Posts by ReDRuM

    Editors are not for kids only. It's been established by most of the Kemper community based on my quick reading that an editor is needed. If KPA doesn't produce and editor at some point, then it's lagging behind. The user interface is nice but if studios and everyone is using computer software (DAWs) to record, it's a no brainer that an editor is desperately needed.

    I agree 100%

    Why do you think an editor is necessary for the Kemper?
    I think editing cannot get much easier.
    The KPA mostly works like an actual amplifier. I like it that way.

    Maybe for you, but recall and editing is what kids these days are used to. I'm not saying I like that workflow, or that it's better. I'm just saying that I believe it's very important for a product to have an editor. I might be wrong, of course.

    I think that these days, workflow is everything. If the KPA team doesn't come up with an editor soon, Bias Head will be serious competition. If it's comparable in sound quality, of course :)

    You can use in in both directions, but not simultaneously as far as I know. But is there any need for the other direction? I want to go from Kemper to Mac, not more. Or is it about reamping?

    Yes, I use my KPA almost exclusively for reamping. If anyone finds something, please let us know :)

    I read your discovery with great interest. Didn't know about the TOSlink connector before.
    Now I've been searching the interwebz for a 2-way converter (IN and OUT in one small box, one power adapter) but I can't find one. Your idea is great for just recording. But I would like to have both at hand without 2 of these boxes and 2 power adapters flying around. Anyone found something already?

    I need that too... Haven't found anything useful

    2.4.0 was elevated to Release version by mistake only for 26 hours. As I said I would not even touch anything before it is out for at least two weeks. This way you would be safe even in case of this mistake. But this are only my 2cents.

    I agree, I wouldn't either. I'm not that keen on beta testing bugs. But it wasn't a choice. It was 2.4 or no RM, as I already said.

    Also, thanks for the offer to send me the earlier version of the RM. I solved my problem with backups. But thank you anyway!

    Not sure about this.
    I did catch it like:
    2.4.0 Public Beta available By Burkhard (Apr 27th 2014, 11:43am)
    2.4.0 Release now available By Burkhard (May 9th 2014, 8:33am)
    Correction: 2.4.0 still Public Beta By Burkhard (May 10th 2014, 10:58am)

    So version 2.4.0 was not meant to be Release.

    1. It doesn't matter! It was 2.4 or no RM.

    2. You are arguing for the sake of arguing. If the essence of the matter is not clear to you, I'm sorry. I think I've been perfectly clear.

    You are right, but it was a mistake on Kemper's side.
    I was rather referring to normal software development flow.
    I can tell you, that if I was dependent on Kemper as a tool used in production flow, I would not update to release version sooner as two week after release date and thorough forum reading. It's better to be safe than sorry in this case.

    So now it's not only about the BETA, now it's about the "not more then 2-weeks old RELEASE"... Come on :D

    You are aware of the fact that it was a either 2.4 or no Rig Manager choice?

    Thanks for the workflow suggestions. I've been doing this job for quite sometime and I'm well aware of what a beta is and what backups do. I have my stuff on 3 different HDs and there's no chance of me losing anything - I lost nothing here, only a couple of hours.

    Also, I'm sure that you are aware that in a busy environment a couple of hours of troubleshooting can be quite a "downer" :)

    Again, I'm not trying to say that something extra horrible happened, I'm just trying to communicate the importance of a changelog.

    As for this:

    The best solution here is not to use anything which is beta in production flow. It was said many times before. Beta version is only for users, who are willing to play with latest versions and to discover possible bugs. If you want to be sure to get bug-free firmware revisions, use only RELEASE versions and not BETAs.

    2.4 was originally intended to be a RELEASE version, that's why it was a requirement for the RM. It was IMPOSSIBLE to use a RELEASE version of the firmware with the RM. It was beta or nothing.

    Guys, it was obviously a MISTAKE by the KPA team. Nothing horrible. YES THEY DO MAKE MISTAKES, just admit it :D

    I'm not saying they are idiots for making a mistake, I'm saying they should keep a changelog. That's it. Stop beating a dead horse.

    Peto found a workaround for Rig Manager, will this help you get by for now? Workaround

    That brings us to another oversight by the Kemper team... You don't know that the latest Rig Manager version requires the 2.4 firmware :D It tells you that you need to update the firmware only after you have updated the RM. Nice.

    So by the time I have updated the RM, there was no way of reverting to the "old" RM to use the workaround solution, because on the KPA support page there are no links to download previous RM versions.

    Anyway, this is all too convolved.

    Point is -> They made a mistake, no one will die :) But put it in the damn CHANGELOG! :D

    I'm not a guitarist, I'm a professional sound engineer and I do this for a living.

    Problem 1:

    It's 2AM and I need to finish a reamping job fast (half of the album already reamped). Rig Manager is an important part of my workflow as I have made an extensive library of tones I prefer for specific genres / tasks / bands. I turn it on and figure out that I need to upgrade to the latest firmware version which is a BETA. So, I need to upgrade my KPA to a firmware that contains an IMPORTANT bug, and the Kemper team is aware of it. So... I can choose not to install the firmware or not use the Rig Manager (most profiles are not even on my KPA). What would you do?

    Problem 2:

    Let's say someone DOESN'T KNOW about the bug and reamps half of a project using the "buggy" firmware. Later, they update the firmware (keeping in mind that Kemper team promised that firmware upgrades will never change the CORE sound of a profile) but the SOUND IS CHANGED. I would go crazy!!

    Now, we can all agree that people / companies make mistakes, and that that's something that happens. But I think that the above scenario has clearly proven the point that A CHANGELOG MUST EXIST!!!!

    Don't put down other people's opinions on the matter just because it's "not that important" to you.