Posts by Hudiluma

    It’s been said before, but I find that focusing on all the great stuff I can already do with my Kemper is a more satisfying approach than longing for updates I’d like but don’t have.

    It’s remarkable really that Kemper is still supporting such relatively old hardware, most companies would have replaced the original Kemper with later versions, abandoning updates for the old Kempers and forcing people to buy new hardware each time. Or forcing people to pay for new software. That we still get free updates at all is a bonus, even if there’s a delay.

    Well it is the currently sold version you are mentioning. When just having purchased a profiler it is NOT remarkable at all that it is "still" supported. But you are right with getting free new functions is great. The functions and parameters that I never used until today outnumber by far the ones that I know and use. Anyhow really looking forward to the splitter effect and having mentioned that... in how many songs in a bands setlist I intend to use it? Not that much! So my conclusion: We love new stuff!

    Beppo, JohnnyBee und Ingolf, vielen Dank für den Thread für die Beiträge. Ich nutze den Toaster/Remote zu Hause und für Gigs und Rack/Remote im Übungsraum. Da ich nur wenige aber doch wichtige Sounds mit viel Effekt nutze/benötige und nach vielen Jahren "Balletttanzen"- Erfahrungen Effektpedale nicht mehr nutze, werde ich den Player nicht in Betracht ziehen. Aber cool finde ich die kleine Kiste trotzdem ;)

    Hey DutchGuitarDude1,

    I use guitar cabs in the rehearsal room only and use FR (Active Kone or any other monitor of the venue) in every other situation, because I am lazy and I like both solutions. In my experiance the range/angle of a guitar cab is not made for the small stages I gig. I would have to be 3-5 meters away and in direct line to the cab to hear myself good and do not annoy anybody else with a compensating loud volumen. So FR is for me the choice for gigs.

    With cab sim off in my rehearsal room my 4x12 Marshall 1960 gives the celesion colour to my sounds and I love the sound of it and the moving air of a guitar cab. My bandmades and me found the right spot for the cab and the best volumen. I use the same pofiles for both solutions,

    Best regards


    Hey good topic!

    I use a setup which I use since entering midi in ..... oooops 1992:

    Each song in the set has an individual performance, even if the song needs less than 5 sounds/tones.

    1. Slot is a clean Twin (some with compressor) -> easy to find position in stage trouble ;)

    2. Slot is a Deluxe in light crunch setting

    3. Slot is LEAD

    4. Slot is a tone with certain effects if need

    5. Slot is the main rhythm tone -> easy to find position in stage trouble ;)

    I dimmed my tab LED down so position!

    Slots 3-5 are in most cases the most song related tones. Slots 1-2 are defaults.

    Best regards


    Yes and yes and yes! My experiance with a marshall tube poweramp was a complete desaster. I change to a solid state marshall wich can be switched to linear -> no tube simulation. BUT I still use guitar cabs and switched off the speaker simulation when not using the kone. I love it even in mind that i don't use the profile completely. But in gear there is IMO no wrong. If it works for you, it just f****g works. End of story!

    BTW love the Tube-KPA, looks awesome!!!

    Dear AdamMassacre1981!

    I know exactely what you are going through, but I agree with V8guitar. It is a bug that is planted and you have to get lost of it. How? Well I have a certain favorite Mars profile for a moderate gain sound, that is depending on my daily mood sometimes a bit too harsh. Everytime that happens I noodle a while with an even more harsh JSX profile, which I like too, and than switch back to the Mars. This is maybe foolish, but for me it works most of the times.

    Anyhow it is not the worst decision to have a propper setup of your axe's ;)

    All the best to everybody out there!

    Hallo zusammen,

    vielleicht hilft mein seit Jahren praktiziertes Vorgehen:

    Wir haben ca. 50 Songs im Portfolio der abrufbaren Songs in der Band. Std. habe ich alle Performances nach Namen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge im Profiler.

    Vor jedem Gig sortiere ich die Performances mit dem RigManager auf dem Profiler in der Reihenfolge des/der Sets und bin dann beim Gig mit einem Step beim nächsten Song. Schnell, praktisch und bei guter Vorarbeit/Kontrolle sicher. Nach dem Gig sortiere ich wieder zurück oder spiele ein Backup ein.

    Anmerkung: Bisher kann mam leider diese Arbeit nicht im RigManager in einem Ordner vorbereiten, um diesen dann per Drap and Drop auf den Profiler zu legen. Aber vielleicht kommt das ja noch.



    Almost without exception, every engineer I meet goes " oh great, a Kemper".

    That's my experiance too! And to repeat the others: just find your way for your monitoring on stage! I tried successfully the following ways:

    Option 1: an exclusive FR floor monitor for KPA only, works fine. You can adjust your level any time.

    Option 2: just the FR floor monitor with everything else on it, works fine if the sound man is reacting and dailing in as needed.

    Option 3: active kone, works fine. You can adjust your level any time.

    I prefer Option 2, cause it works, and there is another item you do not have to deal with!

    My main pro argument is: when using a tube amp, it usually has a sweet spot in volume to tone. Most of the stages I play on are small. In the past I was not able to turn the amp up to his sweet spot, cause it was too loud and the full volumen was 3-5 meters away, I was about 1 meter away. So my stage sound was in most cases shit. Now I have my sound in ANY volumen and can place my KAB or FR monitor to the best angle of my ears and I sounds killer!

    I own the powered cab. My experience is good. It is solid, is loud and sounds good. I would like to lift it to a bigger angle but the radius of sound is better/wider than a regular guitar speaker.... nothing to complain! well as BayouTexan wrote, it's working as it should. Feel free to ask if you have specific topics!

    Theres a lot of myths around power conditioners and also I believe ( I could be wrong ) that dodgy electricty is less impactful of digital signals than analogue - obviously depends where in the chain.

    I run a cheap power conditioner and I suspect it makes no difference.

    In my personal view, I've experienced way less electrical noise with digital amps than vavle amps, but even then unless you play in many different countries and at festivals with generators, its not that common...

    I could not agree more :)