Posts by oldmanrivers

    It occurs to me that since a Kemper has a microphone input, all the hardware is there to add an "auto eq" function (much like a DBX drive rack) to the unit. My vision is to plug the Kemper into a specific speaker and plug a reference microphone into the Kemper and place the reference mic in front of the speaker to "create an auto eq" profile on the selected output for that speaker. Being able to save the curves would be great, because then we could have a library of output eq curves for different speakers! You could also have some "reference profiles" to match. For example, a two step process: pick reference eq ie. "flat response," or "custom" (user created/preferred) reference eq profile(s), and then hit "match" to have the Kemper create the compensated eq profile for that specific speaker by sending a signal to the output and then capturing it with the microphone. (I guess we could even share them, or Kemper add some as an option.) I have been using the Kemper live since it first came out, (with a K10) and while I find this a very portable and good sounding rig but, there are times when I could just plug into the provided monitor (JBL, EV, Yamahe, Mackie etc.) but getting the eq right can be a problem. Not only that, it would take a bit of the guess work out when it comes to eq. (Maybe "flat" is not actually the preferred eq curve, I really don't know of any speaker with a truly "flat response," and the response with change with location and volume, since we can't change the laws of physics!) At least a reference mic and test signal have some level of accuracy and consistency.

    Just last night I had JBL monitors with a 15" driver, and it would have been great to be able to plug my monitor out into the second input on the monitor and run a quick "auto eq set-up on the monitor out of the Kemper to match what I am used to with my K10. Then send my main out put to the house system, and run a profile of that system with the eq flat on the house board, and create a different eq profile for the house system to match as well. I know the auto eq functions have their limitations, but they are fast and pretty darn good as far as I can tell. Part of the reason the auto eq feature would be good is that there is no better way to frustrate sound and production folks than to sit there at full volume and noodle away as you try and set your eq. Being able to ask for 15 seconds to run a test signal would be a most welcome request in many production situations compared to everyone on the crew being annoyed by the guitar player before the show ever starts!

    On the forum, much of the debate between different FRFR speaker options is the "eq curve." I would be great to be able to compensate for any speakers specific eq curve to make it "flat" or otherwise. I know it's not a sexy new effect, but I bet many players would LOVE this feature!

    How about a CC midi send "effect" that can be loaded into an effects slot so it can be controlled by and status reflected on the remote? I know many people want to be able to send CC independently of the patch, but the remote switches are set up to reflect and control effects slots which is what I think is keeping Kemper from being able to provide external CC control from the remote... Hey Kemper you said the remote would be a "Midi Octopus" this would make that a reality with 8 effects slots.

    The other option is to let us have a parameter to control via one or all of the external inputs on the remote. ie: instead of just being able to control effects slots, reverb tails, rig up/down etc. I could select "send external CC and then assign one or more CC commands. PLEASE PLEASE help me control my external devices from my Kemper Remote!