Posts by FractusAnimus

    Trying to figure this out to and had to walk away and watch some videos. Did you send from the DI track (set as send to to the new track and proper output from interface + reamp box?) which you will use as the reamp recorded track? Turn off or zero master track on DI. I haven't tried again yet as it took my whole day trying to figure this out despite being so "easy." It's a very frustrating process that I think most of the hang ups come from the routing in the DAW. Let me know if you figure it out. I don't use SPDIF, instead I'm trying to do the return.

    Well here it is. I'm extremely frustrated and perhaps just as dumb. I can not for the life of me figure out how to re-amp. I have a Little Labs 3D Phantom and I've watched videos, read the manual and just feel lost. Tried taking that out of the equation and tried just the profiler using direct for a DI source then tried reamping using the return. Just as lost. I'm using Reaper, set up channel 2 as my output for both scenarios to reamp and still getting the dry signal. Guess I'd like to figure this out ASAP as I just received the Little Labs box today and if I can't dumb it down I'm sending it back and using the terrible plug-ins with too many presets to scroll through. I think I have a de cent grasp on most things, even figured out how to take my Kemper apart and reseat the CPU, not sure why this is such a headache. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have just got back into recording and would like to use the best tool for amp tones.

    Well tomorrow is the day I place my order with zzounds for a nice new sparkly Kemper! I'm so excited to get this gear. My question to all you advanced users is what amps (FREE) would you recommend downloading from the rig exchange to really get the "holy sh*!" experience? I know I want to get the Marshall Golub, Ola Rectifier and the Caveman. Any other awesome standouts I should get? I do plan on buying some commercial packs from Andy in the future, but this is breaking the bank as is for the moment.Any advice is greatly appreciated! :thumbup:

    I totally agree! The eleven rack is a very very nice modeler with more than enough tones for a guitarist, but it leaves something to be desired with respect to 100% tube conviction. I have a few patches that come so so close, but with some of the better tones I have tried on Kemper (factory patches) they really made me GAS for the Kemper and with profiles from Amp Factory I am salivating! As I stated I already sold my Eleven Rack on eBay and still don't have a Kemper.Hey if you like your 11R and not the KPA, perhaps you could sell it to me :thumbup:

    This all just reminds me of the Pepsi vs Coca-Cola wars and the commercial where the guy from one cola company is in a cafe drinking the competitions brand. This is very entertaining! It all comes down to the consumer who makes the final decision and the company can market in a manner which they wish. I think it's very obvious who "takes the higher road" in this campaign. Scott, take great comfort in that you are regarded as a strong voice in the gear community, are you running for president? Didn't think so, so quit trying to convince us of who you think you are and who we know you are in regards to your affiliation. Whether you did or did not say anything positive or negative about Kemper is irrelevant in this thread, or any other thread for that matter. It is a discussion that has no final destination, it will run round and round. These topics go on everywhere; XBOX vs PS3, PC vs MAC, Samsung vs Sony, Latino women vs Asian women (Asian hands down!) The sinple fact is there are two top of the line guitar products for people to choose from aside from tubes and one owner is being dignified and the other not so much. Problem is, there seems to be a trend with the latter; now there is an excuse again for his behaviour because he doesn't rule the block. There is a new kid on the block that sells better candy....and boy is it SWEET! :thumbup:

    Didn´t mean to say they are not as good or anything. I really love their stuff and almost bought one. The idea for a custom guitar according to my own ideas just happened by accident. I never thought such a thing would be in my price range. So i just started collecting ideas and pics about what i wanted into a pdf file and mailed it to several guitar builders. I was really amazed when Florian Luettke from Unicut came up and said that a custom guitar starts at 1300€. So i started asking for some some extra features, like a beautifully arched spalted maple top, Schaller ruthenium hardware (wow!!!), and a piezo system + the according preamp and Häussel pickups. Even with all that it stayed under 2000€. The quality is flawless...

    Here is short vid i made as a kind of "thank you" to the builder...

    I have to say that this whole process was probably the coolest thing ever, closely followed by the KPA.... :)

    That is a beauty! :thumbup:

    Cliff should be a bit stressed -- those full page advertisements aren't cheap, and it seems this company (whoever it is), is ready to play ball and has the revenues to back it up.

    I look forward to this development......

    Now Fractal is taking the "high road"???? -- after all of their claims and homemade tests comparing other products, they are taking the "high road"??? ?(

    Yes, I love how they just eat whatever deficant comes out of his mouth. He can belittle all overs and it is "science", he is a genius not in public relations, attacks constantly not only other companies but forum users calling them indignant whiners and pricks, but he is taking the "high road". Just in case anyone is wondering my username: FractusAnimus, it means broken alligiance. I once thought that Fractal was great, but I don't care how good a product is, if the owner disrespects his customers then that should be met with penalty, we pay his wages, we are his boss! So to see threads with him talking down to everyone turned me away and I guess it happened at the right time anyway because in all honesty Kemper (and Christoph) kick his and his products' ass! Kemper will not be the last guitar gizmo that I buy, but you damn well can be sure Fractal will never be a possesion of mine again! :cursing:

    I've got a plenty of guitars, and the two Zerberus are my favorite ones... ^^

    Which ones? and how do they handle the tonal spectrum. I am looking for something akin to a Paul Reed Smith that can play all genres pretty well. If you have the Chimera, is it hard to gain access to the upper frets?

    Zerberus builds very nice guitars, but they are quite expensive...

    I had my custom guitar built by Unicut guitars (also in Germany). It´s a wet dream and the prices are great.

    I think for $1,750 US dollars, a custom made guitar is actually a rather modest asking price. Considering others that are of that quality would be two to three times the price.Although I'm sure the custom made to order ones would really jump in price but for the ones I have seen on eBay with the exception of the Tele hybrid are prices that I would pay if the playability meets the beautiful craftsmanship dispalyed by the pictures.

    Thank you! By the way I was also curious about your Blue Amp cab. What would the price be shipped to the US? Is it passive, or suggested to use with an external amp? I may just have to buy all German, which would make my German family proud lol.

    Was looking at guitars on eBay and ran across the Zerberus brand that is made in Germany. Considering there are a lot of folks on this forum from Germany, has anyone had any experience with these guitars? They are very untraditional looking, but oh so beautiful! And priced very nicely considering the craftmanship. How nice would it be for me to have a German made amp and guitar!

    Hello all. I have come to a problem in deciding what sound system to use, one that I will not regret and am choosing to ask the audience. If I am to spend big money on Kemper I of course want to make sure that I make the best of it. I am torn between buying a Port City 2 X 12 OS wave cab with a poweramp (Fryette LXii or Matrix GT800 or any suggestions?) or getting two RCF 310A's. Of course the Port City option will cost much more, but I was wondering would it necessarily be better,considering the Kemper would most likely sound best with cab sim off. Or will the two RCF 310's really shine better with the Kemper, I kinda want that amp in the room feel, but also want to have the full effect and best sound I can get from the Kemper. I know these questions are always subjective, but really enjoy hearing others opinion because it really educates me until I make a solid decision. Thank you all for you input in advance. 8)