Posts by 2004Billy

    I have a car that I can purchase autopilot for. It costs 7.5k. The HW is completely ready and can not do anything else, I wonder why they don't just give the software to me?

    Apple always prices too high. Everybody complains about the price all the time, then two things happen: a lot of people buy it despite the price, and after a few years, all high end devices from others are priced similarly. Apparently a large chunk of the population accepts the price of high end phones as a fact of life. The fact that they buy it at that price is the ultimo proof of acceptance.

    You can now get the full Kemper signal chain and Kemper tone without profiling, but with a small footprint, a few foot switches, an app as display, and it is substantially cheaper than a stage. Whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks is different for everybody.

    I think the pricing is fair. I like my stage, but it is a chunky piece of HW to lug along to rehearsals. I may consider a level 3 player as you can transfer any performance from stage or toaster and have a few footswitches to go from clean to brown to lead.

    I am also on Monterey. I get an announcement to upgrade to RM3.3. Download proceeds to an amazing 139% instead of 100%, then installer shows up in taskbar but doesn't open a window. Right clicking and choosing "show all windows", gives the message "no available windows". So it doesn't work for me (for the first time in a very long time).

    Tried again today: installer started and error message appears: "the operation could not be completed. ( error -1.). Couldn't open "Rig_Manager_3_3_40.pkg"

    I was also surprised. I had the dropout issues with the beta when stomping from preset 4 to 1, hence the comment of the bass player.

    However, my stage is at the latest and greatest.

    But your questions are super useful and this one provided most likely at least one answer:

    Are you using an effect loop? Was it active and perhaps external gear lost connection?

    No, not that I know, but .... looking in the clean Fender profile, which I got long ago from the public rigs, there was an effects loop that was off - and when trying all buttons on the stage it was activated by effect button III. Then obviously the sound was gone as there was no effect connected to the loop.

    It is altogether possible and actually very likely that I pushed that button III by mistake. So that left the question: in performance mode, is the effects loop still in the last state after a power cycle. And yes, after reboot it was still engaged and therefore no sound, so this profile is logically explained now. I pushed all kind of buttons and likely also have hit button III again while in that profile to get it working again.

    I'll remove that unused effects loop from the chain.

    However what still puzzles me is that in my recollection, I could not get a sound of any profile at that point. I was a bit panicked, everybody waiting for me... My clean was down, but my brown and lead didn't work either, and that I don't get yet. I only use a handful of profiles so there wasn't much to choose at that point until it started working again.

    I'll see if it happens again, and then I'll video whatever I see and hear.

    Thanks Burkhard!

    I had sudden loss of sound during rehearsal last week on my stage OS 8.7.10.

    I use a DXR10 as monitor, connected by jack, and a single volume pedal.

    I was at preset 1, stomped to 3, all good.

    Then stomped back to 1 --> no sound out. 3 tuner lights were still registering guitar input.

    The bass player snickered : another beta?

    I powered down and powered up --> no sound.

    We played with jack cables --> no sound.

    I then stomped to 3 and back to 1 - and sound was back, yes!

    So that's the first thing I will try when it happens again.

    I tweaked my toaster and stage differently. Toaster stays at home for playing over studio monitors, stage is always packed for playing in band over DXR10. The home sound and band sound are very different. They don't have to match.

    I must say, once I like the sound I stop tweaking and start playing.

    So it probably could be better but since I love the sound coming out it's good enough.

    In my opinion time spent with exercises to improve playing pays off more in the end than time spent tweaking an already (very) nice sound.

    Same with buying guitars. At some point the guitar is sufficiently good, the benefit of an even nicer guitar is small (it took me about 5 guitars to get there, and 5 more to realize there wasn't that much to gain anymore.) The guitar is no longer the bottleneck, I am!

    i have my powered kabinet 1 year now and think i will sale it, cause it doesn't work for my Coverband. My Yamaha dxr10 does the job better with more balls.

    Reason 1: the sound is harsh without enough bottom end. Tried all possible Options in frfr and with the speaker imprints.

    It sounds thin and weak and too harsh.

    Reason 2: if i change my angle to the speaker or the Position on the stage, the sound get lost.

    I m so sorry that i will sell it, but my expectations were not fulfills.

    I feel the same. I tried it but I also went back to the DXR10 because of precisely what you write. With the DXR pointed up to my head, I can always hear myself clearly. This was not true for the Kemper Kabinet.