Posts by IanHay

    I agree with Kojak - the way it *ought* to work is that so long as you don't keep a copy of your purchased profiles, so that your possession of them is extinguished at the same time as the Kemper is sold, you should be able to transfer the purchased profiles to the new owner.

    However, And44 and Armin should be consulted on this. And44's terms and conditions on the Amp Factory site are not crystal clear on this point. They rightfully prohibit "sharing" and making them available to others online, i.e. keeping your copy while duplicating it for others' use. But they're not clear on transferability, and they should be.

    Edit: Looks like And44 was answering at the same time I wrote the above.

    Hi Armin,

    Any chance your next round of profiles will include a 60's Fender Super Reverb? I'm a little surprised that the Super Reverb hasn't been profiled by either you or And44 - it seems like a big miss in collections of classic amps.

    I need to get my Derek Trucks on. A few profiles of high-volume, tube-saturated cleans/push tones similar to these is what I'm looking for:

    Thanks for all your efforts, Armin. (And fantastic photography, too!)