Posts by cliffwhite2812

    Dear Kemper folks. I hope you take this as constructive criticism.

    I want Kemper to be more and more successful and deliver even greater products for me to enjoy. Therefore I want them to sell lots of their products to lots more people and use that money to invest in future product development.

    We live in a world of software editors. The Kemper is a computer developed by fine folks using software editors. So it is reasonable for people to ask for an Editor for the Kemper profiles.

    Key to improving Sales is to remove the customer's reasons not to buy. Lack of an Editor is a reason not to buy - for some people. Whether you think its a sensible reason is completely irrelevant. Its not your money - its theirs.

    Any company that ignores potential customers because 'they don't get our product or our philosophy' is destined to fail (see the mobile phone business for good examples). It can also feed a reputation for arrogance.

    Your products are excellent. They are also high value purchases. So you customers expect a lot. And your competitors will work very hard to steal your market. And their products will catch up with yours very quickly.

    So please Kemper, get an Editor out there. Rightly or wrongly, you are getting a reputation for ignoring customers. You don't fix that by arguing with customers - you fix it by providing what they ask for.

    I bought the KPA last week, then realising that my mono Jamman and Boss RC20XL wouldn't do the job, bought the Jamman Stereo. Connected 2 x XLR-Jack cables from KPA into Jamman Stereo, then 2 x Jack-XLR cables from Jamman Stereo into my Genelec 8040A powered monitors. Superb tone so I must be lucky with either my Jamman Stereo or good quality cables!

    Only downside is that the clarity really highlights the difference between my 335 and the cheaper clones it shares a guitar stand with...