Posts by Enchilada_Jones

    I'm still trying to figure out why some people don't think the Kabinet sounds like an amp-in-room when it clearly does in this video.

    I think for some people the phrase 'amp in the room' is synonymous with 'amp sound I like best' and not really an objective comparison of a sample amp in the room vs some other solution. You could put the amp they approve of and let them hear it through numerous cab/speaker combinations and they would dislike many of the real amps-in-the-room in that scenario too.

    I know there are a lot of people who have mentioned they hope it is coming but I wondered if anyone on the inside of the Kemper organization has mentioned it was something they planned to do and have they mentioned any timeline no matter how vague the timing might have been talked about.

    The more I dive into the Kemper and discover how how good the effects are, especially now that I'm using Performances, the more I realized an editor is seriously needed to have a workflow that enables the creative groove.

    I did two profiles of my Marshall JTM-1watt into the Badcat Unleash.

    There is one named: JTM-1H full amp out that is the line out from the Unleash straight into the Kemper so you can use it to run the Kemper output into your favorite IR's host. You don't need power amp simulation with this because the full output of the head is in the profile.

    The other is named: JTM-1H TorpedoCAB Br (supposed to be "JTM-1H TorpedoCAB BritO 2x12 V30"). It is the full output of the JTM-1H into the Badcat Unleash into the TwoNotes TorpedoCAB (power amp sim in Torpedo is off) into the Kemper.

    You can just plug in and play that one like any other profile.

    Hope you like it. It sounds very, very, close to the Torpedo rig I'm using with that head. It also sounds way better than any profile I've made with that head into a real cabinet and mic'ing it to profile.

    I was waiting to do the Marshall SL5 until I get a decent cab and mic to do a 'traditional' profile of it but there is no way I'm going to be able to compete with the Torpedo cabs and mic's.

    I believe you can open the back up file on your PC and delete what you want then when you install the back up it will only install the rigs you left in the back up....

    Somewhere in this forum I read the name of the utility you need to edit the compressed backup file...and/or you change the extension suffix to enable opening it then change it back and save....sorry, memory weak today.

    I'm not a Fractillian, I had the Ultra for about 6 months and the AxeII for about the same length after that and now have what I consider to be the superior device....the Kemper.

    I also have experience with Tony McKenzie's reviews. He was never a great reviewer but he was funny, quirky 'cat hat' and all that, and he was interesting and would open the box and look inside a practice which I related to.

    When he began his little jihad against all things Fractal that included false representation of the product and selectively holding the Fractal product to a higher standard than the products he would compare it to, as a crutch to support his assertions, he lost all credibility with me. I may have rejected Fractal in favor of Kemper but I didn't abandon my sense of ethical standards and integrity along with it! Tony's antics had become a distraction to all that was appealing to him prior to his joining the Internet food fight.
    The Cat Hat era Tony was great. The juvenile Tony really is a chucklehead my opinion.

    As for the invocation of Godwin's law, Zentmans use of a reference to Hitler does not violate that all important adjudication. Here, I have a note from all your Mothers and the lunchroom lady, they say 'it is ok to still reference Hitler as a historically significant 'bad guy' as long as you are not equating the person to him you can use any effect Hitler may have had as a metric to create a juxtaposition.'
    So the all powerful Godwin Commandment has not been disobeyed by Zentman. He has prevailed righteously and stands fearless in the face of zealots who try to usurp the one true Godwins divine interweb authority!

    I see lots of rigs that the creators have used an EQ in the X slot with no frequency changes just overall volume boosted presumably to bring the volume level up to a desired point.

    Is there any negative result from using the Cab volume level for this purpose instead?
    I haven't been able to hear a difference when comparing them in the few rigs I tried it in but wondered if there might be some down side to this method. I know changing anything else in he Cab section too far from the original profiling result can give some nasty results.

    If there is no negative outcome from using it then a lot of rigs can have their X slot returned to duty....

    When you say you are lowering the Gain button I'm assuming you are lowering the Gain knob on the front of the KPA. Generally I can 'clean up' a profile that way but to get a really good "clean" sound it is better to start with a "clean" profile. Changing the parameters too much on any profile seems to leave a lot to be desired at least that's what I have experienced.

    Not to say the advice you are getting about the Sensitivity settings isn't good but it doesn't look like anyone noticed your mention that the problem happens when you dropped the Gain level...

    Ok, quickly did two profiles again today and uploaded them. There is one with just the R121 in a different room, and one with blend of 121/57 in a different room from the first batch.

    I personally like the 121 profile by itself the best. The blend seems to lose something when the two are put together.
    The overall gain is a bit less on these from the previous one.

    Let me know how they sound to you.

    I like the 121 by itself best as well. Very nice! I haven't tried comparing to the others you have uploaded yet but this one will certainly be a keeper.
    I have made about 10 versions of your previous JTM uploads, mostly the 121 versions of those. They are my favorite rigs right now. I imagine this new one will see lots of use too.
    If you have a variety of speakers or cabinets I'd love to have more of the same amp/mic with what ever variety of cabs/speakers you have available... ;)


    By these simple switches you can even decide from gig to gig, how many pedals you are going to bring with you, while your rigs can stay configured as they are.

    Tell me what you think.

    I think those improvements you listed will be great! I could think of other, more versatile, solutions. For instance, on a per rig basis, simply be able to assign either expression pedal to any parameter but that may not be so easy to accomplish after the fact. And in some ways your proposed changes are superior to that arrangement, for example the volume and Wah working off the same pedal under the relationship you described is really nice!

    Many thanks for your continued support for the KPA, it is already one of the most innovative tools invented and you keep refining it, making it a joy all over again!