I have had the Behringer 2031A Truth for almost a year now, and can really only say good things about them.
At their price they really are a good choise.
Posts by mullassiff
Anyone tried the Atomic AND the Matrix Q12 ?
Exactly a quote like that i mean.
I asked a simple question, and app alot got offended and felt the urge to attack me.
Very mature... -
Hi All,
this is my first post and have been doing some research as I am very interested in the KPA. It seems negative reviews only really come from one camp. And speaking of camps, I currently own an AXE FX II and am really close to making the switch. The rack version is awesome and i dont find myself using many effects. The ones I do use, the Kemper already has them. The reason for this decision comes as i patiently wait(6 months or so) for AXE Edit to come out and have gotten tired of how FA treats their customers with brainwashing and bashing other companies in a political way of course. I read a lot of threads on The Gear Page and it seems every time someone posts a negative comment on the AXE,a specific moderator always has to interject. This moderator of course uses very often the phrase, in some form or other "Last i looked it was only gear. Not religion." see above. Yes i mean you Scott Peterson. To me it's blatantly obvious what's going on here. And how low can a moderator get to troll on other forum, and ban people(non AXE fanboys) on his own forum. 12 posts really. This is not a court of law so I don't need absolute proof, just my gut instinct will suffice. Thanks for making my decision clear Scott.
Anyone looking to buy an AXE FX II?
Ok I see i used the same phrase as he did, but i asure you in any way that I am not Scott Peterson.
If you have any doubt you can PM me and get my phone number and give me a call to be sure.
Anyways I have seen this phrase from alot other, and really find it so funny that you combine anyone saying that with him.
LOL, damn you must be tormented at night. You still wonder if we ever landed on the moon aswell?Edit: I asume that reading my other 11 posts is to hard for you, so to summ up I asked a question and got my answer to it.
Then i got called a troll and an Axe fan boy. Allthough i clearly stated more tehn once that i have the Axe AND the Kemper, and yes i really like both.
But I guess this is just to wierd for alot, and I must admitt that the way I was welcommed here is below everything.
But hey, its a free world. You can say what you want, and so can I.
I will go back to playing guitar now. On my AXE AND MY KEMPER... -
I read my first post again, abit amazed how people read it.
I can now see how it can be misread.
I did in no way intend to say that Kemper didn't give free updates.
I meant that it sounded like someone was jalous on the freqvent updates comming from Fractal.
Sorry if I was misunderstood, english isn't my native language.
As to vibro's comment
The OP refers to this. A way to 'sense' an amp and emulate it better.
I think that is what the Axe-Fx is all about, and was meant for from the very first standard came out 8 years ago.
I dont think that have alot, if anything, to do with Kemper. -
I guess some are more paranoid then others.
I am still happy with both units and ANY new update, no matter how fast it arrives.
And exept from tonematching in FW 6, what other features made it " more like a KPA"?
That is really just BS IMO.
Regarding your last point. I have been through every update since 3. something, and it NEVER changed my tone to more then 2 min tweaking would give back. -
So he releases yet another new update for free, that people can use if they want, or leave it if they dont.
How on earth can that be a bad thing?
I agree that " Oh now it sounds even better" seems a bit off when you hear it for the 10th time, but seems to me that alot of KPA users here are pretty jalous that they dont get free improved updates. (Wrong written. Read post 27)
And regarding to destroying your tones??? Isn't it your choise if you want new tones or not?
Anyways i have both a KPA and an Axe II. Like them both, but would still welcome every single improvement from both sides.
Not gonna flame someone for improving anythig. That is simply to low. -
Yes Lukather is a great player.
As for the others on Kempers list I simply dont know them.
That might be my mistake, dosnt really matter.
I was simply asking for a reason why the artist list was so much more impressive on the Axe, that's all.
But jeez ppl take that as an offence.
Last i looked it was only gear. Not religion.
I will be quiet now. -
You know that is not true . Steve Vai uses live his Carvin Legacy with the Axe Fx only for effects.
He used to yes. But not on his last tour.
Anyways, I am sorry if someone got offended, But I am just trying to figure this out.
Was in no way my plan to stur peoples evening.
Back to playing guitar now -
Was pretty funny yes.
Nope Steve Vai goes live with the axe only. Oh and his guitar -
Ha ha that might be a bit optimistic, but none the less fun
LOL, don't worry. You did not offend anybody but still you have not answered with any example of top selling artist using the Axe Fx for its amp sounds.
Steve Vai
Madonna and Monte Pitt
and the list just goes on and on.
I am sorry for you if you really see this as trolling.
I just find it hard to imagine that all these are wrong.
But hey that is just me... -
Well so sorry if I offended you by asking.
It was a simple question, don't see what that have to do with trolling.
But Ill keep that in mind and ask somewhere ells i guess. -
As I said, I also don't really care, but comparing the artist list IMO the axe wins by 100000 miles.
I am deff not a pro so i often look to an "expert" rewiewing a product.
I just don't see any experts on the Kemper side.
With experts i mean top selling artists.
And i really wouldn't count Muse in, since they also own and use the Axe. -
I see alot of "Kemper sounds much better then the Axe" here.
I have no part in this and don't care much, but howcome that is not shown on the artist list, if this would be true?
No offence, but no big names at all uses the Kemper. Or am I just looking the wrong places?