Posts by NickMichaelson

    Sorry, I think I should have spelt it:

    • tendonitis – inflammation of a tendon

    Not tendinitis. That will be my spell checker :)

    It's basically an R.S.I. or repetitive strain injury: an inflammation caused by too much repetitive movements. Sounds like what you have. I didn't have any redness but was definitely a bit swollen. Sounds like your injury is not too bad if there's no outward swelling.


    Hi Cederick,

    Very sorry to hear about your tendinitis problems. I've been suffering on and off from this for nearly 20 years. Initially caused by over practising guitar without taking any breaks. Unfortunately i didn't understand the physical symptoms and pushed myself over the edge which put me out of action for nearly 2 years. The most important thing, if you can, is to stop and rest before it gets really bad. From what you're saying, it sounds like you've done that and have caught it early. If you rest up and have a break from playing, the symptoms will hopefully calm down a bit. Try not to worry too much (easier said than done!). What really helped me is finding a good physiotherapist. I'd go to one as soon as possible. They'll probably use treatments like ultrasound to reduce the swelling which will definitely help. They might stretch and manipulate your injured arm to help speed up your recovery. Having professional advice and reassurance really helps put your mind at ease. The worrying is almost worse than the injury!

    My treatment involved stretching the nerve that runs from my neck all the way down to my finger tips which is apparently what caused my problems in the first place. My physiotherapist gave me a series of exercises to help with this. I do these before any playing to help me warm up. It really makes a big difference! I wouldn't recommend learning stretches etc from YouTube videos. Only use ones that have been especially prescribed for you by a professional. I also use a neoprene elbow sleeve which really helps support the injury and prevents further strains. I occasionally take ibuprofen before performing when my arm flares up which seems to help. I always find that adrenaline is an amazing thing to help override symptoms and get you through gigs in one piece!

    One last thing, I was told not to keep my arm too static and advised to keep moving it.

    I hope this helps a bit and wish you all the best for a speedy recovery.
