Posts by merman9393

    A remember the gear vid from last year ,(

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    ), where has like 10 or 15 signals in parallel he has to deal with,.. A few Roland Virtual Guitar and Guitar Synth stereo feeds, a stereo feed from his iPad, more from his MacBook Pro, various expression pedals bringing feeds in and out,... I love having someone to point to when my band mates say I have too many toys.

    For those that have received your remotes, what shipping time are they using, I day, 2 day, ????

    Kemper on-line store in the U.S. use UPS "expedited delivery" which means it depends on location. They also only ship one day a week, last week was Thursday, and I received mine yesterday, Monday, while other forum members who received notification the status had changed to complete, and we're shipped last Thursday, are receiving theirs today, through this Thursday.

    I would say it's most likely you will receive early next week, as it ships from Colorado, and Michigan isn't too
    far from there.

    Congrats to all with status changes!!!! It seems the pattern of actually shipping earlier than predicted is holding.

    Best to all

    Merman, congratulations on yours being shipped. My order was about 6 hourd previous to yours and mine still says not started or processed . But does state i'm on the earlybird list. It's all way confusing.

    Yes, it's confusing.

    So if my figures are correct, (your order completing 6 hours previous to mine) your order must have been at 6 am, ( U.S. Eastern) on January 14th? When did you get the email that the early bird store was open? That's what I am still interested about, to see if those emails were sent by Kemper at the same time, or staggered.

    I'm not complaining or trying to get heat, just love solving mysteries. Scooby Doo Mysteries with special
    guests the Kemper Early Birds. Not a real fan of Fred, I like Shaggy.

    I think there was either confusing into, or misunderstanding about how the Early Bird Status worked. I seriously doubt that , (other than Beta Testers), any priority was given to specific individuals receiving Remotes before others in the purchase queu.

    From what I know about manufacturing, distribution, and sales, and what I see from forum posts, It seems the order of registering for Early Bird status had less impact than the order of placing a correct order at the On-Line store. The only impact I notice from the order of registering is the order of receiving the email regarding "Profiler Remote early bird ordering is open" email from Kemper.

    I received that email, on January 14 at 10:26 am U.S. Eastern time. I see posts from members saying they ordered on January 12, 13, and 14th. I'm assuming that some of that discrepancy could be due to international time zones, but could be because the emails were staggered in order of when customers registered for Early Bird Status, or maybe they ordered before they received any email, as I understand the product appeared in the store before the instructions for how to order using Early Bird Status were posted.

    It took me a few hours after I got the notice to get home, and use my iMac to setup an account with the U.S. Store and place my order, as I was trying with my iPhone, and IPad but it didn't work.

    At 12:15 I received email that my U.S. Store account was setup, and 12:22 I received confirmation of my completed sale. Following the directions in the email, I used a credit card instead of PayPal. The email stated PayPal transactions were not advised, and there are many posts about delays caused by trying to use PayPal. My order # was 246920 completed on January 14 at 18:22 I assume German time zone, 12:22 U.S Eastern time zone.

    The original estimated ship date was March 16th onward. It is at local UPS warehouse and will be delivered
    tomorrow by End of Day, one week earlier than the projected SHIP date. It seems they are ahead of schedule.

    I think any confusion may be because of different time zones, as I have seen posts showing how orders
    placed at nearly same time have order numbers varying by 100 or so.

    Im sure in the end this entire issue will be forgotten, as the Remotes are received, Firmware updated, and we return to playing with our gear.

    best wishes to all.

    The only pedals I just can't do with out are my Univibe (chorus mode), and Octavio/Octavia. My Strymon Timeline is wonderful, but I can get by just fine using the Kemper delays. My favorite Univibe pedals use a photo cell of some sort.

    I also remember a post post when I first got my Kemper that an upcoming FW update would include a Delay in the stomp section, but it never happened. Too bad.


    Yeah, it depends on my UPS driver if they will do it. I think they kind of have to stick their neck out to do it, even if you have a note so they aren't always willing to. My house is way out in the country so they pretty much always just leave it anyway even with the signature required, so I guess I'm lucky. The other thing you can do is pick it up at the UPS terminal early in the morning before they get the packages on the truck (or the night before) I've done that before too. Hope it works out for you!

    My regular UPS driver is TOPS. I live in a secure community, and there is an unattended mail room. Every
    FedEx attempted delivery, the driver leaves a door tag with comment " business closed/ after hours" in the mail room, never using the provided phone to ring my townhouse. The UPS guy takes the effort to actually come to my door and leave the package inside, and in his tablet writes signature on file. I have at least 3 deliveries a week of valuable items, and when given the choice, select UPS. I'm so glad Kemper uses UPS!!

    i hope he hooks you up!!!

    Just received new email, status of order "Complete", item shipped with Tracking number. Will be delivered Monday by end of day. UPS shows package left Commerce City, Colorado this morning.

    This will be delivered exactly one week earlier than the original estimated "ship" date. They seem to be greatly ahead of schedule. Good news for all concerned.

    If if you are a US store customer, I'm assuming when your status changes to "Ready to Ship" your unit has already been received at US Store, and less than a week away.

    Good wishes to all.

    I'm in the US, ordered on Jan 14. March 16 was date I originally received by email of when unit would ship. This morning I received email, that unit is "Ready to Ship", checked on-line banking and the charge was approved a few hours ago. Checked My Orders on Kemper On line store and it also states Ready to ship.

    For the Original Poster, and others concerned about the Status of their order, just yesterday my order was still showing " not processed", so it changes pretty quickly when the ball gets rolling.

    Hoping this may ease the anticipation factor for those who are still waiting.

    If you are in the US the Warranty Center is in Texas, contact support with all of your details, and they can arrange shipping etc. when I had mine replaced, the turnaround time was just under 4 weeks door to door.
    They replaced an entire board and have never had another issue.

    btw, you can check when you registered the sale here, somehow,... I know I did it but can't remember how, probably under member info.

    With such an anticipated release as the Kemper Remote, there is no way possible for any company to make everyone happy.

    Have any of the forum members who are not happy with the outcome of the shipping date, ever tried to order a new release iPhone? Things happen for some customers delaying the completion of their order,,...
    systems go down, eligibility status can't be verified, credit cards can't get authorized, while other purchasers may have no issue, with the extra 5-10 minutes to complete the order causing a delayed shipping date.

    Unfortunately, our wonderful forum has increased the frustration factor. Reading how others are receiving their remotes, and seeing their order numbers are higher than someone who is not receiving theirs for 6 more weeks, can raise the irritating factor, as do many other issues regarding shipping date. This is why Beta Testers are asked not to reveal themselves, or make posts about having a Remote. I am trying to bypass these posts myself, and just wait it out.

    In the long run, I believe in Karma. I will get what I get, because I did what I did. Wether it is a positive or negative result, complaining doesn't help. I don't agree with the theory that " the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and as a manager, for several businesses, I never let that change an outcome.

    There are considerably more forum members, who followed directions, and had their order placed, and are happy, than forum members who didn't.

    I know it's frustrating, but, I'm not a youngin,, and I've had many frustrating days waiting after NAMM for
    new items, waited for new IPhones, waited for new IPads, etc. and As I said, I'll get what I get cause I did what I did.

    Wish the best for all.

    No problems installing latest FW 3.0, or previous, also installed Factory Rigs with no issue.

    On another issue, If you are in US, and still under warranty, suggest you have LEDS repaired. I sent my toaster to Kemper Warranty service center in Texas last year, for the LED replacement, and I'm so glad I did. It cost me nothing, and the entire time I was without was just under 4 weeks. I say without but actually I bought a rack to use with the intention of selling it when toaster returned. I ended up keeping both. I use the toaster more as it seems easier to edit because of extra LEDS.

    I'm sure it will all work out guys,... Seems like we all ordered as soon as we got that email. I would have ordered 45 minutes earlier but wasn't home, and iPad wouldn't take order, so headed home and set up store account on Mac.

    I have order #246920 placed at 6:22pm and mine is still Not processed, but I did receive shipping time of week 12 March 16th onward, so I'll be patient and chill.

    My shipping date email came to the email address I used for Early Bird Status, and for setting up the Kemper On Line US store account, as specified.