Posts by steveness

    Fool me once as they say :). Anyway this is off topic, but I do believe I still have your JCM800 profile on my profiler, and I'm very much enjoying it every once in a while. So thanks for that :)

    thanks, although it was a mate who actually profiled it for me... my JCM800 though :)

    Kemper support has been fantasic, Hans has responded to all my stupid questions very quickly and my Kemper will set off on it journey to Germany on Friday. Just hope customs don't decide to hold it for weeks !

    Good Morning everyone.

    Well after 6 years of trouble free ownership, my powerhead seems to have develpoed a fault.

    Its a bit of an odd one as I'm not getting any error messages.

    I'm running release

    Boot up is taking around 5 to 10 mins, when it does finally load any menu action (pressing a button, or turning any knob) has a long delay before the kemper responds.

    Turning between tuner and browser had a similar lag, if I'm in tuner mode I can hit a string and it takes a while before the strobe or bubble moves, and even then its just a single move.

    Its the same when I try to power it off, there is a long delay from turning the knob to off before it actually does anything.

    However I'm getting output from headphones and via direct out into my PC (I've not tried the power amp as my cab is in the rehearsal room but I do hear it click on when it finally boots)

    I've done all the reset options I can think of and upgraded to the latest OS (had to leave it on overnight as it took so long).

    To me its almost like its running like a PC with not enough RAM or processing power.

    I've contacted support, but has anyone come across this issue before ?

    Bit gutted as I've not used it for a while and was looking forward to a bit of long overdue practice with it over the weekend. It's also out of warranty now too :(


    Hi All

    I've just got round to doing my 1st profiles of my EVH5150III 50w el34.

    I've uploaded 3 profiles, 1 is a direct profile, 1 with cab (mesa 4x12) which was taken from my old JCM800 profile that was done in a studio, and the 3rd with the green scream in the stomp section.

    Profile names

    EVH 5150III EL34 50Wts (green scream profile)
    EVH 5150III EL34 50W DI (DI profile)
    EVH 5150III EL34 50Wa (with mesa cab)

    I profiled with pretty low gain settings on the Red channel, Mids backed off, most other settings around noon
    Guitar - ESP Viper with Fishman Fluence Modern pickups

    Hope you like them !


    ha ha.. nice one Cederick. glad you like it.. I've just made some more profiles of the same amp and attached them as a zip file.

    The naming convention is a bit odd as I had a few issues with a dodgy XLR cable so ended up having to do another batch so just renamed some of them so I knew what they were !

    Basically most were done via high channel with a GE7 EQ, I tweaked the EQ a few times hence the slight difference in profiles.. The ones with GE7TS in the name also had a tube screamer with Overdrive low but output around 1pm.

    The one with RAW in the name has no inline effects, its just he JCM800 set to the same EQ as the other profiles, I've also done 1 profile of the amp in the low channel.

    M at the end means merged, no M = direct profile so you can add your own cab :)

    I've not had much of a chance to run these through my DAW yet, but the direct profiles sounded exactly the same as the JCM800 through my Mesa cab

    enjoy !


    I've also just uploaded a profile I made last night of our other guitarists Marshall DSL-100 HV, I've merged it with the same cab used on the JCM profile. His tone is more "sludgy" than mine but feel free to give it a go :)

    profile name DSL-100 HV

    Thanks mate, I'll give that a try.

    I used my profile last night and it really punched through. Very happy with it, I really couldn't tell any difference from the actual JCM800, all the power and grunt was there.

    I've been using the Kemper for 3 years or so now (2 years with the powered version) and this is the 1st time I've been "really" happy with my live/rehearsal tone.

    There are hundreds of really excellent profiles out there but I've never found one that felt like my own amp, I think the lesson here is if you want "your" tone, profile your own amp :)

    I'm going to make a few more profiles of this amp next week, some clean and some of just the amp (no GE7 and Tube Screamer in the chain) so you can add your own stomp effects. I will post them up when I've done them.

    Thanks for the feedback all..

    During rehearsal last night I ran through the set with my go to Diezel Profile and then on the second run through I used this Marshall profile. Incredible difference with the Marshall everything seemed to come alive. In the previous post you can see the adjustments I made on the amp, other then that I used my standard Eq setting in the X slot and it worked like a charm.

    Thanks again for a great profile.

    Hi Sanctum

    Tonight is the 1st time I will get to use it in a rehearsal so good to get this kind of feedback, many thanks I've made a copy with your settings too so I can compare the difference at a decent volume.

    Just out of interest, what EQ are you using in the X slot ?

    For me this profile may need some high end cutting but until I get it up against the rest of the band its hard to say :)


    I've just took delivery of the DI box so I hope to make some more soon, it was always a great sounding amp but its had a hard life so I want to get as many profiles of it as I can just in case it goes bang !

    I will use the same cab profile as it works really well

    I've got to be honest I didn't make a note of the Mics, they looked expensive though!

    I don't really want to say who did the profile for me as I know it's not something he would do commercially and he did this as a massive favour to me, but put it this way he knows what he is doing :)

    He used the Kemper DI box to make the initial direct profile which we then tested using my Mesa 4x12 via the power amp output on my Kemper, to me it sounded almost identical to the JCM800.

    He then used 2 mics which he moved around until we got the tone we were after through the studio monitors and made another profile to include the cab. I believe he then took the cab profile from the miced version and pasted it into the direct version to create the merged one. At this point I really couldn't tell the difference between the profile and the reference amp !..

    Signal chain was:

    Guitar - LTD EC-1000ET fitted with Fishman Fluence modern humbuckers
    Ibanez Tube Screamer - OD just on, level around 3oclock postion and tone center
    Boss GE7 - level slightly boosted and slight cut on bass and mids

    Amp - JCM8008203 fitted with JJ tubes
    High level input
    Presence - 4
    Bass -10
    Middle - 2
    Treble - 5
    master volume - 2
    pre-amp - 10

    Hi All

    My turn to contribute something towards the rig library.

    I've uploaded my JCM800 merged profile which was done professionally in a Studio.

    The profile was made using a tubescreamer and Boss GE7 in the chain (just to push the amp a bit)

    I use Fishman Fluence modern pickups so you may need to knock the gain up a bit on the profile if needed.

    I was amazed at how accurate this profile was to my amp when running it via a 4x12 (Mesa Boogie)

    profile name - JCM800 Merged

    I can upload the direct profile if anyone wants it.
