.
    If you like the character your boosters give the sound, and you are sure it doesn't come from a saturation but from a sonic personality, set the booster's output and the KPA's Clean sens accordingly.

    Thanks Gianfranco, yes these were my thoughts.
    It would be good to get the KPA to handle all this if possible. Need to A/B it both ways (with an external booster and with the internal booster) and try and get the sound.

    Wish my ears had better memory, so many variables to play with and easy to lose track of where I'm going :)

    Thanks for this Don. :)

    Gilmour hunting at the moment and from what I have gathered so far there seems to be a big variation in the various Muff models so I await news from Christope with baited breath!

    The reason for asking if the internal stomps are profiles rather than models is that it seems that quite a big part of the tone is the way that the analogue Tube Driver/TubeScreamer and Muff interact with each other. Thinking that these analogue devices share some of the sonic complexities when pushed hard that the KPA has solved for amps.

    I know that his HiWatts are very clean with the distortion and drive coming from the pedals (rather than overdriving the amp). I think I will have to get hold of a couple of pedals and experiment with them into a KPA HiWatt rig and then see if I can get there with the KPA stomps.

    Good news about the KPA being able to handle hot signals. I will have to find my Fryer booster and experiment some more. Will also have a play with the internal boosters and EQ as you suggest. So much to learn!

    Thanks again :)

    Hi there, just signed up and finding my way around having posted in the "Introduce Yourself" section.

    A few questions on stomp boxes more or less related so hopefully ok to post in one thread. Apologies for starting another thread, I already posted this question although I think in the wrong place!


    1. Internal Stomps:

    Are the internal Muff and Screamer stomps models or are they some sort
    of profiles of the actual units? If they are profiles does anyone know
    which of the various Muff and TS variants were used?

    2. Placement of external stomps in chain:

    Having the ability to patch external stomps into a rig via the
    send/return loop and then assign those stomps as a whole to an internal
    stomp slot in a rig is a neat idea. However, that seems to add an extra
    analogue/digital conversion round trip.

    Is there any downside to just connecting the output of the pedalboard into the input of the KPA?

    3. External Boosters

    How does the KPA deal with the huge amount of extra signal from an
    external treble booster at the input ADC stage? I know the Fryer Brian
    May boosters kick out an extra 24-30db which normally do their job by
    battering the tube pre-amp to it's will in the analogue domain. Is it
    feasible to use something like this with the Kemper or does having to
    run through the analogue to digital conversion (which has no tolerance
    to overload) kill the effect by the time it gets to the amp profile? (I
    realise that there are internal boosters with the KPA but all these
    analogue stomps have their own character and I would like to use them if

    Ahh! another UK'er, welcome brother Brit!
    not too many of us here :)

    Hey Andy, recognised the handle!

    Picked up my KPA from Andertons a few Saturdays back. Dan said that you had been in earlier so was sorry to have missed you.

    Loving your Amp packs. Working my way through Pack 1 right now with another voucher ready to go.

    Trying to figure out the naming conventions on the variants (WL+/- TIM+/- etc). Can you enlighten me?


    Hi there, just signed up and finding my way around having posted in the "Introduce Yourself" section.

    A few questions on stomp boxes more or less related so hopefully ok to post in one thread...

    1. Internal Stomps:
    Are the internal Muff and Screamer stomps models or are they some sort of profiles of the actual units? If they are profiles does anyone know which of the various Muff and TS variants were used?

    2. Placement of external stomps in chain:
    Having the ability to patch external stomps into a rig via the send/return loop and then assign those stomps as a whole to an internal stomp slot in a rig is a neat idea. However, that seems to add an extra analogue/digital conversion round trip.
    Is there any downside to just connecting the output of the pedalboard into the input of the KPA?

    3. External Boosters
    How does the KPA deal with the huge amount of extra signal from an external treble booster at the input ADC stage? I know the Fryer Brian May boosters kick out an extra 24-30db which normally do their job by battering the tube pre-amp to it's will in the analogue domain. Is it feasible to use something like this with the Kemper or does having to run through the analogue to digital conversion (which has no tolerance to overload) kill the effect by the time it gets to the amp profile? (I realise that there are internal boosters with the KPA but all these analogue stomps have their own character and I would like to use them if possible)

    Hello to everyone in Kemperland!

    I'm David and have recently bought one of these fab machines, so just thought I'd come and introduce myself.

    Still finding my way around and have a couple of questions about external stomp boxes which I will try and post somewhere sensible!