Posts by KPA_Leader

    I was just thinking today something like this is needed. I want to be able to lock my amp section. However I want the option to override this for 1 particular rig which i have setup as an acoustic DI for my acoustic guitar. If I locked my amp section for my electric, I'd have to come up with a whole separate acoustic rig instead of using my acoustic DI profiles.

    A lock override would be awesome!

    Reading all of this, I'm not sure now I made a good decision to by the H9. I have an H9 Max on the way, based on this, sounds like it would make more sense to return it since the Kemper's delays and reverbs are on par with the H9. I'm not a heavy effects guy anyway, however, I do enjoy quality as most so I was thinking that the H9 had Delays and Reverbs on a whole other level, but sounds like that just isn't the case.

    Baded on my points above, do you agree, its most likely redundant for me?

    Barry, just spend some time with the H9 for the fun of it. You may enjoy it more than messing around with the effects on Kemper. I bought an H9 max and messed around with it a bit. It was really easy to get good delay and reverb sounds out of it. What I struggled with was the routing, sending cables to and from my Kemper head, its just messy and felt like a lot of work every time i was setting up my rig. And then I could not put the H9 in the reverb slot to use it only for reverb and put Kemper delays in front. Kemper does not allow you to change the Reverb slot to anything but their reverbs. In this case it was unpractical for me, especially after the new delays came out, they are pretty good and you can get good ambient sounds from them which i was looking for. In the end I sold it because I never used it. I have a Helix on the way though, the routing on that is is much easier and it's all on the floor, so it would be easier for me to just set up an H9 on a pedal board and be done with it, sooooo... maybe I will get an H9 again someday. We shall see...

    I don't want to be critic.
    KPA team hard doing their job and they are geniuses.But, why they spending time with new delay features ?For many us this features aren't useful.

    Dear Kemper.
    We are guitarist and we need something like perhaps Dual tracking or metronome, looper synchronizing etc.

    But, again ,,YOU ARE THE BEST" :thumbup:

    I know ,I know.!!! Every updates are free,and is not correct to criticize.

    This post is a bit uncalled for, just because you don't need or want it does not mean others don't want it. Sure for the genre of music you play maybe you don't want these delay updates. But for many of us out here, they are very much welcomed. I will be selling my Eventide H9 Max today because these updates have made it useless to me.

    Kemper, keep up the good work and continue to work on whatever you feel passionate about. We will continue to welcome the updates as you bring them and continue to be patient for the things that we personally want.

    Don't forget that you can use morphing to control the mix of an effect, which means you can eliminate it by setting mix to 0.
    edit: You can also reassign the Looper button on the remote to an effect. I believe the same applies to the Tap and Tuner buttons, but you're more likely to need those as they are.

    I plan to use morphing to control reverb time. I am also using looper and tuner buttons. I like to have Tap available, so I won't be changing that one. Even with these extra two buttons, i still wish i could have at least two more without adding an extra switchs.

    I PM'd you about this, I've got some questions. I'm assuming your comp is always on? So the first clean boost is to drive the green scream or mouse harder? How do you typically do your gain staging with this setup? And the second clean boost in the effects section is for a solo boost? As far as how you are setting up the remote to control all of this since there are only 4 switches, how are you doing this? I'm asuming you are using 1 switch for both delays and just swapping between the two, so there is one. And then for the two drives, there's two right there, unless you are switching between them on one switch? And then the first clean boost gets its own switch? That could be 3 or 4 switches used right there depending on how you set it up, if the two drives are combined I guess that could give you room for that 2nd effects boost. Just curious how you do it. I'd like to try this setup out but I don't want to have to have a separate slot with the same exact setup to switch different things because I can't fit it all the remote switching in one slot. I hope that makes sense. I guess you could use the tuner and looper buttons to control your boosts as well.
    So when you say that some slots have the delay repeats change as well for a more ambient sound, what exactly are you doing here? Just increasing the number of repeats? Are you going for a wash here or something you can use for swells?

    Sorry for all the questions, I've been struggling how to setup a perfmormance to be able pretty much do anything with it I will need to do instead of setting up one performance or slot per song, I just can't do that for how we do worship which is very free flow, we have a setlist planned, but only rarely do we follow it, more often than not we are pulling songs on the fly as needed, which we can do since we are working from computer screens and PDFs, if the worship leader pulls up a new song or an old one we haven't done in a long time, we play it right then, live with no planning or practice, fun, but requires a lot of flexibility with sounds.

    After actually trying your setup out as described I was bummed to remember that controlling two delays from 1 remote button doesn't really work. This will only swap between the two, always leaving one on. So to control 2 overdrives, and 2 delays, that takes up every slot pretty quickly. The only other option is to use my looper and tuner buttons to control two other things. The kemer remote really is limiting for those of us that are trying to use 1 rig for most of what they want to do.

    Kemper seem to be trying to WoW us with all this technical crap with the effects section when more than anything I think most guitar players wane TONE and not gimmics.

    I would disagree with with this, if you've been following the threads here for the last couple of years, there has been a massive group of people begging for the delay updates we just got in 5.0. I think many can get the "tone" they want from the available drive and dist stomps in addition to the thousands and thousands of profiles available out there, but they couldn't get different delay sounds without using outside effects units in the effects loop, until now. The morphing feature I think was an unexpected upgrade that I think some overlook, but many have found it very useful.

    Everyone's needs are different! That said, if Kemper released additional drive stomps or drive pedal profiling, i would be ecstatic!

    I used to use a Neunaber Wet reverb in the loop, but I simplified and now just use the Kemper all by itself. The neunaber wet worked great in the loop, but it is a lot easier to setup/take down and the built in Kemper effects sound good too. I use the built in drives and turn them on/off just like I would in a pedalboard. In the stomps section I have a compressor, clean boost, green scream, mouse ds, in the effects section I have s clean boost (for level) 2 delays (on in the mod slot one in delay slot) I switch between a straight forward 1/4 note delay or .8th delay as needed) and a reverb. For each slot, I have morph set to change the reverb time from short to long (some slots have the delays change repeats too), that way I can go from a more ambient sound if I need to for that particular song. I'm using Mbritts' AC30 profile and it sounds great!

    I PM'd you about this, I've got some questions. I'm assuming your comp is always on? So the first clean boost is to drive the green scream or mouse harder? How do you typically do your gain staging with this setup? And the second clean boost in the effects section is for a solo boost? As far as how you are setting up the remote to control all of this since there are only 4 switches, how are you doing this? I'm asuming you are using 1 switch for both delays and just swapping between the two, so there is one. And then for the two drives, there's two right there, unless you are switching between them on one switch? And then the first clean boost gets its own switch? That could be 3 or 4 switches used right there depending on how you set it up, if the two drives are combined I guess that could give you room for that 2nd effects boost. Just curious how you do it. I'd like to try this setup out but I don't want to have to have a separate slot with the same exact setup to switch different things because I can't fit it all the remote switching in one slot. I hope that makes sense. I guess you could use the tuner and looper buttons to control your boosts as well.

    So when you say that some slots have the delay repeats change as well for a more ambient sound, what exactly are you doing here? Just increasing the number of repeats? Are you going for a wash here or something you can use for swells?

    Sorry for all the questions, I've been struggling how to setup a perfmormance to be able pretty much do anything with it I will need to do instead of setting up one performance or slot per song, I just can't do that for how we do worship which is very free flow, we have a setlist planned, but only rarely do we follow it, more often than not we are pulling songs on the fly as needed, which we can do since we are working from computer screens and PDFs, if the worship leader pulls up a new song or an old one we haven't done in a long time, we play it right then, live with no planning or practice, fun, but requires a lot of flexibility with sounds.

    @nightlight and @drog you guys are more onto what I'm thinking. Many times I use the OD stomps for dirt, I'm limited to only one verb and a few delays in one rig, so I would need to have a bigger verb and other delay options in other rigs, but when I switch those stomps turn back off. I think there can many ways to do this. It could be cool to stay in the same rig and click a button to be able to cycle through delay or verb presets. That would be cool.

    I have a good idea for NAMM! Profiling OD pedals! Now that would be a cool announcement! Positive Grid is doing it with their Bias Distortion unit, but I think Kemper has the pedigree to do a much better job at it. This would solve their OD options issue. Then people could just profile whatever OD pedals they want! I can dream!

    I can't imagine what pedal builders would do if OD pedal profiling went mainstream with a platform like the Kemper. They would probably get really nervous that's for sure.

    Maybe this has already been requested. I like to have "tones on tap" without the need to setup multiple rigs and performances. With a traditional pedal board using a delay pedal such as an H9 or TimeLine with presets you are able to keep all your rig settings the same and only change the delay setting for example.

    It would be great if while in a rig we could cycle through delay or reverb settings. This would significantly simplify things for me. Seems like the profiler/modeler methodology of late has been to create rigs that have a very specific purpose. In order to change it significantly you have to create another rig or patch. The trouble is, if I want to leave my two OD pedals ON and only change my delay type, I might have to create a separate rig to do this and when I switch to that separate rig the default setting of my ODs may be OFF.

    The reason this would be very useful to me is my setlist each week is unknown, many times I don't know what song I'm going to play until it's in front of me in a live setting. So to be able to have a pallet of settings available to me to be able to mix and match on the fly would be incredible. The only way to do this right now for me is to have separate delay / reverb pedals, which I would prefer not to have really. Especially since the Kemper is not a floorboard unit, to run instrument cables back and forth from my pedal board to my Kemper head is really not ideal.

    Does this make sense? Has this been requested? Is there already a way to do what I'm asking?

    I think that the reverbs and overdrives should be released pretty soon. An all-in-one floorboard should be in the works (my guess: no later than NAMM 2018)

    I didn't know Kemper was working on overdrives, where did you hear this?

    Also, the floorboard unit "should be in the works", is this just speculation from you?

    I think that the reverbs and overdrives should be released pretty soon. An all-in-one floorboard should be in the works (my guess: no later than NAMM 2018)....particularly considering the success that Line 6 has had with the Helix - I imagine that it's hard for CK to watch those missed sales opportunities.
    There is at least one more stunning new feature in the works for the current hardware, that may show up at NAMM. Don't ask, I can't say.....I am not an alpha/beta tester; I just talked with CK.

    Will just have to wait and see! I'd buy a floor unit in a heartbeat. I've been on the fence multiple times to downgrade to a Helix just because it's an all in one floor unit. I feel gross just saying it. I've decided to hold out at least till winter NAMM just to see what is next on the horizon.

    Any new winter NAMM speculation now that we are getting close and OS 5.0 with delays has been released?

    All in one Kemper floor board?
    Kemper MAC/PC software editor?
    More overdrive/ distortion algos?

    Has anyone heard any official release info yet about anything?

    I'm not sure what is happening here, but when I plug into Rig Manager, even though I only have 350 or so rigs, it pops up a warning and says I have more than 1000 rigs loaded and I need to do a back up and delete some. Then it starts to do a rig sync. When it's done it shows me 1000 rigs, 650 of them or so are empty rigs that are named after some old rigs that I have since moved over to my local library. Something is really wigging out here. Is this happening to someone else? This does not seem right or good at all.

    thanks for the description.If the feedback was turned up to a high value, reducing the delay time to very short values would produce exactly this - even in an analog delay btw. ;)

    @DonPetersen - I don't have a lot of history with delays to know the reason behind this. Can you give a short explanation why this occurs under these settings? I've heard this before too when messing with the delays, but I never would have thought it was supposed to happen. Whats the "science" behind it?

    I will take some pictures later and post. I think I've owned it for more than 12 months now so not sure if I would be under warranty or not anymore. No damage to my Kemper because of this thankfully. When it broke it was already low to the ground, so no harm done.

    I wonder what weight it is rated for? I keep my kemper (w/ all the cables I need in the power amp cavity since i have a non powered unit) and the remote in the large section. One mission expression pedal in the front. My in-ear monitor case on one side and sometimes an acoustic DI box on the other side. I will admit, all of this does feel pretty heavy, but the bag is plenty big to fit all of this gear and none of this is out of the ordinary for someone to carry.