Posts by snake626

    Hey there!

    Since when i've bought the Kemper i've been really satisfied by its "through the cab" tone. After making some comparison between the tone of the KPA with and without its inner cabinet profile i came across a problem that i need to solve in order to achieve the best studio tone out of the box.

    Actually it sounds way better when plugged in my cabinet (a custom one with V30 speakers) than when connected to my studio monitor and with the cabinet emulation.
    I've tested lots of different cabinet from other profiles and didn't find anything so close to the real thing to satisfy me. It sounds good, but it hasn't the headroom and the punch of the v30s.

    Are there any good and realistic cabinet profiles on the net? I've tested till's one and i actually use the "Mars 1960" one, that still not sounding so good as i want it's way better than any mesa's and orange's profiles.

    (I mostly play metalcore/hardcore/mathcore)

    Hi to everyone!

    I got my KPA 1 month ago and i'm really happy with it... Maybe "him" is more appropriated.

    I used it recently for a gig and had no problem, but i think that i can make everything more simple switching my Midi channels through a midi interface connected to my Mac, using logic.

    The only thing is that i don't know how to do that, can anyone explain how can i program the kemper's midi channels's changes on logic?

    Thank you

    Ok! Found out that the real problem was the profile itself, i chose another cab and tweaked the studio equalizer. The actual sound is much better but i'm worried about one thing: friday i'll have the new power amp (peavey's ipr1600) so i'll play the kpa through the real cabinet (a custom one with v30s).

    1- Will the profile sound be affected too much for this?
    2- Can i adjust the profile to fit well with the real cab still having the 'old' profile with his profiled cab out of the XLR or 1/4' output on board?

    What about adams monitor? The only thing is that they are a little bit expensive... I'm going to buy a power amp (maybe the peavey's ipr1600, 350€) so i would like not to spend more than 300€ in studio monitors. The yahama ones are too high-oriented for me, i also record music, and when i first listened a complete song through those monitors (without a sub) i hardly heard the bass and the kick, so i'm looking for monitors that cover the wider spectrum of frequencies, any suggestion?

    Sorry, this isn't the right section i suppose, but though registered as kemper owner i can't start a new thread in the private forum.

    I've bought a KPA 5 days ago, and noticed that trough my monitor speaker (crappy behringer ms40) the tone of the distorted profile are very "low" in frequency and "undefined" in tone. I've tried lowing down the bass of the monitor and tweaking the EQ on the profile but the problem still remains, the tone is still "acid" and unrealistic. I'm selling my previous amp, an Engl Steve Morse because of the awesome tone that kpa should have, so i'm a little bit upset for the unclear tone i get.

    I now almost play very high gain profiles, i've bought some professional profile from soundside (Diezel VH4) and some other ones for clean tones at TheAmpFactory, and they should sound realistic!

    I brought the kpa in the rehearsing room and plugged it in the power amp section of my amp to use the cabinet and it sounds way better, for this reason i'm going to buy a standalone power amp for better results.

    Regarding my home tone condiction, are the monitor speaker that make the profile sound unrealistic? What do you think the problem is?

    Hoping to find a solution
