Posts by Man_With_Gas

    Hi, I can't post in the private forum (?) so I must post here.

    To really have the KPA be a boutique beast above all others

    CK, can you please provide for liquid profiling these.

    1) Bogner 20th Anniversary XTC

    2) Bogner Shiva 20th Anniversary

    3) Bogner Goldfinger 45

    Whilst you're at it and to give full all due respect to Jan at Elmwood (So sad to see them gone)

    1) Elmwood M90

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    Cheers !

    Cheers to you too.

    The metronome still provides so many counts per duration of piece/song and how you play over/around that is your preference. Having said that, the timing counts must be learnt & known to a player in order to work 'within & around' that timing still keeping it as musical/fluid within the context of the piece/song. So once again, a metronome is what the tool is for all musicians, I'm sure if we/you could speak with Hendrix and the rest of them they have used a metronome and they value it.

    Those using it in a live show might be a bit nervous about the idea of the sound disappearing when engaging the tuner by mistake.

    It has probably been mentioned that most people have a phone and tuners are free.

    AND, you can also use your phone as a digital sim amp with effects AND tuner but WE don't do we, we use a KPA.

    In theory yes but in practice often not. I have been on numerous gigs where the keyboard player has accidentally started a sequenced drum part or metronome before, during or after a song. Best not have the risk in my opinion.

    My opinion is I don't agree with you at all.

    The implementation could have a master off switch or a master mute switch. Can't be any more simple than that.

    BTW: Your keyboard guy's gear has a metronome and we don't....................just amazing! (I'm fully aware of this as I too have keys with 'onboard' sequencers and metronomes of course)

    Based on your current position, about a metronome, you see the KPA as a live only tool and not a practice tool. I see the KPA as a home/rehearsal/practice/live tool. It has an onboard tuner that most want and use and you can buy them anywhere on the planet if wanted yet, the KPA has one onboard. Any schooled/experienced musician will say timing is everything so with that in mind it makes 100% logical sense to have an onboard metronome. Again, keyboard players have had onboard metronomes since the 70s. That must tell you something why they're the generally the better musician than a guitarist.

    Those using it in a live show might be a bit nervous about the idea a metronome could appear on the outputs.

    It has probably been mentioned that most people have a phone and metronomes are free.

    And most have already got physical overdrives, fuzzes and wahs etc.. but they're in the KPA today. A fully integrated solution is the KPA so a metronome is a musician's best AND needed teacher/friend.

    Live outputs? Well, if you can handle/program the rest of the KPA for live use you SHOULD be able to certainly ensure it WON'T appear at the outputs. Wouldn't you agree.

    Well, it's been over 10yrs since the basic musician's tool was requested. To 'me', that certainly makes it clear it will never happen which is a real shame and I do hope I'm wrong.

    As previously mentioned, everyone benefits having an onboard metronome because it all starts with the player's ability regardless of what they plug in to & I was hoping CK would prioritize such a fundamental need/tool for all musicians regardless of age/ability.

    Again, this has been requested over 10yrs ago so nobody is trying to hog Kemper resources by jumping to the front of the line for this request follow up.

    I think you're kind of missing the point here. I agree that after 5 different EQ's in your chain, you might as well find a different profile. But, it's not so much about adding yet another EQ option, but rather reorganizing the interface so that we can consolidate all of our EQ options to the dedicated EQ block. Mainly, so we don't tie up a potentially valuable fx block with an EQ

    Okay, this makes more sense to me but I 'sort of' get the impression that CK wants to keep the amp block looking & functioning like a real guitar amp for the guitarist & the masses. This was the original vision of the KPA to be a 'guitar amp'.

    Maybe CK can chime in today & give us his thoughts as he may see & accept your point.

    The Kemper has a multitude of EQs already.

    If you can't achieve the sound you want already I would 'consider' user failure OR you're trying to morph a profile into something that it isn't meant to be. Too many options are TOO MANY options which normally result in overkill & losing your way. It's a limited frequency guitar you're playing, not a modular MOOG synthesizer.

    There are bigger fish to fry first before 'another' EQ is added. 'Maybe' after that.

    In the meantime load more profiles & try those first before more add of EQs. Maybe change guitars that have different pickups in them to achieve what you're after?

    So this is more like a soft switch that is triggered by higher notes, differentiating between chords and single notes.

    Not a real follower.

    Morning CK - whatever it's called & functions as it would serve me & many others well.

    Any chance of it being in the KPA's future?

    I have no doubt your approach would be different & unique however, your creation would be of greater advantage & use to your community.

    I have a genius thought that I'd like to share.

    Why don't we actually ask CK to comment on this so he can explain his thoughts and how it pertains to the KPA hardware/processor etc etc...

    Paging @CK, paging @CK - can you please add your thoughts to this thread so we can All understand more about it from someone who knows.

    Thanking you in advance naturally.

    You guys are missing the point entirely and it's a concern.

    I'm a professional and have been for more than 30 years, I also have outboard gear such as an Eventide H8000 & H9000 along with Lexicon racks etc. I could very easily hook these up to the KPA as some have suggested like Metronomes and apps etc ...

    The request is to make the KPA a stand alone fully integrated musician's 'tool'. This means the one KPA does as much as it can to assist the musician.

    The KPA is not a stand alone amp and it's not a stand alone effects rack, it's an integrated musician's tool. This is the world today.

    A metronome is a far more deeper training tool than drum loops etc, professionals use metronomes and not drum loops.
    Formal music training/learning is always done with a metronome and again, not a drum loop.

    If you don't want it, stay out of the tread and leave our request for CK to determine its validity.

    In fact, do us all a GREAT favour and delete your posts as not to pollute our request. I don't come into your threads and denounce your requests.

    Here´s another take on the "problem" with "bad timing" ;)

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    I get what you're saying however, when a musician can play accurate timing they THEN have the ability to move the beat anywhere before and after the absolute and keep time to suit the feel they're after. (tight, sloppy, abstract, tension, dragging etc etc ...)

    The fact is this ability, at call, is what all the greats have and what separates them from the rest of us. (Jimmy Page is a master of this)

    Again, a metronome is 'needed' by everyone and not just wanted by a few.

    -1 i don't like this idea , my marshall has no click and my mesa also.

    i'm still waiting when the next user argument's ... this Kemper is to complex to work with. too much options.

    The day when you play in front of the thousands and Kemper starts klicking because you hit the wrong button. ... :)

    No comparison as your Marshall & Mesa have tubes and no LCD screen.8o8o8o8o

    We NEED a metronome and as someone above said, the KPA has timing ability already with BPM etc etc.. so on face value all that's required is an audio output attached to the internal clock with a few user adjustable filters added.

    Bad timing is the number one problem individuals and bands suffer and always have.

    A metronome is a 100% positive to all.

    Have I missed something and I'm not doing something correctly using the editor?

    I can't see any adjustment capability for either creating a user scale selecting he custom intervals or adjusting a previously saved user scale note intervals/degrees.

    Programming user scales is tedious and off putting and I was hoping the editor would make the task far more easy and in fact, enjoyable to do.

    If I've missed anything please let me know asap.

    If I haven't do you have any idea on an ETA for this?



    Before I get into it below I just want to reiterate this is ONLY about the "custom scales' function and no other harmonisation functionality in the KPA.

    I honestly fail to see the problem OR difficulty of replacing numbers with actual 'note names'.

    Eventide are no slouch in this dept. and have done EXTENSIVE market research over decades and yet there is a pushback here, why? Eventide's UI approach to this is considered world's best practice. Again, because it works.

    The most comprehensive and far reaching fix would be to have the existing note numbers and you can THEN toggle and have actual note names showing instead. (If it's too difficult to toggle between both actual note names should be the only thing showing)

    Everyone is a winner and the current Kemper design is still in play commercially.

    I guarantee MORE guitarists, universally, know the note names on their instrument than the many scale construction intervals & degrees.

    This should be so simple and yet time is being wasted going back and forth for nothing gained.

    hjscheffler - Hi again.

    Attached are 2 screens that show you the scale the user has created in the first screen and the second screen shows you the offset/harmony note that has been selected against the note E. (G plus G lower octave as this is a two note harmony scale that has been created.)

    As you can see, you can select the offset note plus you have the ability to select the cents which enables you to fine tune EVERY offset/Harmony note differently to the note you're playing in real time if you like. This gives a lot of realism to the harmony note when played as two guitarists are NEVER in tune together perfectly. Add to that you can delay EACH harmony note DIFFERENTLY as no two guitarists are perfectly in time with each other. Effectively you have the closest thing to another guitarist playing in realtime with you when you use the custom scales option.