Posts by Neonknight

    Hi, I use Behringer FCB1010 with Uno chip and it works fine, but:
    just have to mention that I did have two other FCB:s with Uno chip programmed excatly same way and they didnt work (expression pedal problem). It never solved why only this one unit works and two others not with KPA.

    Did you calibrate the expressionpedals ?

    I have two FCB1010 myself (one for backup) and have been using them for years, great pedals for the money, i dont use UNO though or have a KPA , just the standard FCB with my Boss GT-pro.

    Kind of strange to base your decision to purchase on whether or not the floorboard can be generically implemented. Since even now you can purchase a variety of generic programmable controllers to work with the KPA.

    You misunderstood me there, i ment the lack of flexibility to for example make advanced settings for CC# assigns in the KPA and such would be likely to turn me off from the KPA.

    Using a dedicated controller is certainly not a must for me, but i would like to have the functions that a only a dedicated controller can bring today such a two way communication with patch names in the display, frankly its beyond me why a standard for this hasnt been developed.

    I was just thinking the same thing. There needs to be at least one switch (or better still all of them) that sends a generic MIDI CC# so that it can be re-purposed by reconfiguring the amp. There will always be something that's important to one player and not another. (Example: I'd sometimes want a rotary fast/slow switch, and should be able to swap out sompbox IV for that purpose if I need to.)

    Yeah having possibilities can never be a bad thing if you know how to implement them, i understand that CK want the KPA and controler to be simple to use, but by choosing to go that route you may loose half or so of your customerbase who wants more possibilities, i may be one of those myself since i dont yet own a KPA.

    My suggestion for both the KPA and the controller is to have a choice of either running it in a simple standard (default) mode or an advanced mode, or you can have some advanced menues that you dont have to use unless you want to assign other midi CC# /switches of the controller than the default ones or things like that with a possibility to easily go back to stored default settings in case you are in over your head.

    Sounds like you and I are on the same page.... :whistling:

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    Maybe im old school, but i have never in my life in 30 years of playing guitar used tap tempo, so im tending to agree with this even though i think that the tap input like the other Exp inputs should be a universal switch/expression input so that you could use it for anything you want.

    Being accustomed to ordinary midi controllers i would also say that i would personally prefer that the switches could be programmed in a more universal way, maybe someone would prefer having tap tempo on one of the stomp switches instead for example or having a rig/patch on a stomp switch.

    Ive been using the editor made by Ed Dixon since day one and really like it alot, its also free and even has a graphical interface. It can program both the behringer and UNO firmware, but there doesnt seem to be any updates since 2009, so there might possibly be problems with newer firmwares. I dont know it works great for me with the standard behringer firmware in my FCB´s that are made in different years (i think they have different versions), but none of them are bought very recently.

    This function seems to be missing in the KPA.

    The possible to assign any CC number to any effect and set the active range for the source (Midi pedal) and target (KPA) on a patch basis, i have this on my Boss GT-pro (and VF-1) and for me its pretty much a must if am to get a KPA. Im pretty sure all the Boss GT´s have this function and probably many similar units.

    I think its invaluable for getting a good control of effects.

    With active range you can for example switch on/off the wah pedal with the same expression pedal you are using to control and also switching on/off several effects simultaneously using only one CC number from the midi pedal. These assigns are per patch also which mean the same CC numbers can be used in a different way in another patch.

    The active range settings also helps if your expression pedal isnt very exact and goes out of calibration (and they do), it would suck if the whammy function (if introduced) cant reach the original tuning just because the expression pedal isnt absolutely perfectly calibrated.

    Thanks for the answer !

    Its a real pity that they havent implemented this, i have this in my Boss rack units (GT-pro and VF-1) and its invaluable for getting a good control of effects IMHO.

    With active range you can for example switch on/off the wah pedal with the same expression pedal you are using to control and also switching on/off several effects simultaneously using only one CC number from the midi pedal. These assigns are per patch also which mean the same CC numbers can be used in a different way in another patch.

    The pedal/switch jacks are inputs for connecting a expression/switch pedal for controlling the KPA not a relay output for controlling amp channel switching and such. For that you will need either an midi to relay switcher or a midi pedal like the Behringer FCB1010 that i own which has programmable relay outputs that can be used for this purpose.

    I dont have the KPA, but i havent found any info in the manual regarding on whether it is possible to assing any CC number to any effect and set the active range for the source (Midi pedal) and target (KPA), i have this on my Boss GT-pro and for me its pretty much a must if am to get a KPA. Does the KPA have this function ?.

    Actually, you can have any number or configuration of stompboxes and patchchanges programmed even with the standard firmware, i have had the FCB1010 (i have 2) a few years now and i use only two switches to control CC on/off and one is delay and the other a solo switch. The difference compared to the UNO firmware is that the LEDs on the switches only light up for the last pressed switch, on the UNO one the LED´s correspond to the stompbox on/off status. I have used CC´s so that if i select a another patch then the delay/solo is automatically switched off.

    Personally i have prefered to have only two stompbox switches since i use mainly patches, i find the UNO firmware limited in this case since you can only use the whole upper or lower row of switches for stomps and not any number if single switches.

    Note that i dont have the Kemper so i cant say for sure how it works on it, i use the Boss GT-Pro currently which has great midi implementation.

    BTW Markus, i couldnt get the kemper amps link to work.

    I have 2 guitars that are in Drop C, one in Open G, and it works just fine. If you've been playing for that long, your ear should get you in the general range, then the LEDs help you dial it in more precisely. If you eventually decide to get a KPA, give it a shot, it's a sufficient tool. :thumbup:

    I like to silent tune (mute) on stage, we switch between standard tuning in D and drop C in a set. Maybe its a non issue, but i still think they should have put the on/off on a separate swith to avoid accidental off switching, to me it seems like someone was sleeping when they made that decision.

    They(Kemper) sure have developed a great preamp though when it comes to the amp sounds, what makes me wait before i possibly get one is that there seems to be much left to do in the firmware development, more effects among other things.

    I still get very good results with my Boss GT-pro, but there is no question which amp wins when it comes to amp sounds and direct recording, but the Boss win hands down when it comes to effect versatility and control, it has vitually all Boss pedal effects ever made and with a ridiculous amount of CC control (500 different parameters !). Im hoping Kemper at least gets close to something like that in future firmwares. I also have owned the Boss since it came out and it has been rock solid, never a glitch or anything and that is impressive for such an advanced product that hasnt even been upgraded ( i think just one firmware update has been released).

    No it does not, you have to be somewhat familiar with a guitar and which strings correspond with which notes. So it wouldn't be good for brand new guitarists. But aside from that it's an excellent tool for experienced players adjusting on the fly.

    Well i think im experienced enough after 30 years of playing guitar, but that doesnt help if you are completely out of tune or tuning to C-drop like i do sometimes, then you have to have a indication on what note you have. Sure the LED´s will work for tuning on the fly when you are slightly out of tune.

    Good tip from Markus there with the assingn on the FCB1010, i have two of those (one for backup) since they are both good and dirt cheap as well as easily programmable via pc editor.