Posts by delichef

    I had this happen on a new unit with the master volume knob. If I rotated the master volume knob slowly there was a section of the knob that was really flakey. The volume would skip around and move by itself, sometimes the values would move but the actual volume wouldn't change...I tried restoring firmware, rebooting, etc, I couldn't figure it out so I returned it for a new one. New one works perfectly.

    I don't gig, so I wasn't sure if performance mode was going to be something I'd even use. I'm really starting to dig it tho. I've been making rigs out of the AmpFactory amps that I like. I audition the various profiles for an amp and select the ones that sound best with my main guitar (tele) in these buckets:

    Slot 1: Clean
    Slot 2: Clean+ / Push
    Slot 3: Cranked / Full
    Slot 4: Solo / Interesting
    Slot 5: Interesting (cool effect, rotary, trem or alternate to slot 1-3 that also sounds good)

    I don't always fill all the slots...but it's really helped me make sense out of all the profiles. A nice it retains the slot selected when you switch to a different performance mode preset. So you can cycle through the amps on similar gain selections in slot 1-3 and quickly audition the different flavors.

    I've been trying to keep the list small but i'm already at 21 Performance "rigs". Combined with the fcb1010/uno4kemper, it makes sound selection so much easier for me than scrolling through the list of profiles. I may just store them all in performance mode and delete them from browser mode (leaving just factory / rig exchange / one off profiles in there).

    Ahh ok, must've missed that. Makes sense.

    I normally don't keep that many profiles on the device, it was a new unit so I upgraded to 2.0 and wanted to check out the new default rigs. Then I wanted to mess with performance mode so I imported all my paid profiles. So I wound up with a way larger number than usual. Haven't bothered restoring to my old backup yet where I had trimmed them down. Cheers.

    Fresh boot of Kemper running 2.0.1 into browser mode. I have close to 900 profiles on the device. I was importing 130-ish more last night and upon completion it said "successfully imported 106 profiles". There were about 30-ish profiles that didn't make it over. I played around with some of the ones I had imported and noticed that when I was adding rigs as favorites via holding the rig button for a few seconds, it would not display the dialog confirming it was now a favorite (but the * would get added). Sometimes it would only display the dialog for a quick if it was lagging or seemed performance strained.

    Wasn't sure if it hit a wall at 1000 or what. I trimmed the list on the usb stick to the ones that weren't imported and was able to successfully import the rest of them (without rebooting). Is there a better place to report issues like this?

    Adding a "me too". Saw something similar when auditioning rigs in browser mode. Had been going through a bunch of them using the rig directional buttons. I hit the right directional button and the audio dropped out completely and the tuner UI came up. I had an FCB1010 connected with the uno4kemper chip installed (this is new to my setup), so I assumed something had misfired there. My pedals aren't configured on the fcb1010 yet so neither control volume or wah. I exited the tuner and still no audio, adjusted volume knob, etc no luck. Restarting fixed it. This occurred on 2.0. It's the only time i've seen it.

    If I roll the volume down on my guitar, or mute the strings then switching is silent. If I have some signal present then I hear clicks or switching noises. Wasn't sure if it was just through the headphone jack or not, haven't tried other outputs.

    I also get occasional pops or clicks when just playing on 1 patch. Usually after stopping play quickly i'll hear it during the reverb tail (not every time but often enough). I've reinstalled 2.0, formatted the flash, etc. I also tried rolling back to 1.7 to see if it was the newer OS's but I got stuck in the firmware update loop. If anyone knows how to roll back I'd be happy to give it a try with an older OS.

    I had read about others having a "wow" moment after getting some AF profiles. I bought a b-stock unit which came with a bunch of stuff on it, including some AF profiles. Definitely found some great sounds and was debating whether I even needed to buy more.

    I decided to hand pick a few from AF4 that seemed up my alley and "wow"! Toneking Galaxy, Gilmour HiWatt and Matamp...these are on another level for me! SO amazingly good! Well done and thank you!