Posts by KPA_Leader

    I have been a long time user of OD pedals with my tube amps and have about fifteen of them in my collection. For the last few years I have tried to use them with my Kemper without success in getting them to work and sound like they do with my tube amps. So after playing with the built in OD and EQ settings I was able to get close to the kind of OD sound I wanted without using pedals. So now those pedals are for use with my tube amps and during profiling.

    Being that I am a pedal junkie :D Or just need a reason to buy things, I have turned my attention to distortion pedals. I have found that the distortion pedals work incredibly well with the Kemper and I get fantastic results. So I will document any pedals I get here and the pros and cons I find. I hope others will add their favorite pedals too.

    Why do you think the OD pedals don't work well in front but the DIST pedals do? What OD and EQ settings are you using in the Kemper?

    I ran 5.0 this weekend for a pretty big event. Just before one of the songs started that I had to play an important intro for, I looked down at my foot controller and my performances were auto scrolling very quickly stopping at 100. I wasn't pushing any buttons as this was happening. I missed the intro unfortunately, the songs started a bit lame, but we recovered.

    My foot controller was not responding immediately so I had to bend down to my kemper head to scroll very quickly back to the correct performance. Then everything was fine.

    Is this a 5.0 issue? Has this happened to anyone else?

    I completely agree. KPA Leader can create his or her own separate dropbox thread for good sounding, though not artist or song inspired, delays. That would be a perfectly valid and useful thread as well. You're both right, but keeping them separate is a good way to allow the rest of us to fine tune our searches.
    Keep on Kemper brothers, peaceably as always.

    Yes, this is a good idea. However I will wait to see how this thread progresses, I downloaded all the presets last night and tried them out, all are great. I'd like to see how this evolves and if I feel something else is needed then I can create it. My interest would be FX presets for the Praise & Worship genre, which ends up being very ambient and .8 delays and the like. But really I'm interested in anything that sounds great. Hopefully someone more qualified then me would start something and I can contribute.

    Feel free to post your cool personal delay sound here with your settings, so every user can decide to try it. I only want put artist delays in my dropbox datapool, because otherwise it's to much work/time. Sorry for that, my intension is, you look in that pool, you search for a cool Vai, Lukather, Petrucci and so on ....delay sound and you'll find it here.

    @Eltzejupp, why would you not open up the dropbox for others to add whatever preset content that they want? I'm not sure if you familiar with the Eventide H9 community, but they have an H9 presets dropbox that is shared with all users who ask to join. Anyone who has the dropbox shared with them can add content. You personally taking the time to create the presets and adding them to your dropbox takes a significant amount of effort on your part, so I can see why you would like to limit it to only artist related content. But what I am suggesting is that all you would have to do is give people access to the dropbox. This allows users to add content to the database themselves. This then opens up the possibility for the content to grow more quickly and be more varied instead of pigeonholing it to a very specific purpose that only you are able to add to. Does this make sense?

    Instead what you will force is for someone else to create a separate dropbox that IS more flexible and that will encourage others to add content to that is not necessarily artist related but is still a valuable contribution. I hope my point makes sense and is considered.

    "The Swell parameter engages an auto-swell effect at the input of the delay that lets the volume rise slowly".

    This sentence contains an accurate choice of words to describe the function of the parameter - it affects only the delay input, not the dry signal.

    I guess I agree with you in a technical sense, however I would assume that many others, not just me would see a "Swell" parameter and then read the manual and come to the same conclusion as me, that if I adjust that parameter I would get an "auto swell" type effect. That my direct signal attack would also have a volume swell. The fact that I have to change two other parameters to achieve this was not intuitive to me at all.

    If the manual simply were to describe this setting a little more clearly with an explain that if you want a "auto swell" type affect try a 100% delay mix and a very short delay time. I guess in order to fully take advantage of the delay algos I need to actually understand how they work, lol.

    The swell parameter only affects the delayed signal, so it's normal that you still hear your pick attack as you're playing (direct signal). Only the delayed signal (echoes) should have a "swell" effect. To hear this most clearly, set a long delay time. And set the Mix parameter of the delay effect to "100%/100%" (in the middle). That way, you should clearly hear the normal direct signal while your playing, and the swelling delays coming in after that.

    If what you're looking for is a swell effect as you're playing, so not just on the delayed signal, try the settings listed here (link).

    Also, make sure you're using the delay effect after the amp section. The compression from the amp could mask the gradual swell of the delays.

    You mention a "Direct mix" parameter but as I recall there is no parameter with that exact name in the delay effect. I assume you're referring to the "Direct mix" parameter in the Amp section, but that only affects the direct/processed balance of the Amp section itself, not the other effects. You should indeed keep it at 0%.

    The Mix parameter in the delay effect works as follows:

    • All the way to the left (0%): direct signal only, no delay audible;
    • In the middle (100%/100%): direct and delayed signal equally loud;
    • All the way to the right (0%/100%): delayed signal only, no direct signal.

    The swell parameter only affects the delayed signal.... I guess I'm trying to understand then what is meant by the manual when it says "The Swell parameter engages an auto-swell effect at the input of the delay that lets the volume rise slowly".

    The way the manual read I assumed it meant that my "input" signal would be dampened. But you are saying only the repeats are dampened? If this is the case then I'm thinking about this the wrong way. So the delay algo takes one input, the guitar signal (input 1) and splits it into two "signal paths", 1 for the dry guitar signal (input 2), 1 for the wet delayed effect (input 3). I had assumed that when the manual was saying "input of the delay" that they were referring to what I'm calling "input 1". But what I'm hearing is that only "input 3" is getting the swell effect. So to get the type of swell effect I'm expecting to hear where there is zero initial attack I would indeed have to have the mix parameter all the way up 0%/100% to get rid of the direct signal. If this is true then I was wrong and I was just thinking about this incorrectly.

    The Direct Mix parameter I was speaking of was the Amp section parameter as you mentioned. Okay, I thought this parameter was more like the parallel path parameter, I did not understand how this work until you explained it. Thank you for that.

    Did you make sure to set the delay mix to the maximum value like Robrecht suggested?

    I can do this and have tried it, but I don't understand the point unless to confirm that I don't have a parrallel path on. It does get rid of my initial attack, yes. However the Swell parameter as described should not be dependent on the delay mix parameter, if it does then the manual should be written to say so. Right?

    Can you or someone from Kemper make a preset that is intended to be a true "Swell" using this feature as you have intended it and then make a recording of what it should sound like? Then I can import this preset and compare how yours sounds to how mine sounds? I know users have made Swell presets and have uploaded them however I'm not sure if they have been designed as you intended this feature to be utilized, so I wouldn't trust the results.

    Per the manual addendum for 5.0 the new Swell feature within some of the delay algo's should do this:

    The Swell parameter engages an auto-swell effect at the input of the delay that lets the volume rise slowly with everynew strike of the strings. At low values, only the pick attack is dampened, creating a smoother delay signal. Withlarger values, the onset of the notes is blurred, creating a pad-like delay.

    Changing this parameter does not behave at all like what is described here. Basically what IS happening is that at 0% the preset sounds as it should, when turned up even to 100% I still get the FULL guitar signal and attack coming through! Per the description above the volume at the input of the delay should start low or zero and rise slowly with every new strike of the strings. This parameter does not work like this for me!

    I've checked every parameter I can find in the kemper and nothing seems to fix this. Can you guys give me ideas of things to check? I must have some setting turned on my kemper that is allowing my guitar signal to pass all the way through my kemper even though it should not. Here's my settings and what I'm running:

    • I'm running Master Stereo from my Main Outputs - tried both XLR and 1/4" to my QSC speaker
    • Direct Mix is set to 0%
    • I've changed just about every other parameter I can to see if it has an effect, I've found nothing that has fixed the issue

    Any ideas? Does this sound right to you guys? Does this parameter work as described for anyone else?

    The hold function is a "dynamic" feature, my way of saying, it will hold whatever it heard last, which means you have to turn it on and off while using it. You can control it from a foot switch on the remote I believe. But try this first, go into edit mode on the delay slot, tab over to the edit screen with the hold soft button. Make sure it is "off", strum your guitar, you should hear the delay, then press the hold soft button to turn the effect on, it should capture and continue to repeat whatever it was "hearing" when you push the button. Let us know if it doesn't work. Ideally you would toggle the hold function on and off with a footswitch I think...

    Hey guys, I think I must have a weird setting on my Kemper engaged or something. The new "Swell" feature has zero effect on the sound whether at a value of 0 or 10. According to the manual, larger values should blur the onset of notes creating a pad like delay. This does not happen when I adjust the swell parameter. In fact nothing changes, it sounds exactly the same. I tried it on several presets and it doesn't seem to do anything. Any ideas?

    What is the summary of issues this release is having so far? How reliable is it proving to be? I have an event I'm playing for in 3 weeks. I would love to be able to take advantage of the new delays, but I don't want to introduce an OS that may cause me issues live. Anyone going to gig with 5.0 this coming week/ weekend that can report back?

    Nikos, I agree with you. This is why I started this thread. I saw that people were talking as though new reverbs were coming. Really causing a lot of people to now expect this. I always had my doubts since I'd never actually heard anyone from Kemper make this statement so thought it would be a good idea to (re)set expectations of the community regarding reverbs, really in support of the Kemper team. Really so there would be a clear understanding of what is and is not being worked on so that the Kemper team can have a little space on this.

    we've showed a technology preview of some delays which will be a part of a future update. we haven't shown a new reverb or announced it officially.

    People are continuing to talk about the release of reverbs as though G String's statement said something different than what he did. I think the point behind no reverbs have been shown or officially announced is, don't count on them coming now or in the near future. I think we need to acknowledge that Kemper may not be working on this or they are doing some behind the scenes algo coding and testing to test feasibility before committing to anything or making any announcements. This seems like the reasonable conclusion. My suggestion would be, give Kemper some space on this point. They said and showed delays are coming, so count on those. Reverbs on the other hand have not been shown or announced, so why are we even talking about those? My only hope would be that the reverb slot would some day support a stereo loop so I can put my own reverb there for now.

    If there was no statement and rumors have gained momentum and everyone is now expecting reverbs, when maybe that was never Kemper's intent to release with the delays, but maybe at a later time, then did we delay the release of the delays just by creating this expectation? Meaning, Kemper can't release delays without reverbs because everyone would be upset. But they also can't announce that reverbs will not be released with delays because everyone would be upset. So now development is longer because it necessitates the time to be spent on reverb development so they can be released at the same time?

    I've thought about this since NAMM 2016, Kemper demoed some new delays, but said they would be released later. Everyone was excited about this. We've been told to look for them in V5.0. Everyone on the forums are somehow assuming new reverbs will be included with the new delays. Did Kemper ever actually say this? Where did this information come from? Is it just a rumor?