Posts by bugfight

    not that we don't need an editor/librarian, but don't let that stop you from taking the plunge. in terms of editing profiles, the front panel is very well designed. unlike all others i've tried, most things seems easily accessible and intuitive, and the most important functions are directly accessible on the panel. you really do get the sense of tweaking knobs on a real amp. even deep editing seems easily accessible, inviting you to really mangle the original profile, which is becoming one of my favorite things to do with it...

    managing a large number of rigs, naming, tagging etc not so much...
    i even tried plugging in a usb keyboard but no dice.

    i don't think disappointed is the right word, since i sort of expected it. the things i was hearing seemed to good to be true so i managed expectations. out of the box i wasn't digging most of the built in profiles, but i have a different view of tone than most guitarists, especially not liking the somewhat modern trend toward very bright, fizzy sound (hehe yes others will use more superlative words). we have discovered some tonal issues, some of which have already been fixed, some that may be fixed, some that have workarounds, etc not disappointment as such. i think most of us experienced this to some degree and most learned to dial in their own sound. i am a bit too new yet to know if i will get there, but so far i think i will...

    in the end cliff got exactly what he wanted out of this. he could not handle a thread where folks might realize moar dsp != better, so sent it off the rails. this is how trolls work, and everybody, included kemper fans and a mod on the forum, took the bait. the suggestion to lighten up is a good one... though conflating a good thread on this forum with that mess is not.

    this should not happen, it causes strange artifacts that don't happen with a real amplifier. the frequencies involved are below hearing range and would be blocked by capacitive coupling in real tube stages. common techniques for muting unused strings cause audible pumping. at very high gain, where muting techniques become most important, it sounds like a damaged cable.

    i guess a workaround is to use a buffer pedal, but this seems somehow unsatisfactory. i am amazed that others have not noticed this already...

    i wonder if i have a fault in the input circuit on my kpa, or if this is a bug. can a few people try these steps to see if the problem is only with mine?

    this is more audible with humbuckers for some reason, so use that if you have it.

    1. plug the guitar directly into kpa (no pedals)

    2. turn noise gate all the way down

    3. load any high gain profile with gain of 8 or higher (or just crank the gain on any profile, i hear it above 6 or so but the higher it is the more obvious the effect)

    4. disable stomps and effects

    5. with all strings muted, grasp the low e string with thumb and finger and wiggle it toward and away from the pickup (the direction it would move if palm muting)

    6. at this point i hear the noise modulating with each wiggle, thup-thup-thup-thup

    7. now play a note softly on a higher string while continuing to wiggle the low e

    8. here i notice the note start to wobble and then chop in and out (like the noise did in step 5) as it fades.

    of course the steps are not normal playing, don't bother pointing this out. they are designed to easily and repeatably illustrate the issue.

    i've used different cables and different guitars etc, the fault is not there. adding a pedal in front of the kemper does make it disappear. i did try to search the forum, but only found a few fairly old threads that might or might not have been related ("Palm muting" for ex).

    i have os v1.5.1, i haven't updated to 1.5.2, but the changes listed should have no impact.

    anyway, please try it and let me know what you hear. if you haven't tried it, please don't derail the thread with conjecture...

    excellent, i also think the maxon beats the tube screamer, and an ocd would also rock. timmy is subtler but might be worth looking at...

    not that this is a new idea, but i like all these right at the input to the amp, goosing the first stage a little. it's definitely a different sound than having just a boost there, or having the dirt followed by another effect...

    otoh, maybe some of these can be included when the amp is profiled, i haven't made my own yet...

    thanks for the update!

    so does the aliasing happen at an intermediate stage where a sample rate conversion is done to save computation cycles in subsequent code? if this is the case, wouldn't it be cheaper to use a more aggressive anti-aliasing filter before down-sampling than to stay at the higher rate for functions that don't require it?

    if not, i like the idea of making this optional. there are too many who have told us we aren't hearing it, or it's our poor technique, or it doesn't matter, who will likely explode if they don't get their prized new feature because of this. otoh, this will take additional coding effort as well.

    i would rather see a fix for this than an attempt to get every feature under the sun in one box. if you need one box to rule them all and in the darkness bind them, there is already an option...