Posts by O3restes

    this thread is like 3 years old and i'm sure the issue got resolved because i cannot think of a single case where using a different USB stick wouldn't have solved the issue. unless the Profiler in question has a hardware problem. Saying that, we've offered you to repair broken LEDs on your Profiler years ago and also the hardware for you. I'm not sure what else we could do. From what I can see you've never send your Profiler for repair.
    if you need additional assistance, contact support by email.

    So the thing is i have to be without my kemper (i use every at least weekend) for a month (in the best case cause i am sending to Germany from Spain) and pay for renting a new amp while you repair it?, and i have to be agree on that? If i buy a car and it has a problem, i am not paying for a renting one for example, or it is just in Spain that we are the most stupid country in the whole world (i think, Europe is enough)

    Hey @O3restes

    I can understand your frustration after all this time...

    You probably did but I will ask anyway; Did you write Kemper support?
    I have only had excellent help from them in the past.

    If USB port is not responding and the beta system was released before than network was fully functions... not sure about you red the old post i published.

    As the thread you referred to is from 2013 and isn't a long thread, it's entirely possible the person concerned got the help they needed and now don't have a problem.
    As to your issue; USB's work just fine and if you had to go back to 2013 to find someone else with an issue that's a pretty good indication that USB's are fine. If you've tried several and have an issue, support will help you out in the field with advice but if you have a broken USB port on your Kemper, yes they will need it back. That doesn't make it a bad product - it makes it a product. If you're a professional, I'm sure you have a backup plan for when gear goes wrong because gear does (unfortunately) go wrong. If the gear you've bought is manufactured in a country other than your own, that unfortunately means that's where it has to go.

    I hope you get the help you need but really the tone of the first post isn't the best way to get it :)

    Just the "If" was out of context, Gary_W.. anyway, i can´t take all my work inside kemper for the same reason... and believe me, not 3 or 4 news USBs on this 2 last years...