Posts by drumdrum

    Hi all,

    This is my first time back on the forum in literally years after being away from the music for a few years (family, losing job, moving, getting new job, babies, life...etc ) :)

    Anyways, I'm setting up my music stuff again and I have the Kemper Profiling Amp Powerhead ("lunchbox" version).

    My concern is, in my current place where I want to have my music setup placed, I would be relying on a gang-plug/"multi-plug adapter".

    Something like this:…9YSE/ref=sr_1_6

    I.e., it is a generic 4-plug 5m cord extension block with "surge protection" built in.

    The main plugs on the wall are just too far away for the profiler to stretch to.

    On the back of the Powerhead it states "Max 10A". Is this with the power amp active?

    I generally use the Power Amp section only 5-10% of the time if even that with a Marshall 4x12 cab.

    I leave it off almost all the time and practice with headphones, but I am concerned that if I have it plugged in with the power amp deactivated, and then I turn it on, that it will suddenly draw more power than the plugboard can give it and hence blow the plug board and/or the KPA?

    Would I have any issues with a different plug board, say I had to use a different one like this one?…ref=sr_1_1_sspa

    The other items in the plugboard would be my Macbook Pro, Interface card (Focusrite Clarett 4Pre) and an additional cheap Philips 21" monitor.

    I read through this thread already but it seemed to dead with a different poweramp setup and not a Powerhead: What fuses to use in the UK?

    Thanks for your time!


    Hi all,

    After a long hiatus from music in general (personal and health reasons), I am getting back into it lately.
    Anyways, I dusted off my Profiler, but noted that it is on a really old version (1.3 I think or something similarly ancient).

    After looking on the Kemper Support Downloads page I can see that there is a Legacy version of 1.8.2 which says:
    "If your Profiler is operating under a software revision older than 1.8.2 Release, it cannot be upgraded to current software in one step. Please upgrade to 1.8.2 Release first, and then take a second step and upgrade to current software."…stem%20Versions

    Great, so I'm thinking I just need to upgrade to 1.8.2 and then from there to Profiler Operating System 5.3.1.

    However, I've been burned in the past with (non-Kemper) products and upgrades and ending up with a lengthy to-and-fro with the product support.

    I appreciate it is an edge case, but my profiler is an expensive piece of kit that I'd rather not accidentally brick! :)

    Has anyone any experience with any additional steps that I have not mentioned in upgrading from an old OS version?

    Any similar stories about successful or failed upgrades from a <1.8.2 upgrade all the way to the latest?

    Many thanks!


    I guess if there is to be a Kemper 2, if the algorithm and approach cannot be bettered, how about perhaps a change to the user experience over all?

    I would like to see a better integration between the KPA and the computer especially for managing and organizing profiles within the Kemper.

    I have over 800 profiles in my KPA, of which I honestly only use a handful regularly and a few others intermittently.
    It would take me ages to go abouts deleting profiles that I dont use anymore.
    What I would love to be able to do, is to be able to store my regularly used profiles in a separate folder within the profiles selection, and have the rest of the seldom used ones in another folder.

    So I can hit my trusty store/folder for the sound Im looking for quickly, without having to dig through lots of profiles of amps that are not in the sound that I'm looking for.

    I know you can assign favourites and all and do something similar that way, but it would be nice if we could have multiple storage areas within the KPA of ones that we like, i.e., a favourites folder for high gain, another favourites for cleans, another for crunch, another for wacky sounds, etc.

    This is one feature I think the KPA is missing.

    Le bump!

    We are currently working on a FREE EP on the way also. I'll post it up here when its released! :)

    But sure enjoy the album in the meantime anyways!

    You can listen to the whole thing for free at the following places:

    :) Morning... thanks I didn't know that about the song title! is that really the case, good for us all :)

    Jim Morrison was shy too in the beginning :) and that song (slow down) was actually a another guys song before the beatles :)

    Ah yeah, sure it is indeed good for us all.

    Though I suppose if you were to call your track "Bohemian Rhapsody" you'd get a lot of trolls your way! :)
    Guess you gotta be a bit careful when calling a track the same as a classic!  :thumbup:

    Slow Down

    very nice :) I like the vocals on this one best and the mixing was great...

    That name is from the Beatles though, and the jam covered it :) don't get sued by the Jackson family :)

    thanks man, I'll pass on the message. The singer is actually super shy which is strange. I thought most singers were in-your-face-***holes but sure life is full of surprises! :)

    Anyways, luckily you cant copyright a song title (Im 99.999% sure on that) so they should be good!  :thumbup:
    I mean, think about all the songs over the years called "Hero":
    Mariah Carey
    Enrique Inglesias
    Chad Kroeger
    everyone else from this site that I'm getting these names from:

    But man, the Beatles... WHAT..A ....BAND!!! (Im a huge fan personally!  :thumbup: )

    Ideally you want a type of "Star grounding" system.

    Theres lots on google on this, but in essence, you want everything you have routing back to the same power ring.

    Or in much simpler terms, to get this, instead of using different plug sockets in your garage, get a multi-plug adapter, and plug everything into that, and the adapter into ONE of your power sources. This way, everything is guaranteed to be on the same ring - ie., connected to the same grounding point.

    There is more detail to it than this, but this is good enough for most. If the buzz remains, you may have a ground loop problem. So try to plug into a different power outlet in your house. If it remains, then your entire circuit may have a ground loop problem, for which you'd be best calling an electrical engineer out to your house to resolve it.

    Of course, it could be your gear, so maybe bring it over to a friends house and see if it still buzzes there (and that their gear doesnt, to make sure that THEY dont also have a grounding issue). If it doesnt buzz at their house, then your gear is fine.
    If it still buzzes, then your gear may need a service.

    EDIT: Oh and some may suggest on forums to remove the grounding pin.
    UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU EVER DO THIS!!! IT IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS AND A BUZZ IS NOT WORTH YOUR LIFE!!! (Not to be overdramatic, but electricity can (And does) kill! - be safe with it! :) )


    I figured I'd share this with yee.
    A good friends band that I helped to record, and to which we used my KPA with quite a fair bit.

    Metal/Heavy Rock/Rock kind of stuff, but I really dig this kind of stuff...even if I am a little biased! :D

    The oul album has finally gone up on iTunes, Amazon (etc) so I figured I'd help to promote this a bit.

    You can listen to the whole thing for free on the FB page
    or over at

    Its also on soundcloud

    and YouTube

    So sure if you wanted to have a listen while you work or travel or something, that'd be great!
    If you want to like the page that'd be awesome, and if you wanted to share anything online anywhere, sure please feel free to go ahead.

    I hope yee enjoy it - at the very least its some more free music to enjoy! :thumbup:

    I had a lend of a AXE FX2 in my studio for about a month, so of course I did partake in a bit of playing with it at that time.

    It is a great unit, no question.

    I had a Kemper at the time too, and did not really use it as the Axe was new and I had it for a limited time.

    Anyways, I remember getting really great sounds from the AF2 by the end, but I also remember spending a lot of time tweaking sounds to get them to fit right in the mix.

    The AF2 owner took their unit back and I was left with the Kemper for the next job.

    I booted up the KPA and within about 5 mins (no joke!) I had a perfect usable sound for the new project!

    In summary, for me, the KPA is a lot faster at getting good sounds....though this does depend on the profiles you have it loaded with. There are a lot of "lower quality" profiles on the Rig Exchange at the moment, and sifting through them with the Rig Manager can take a while. But when you find that good tone.....oh man.... its just bliss! :D
    For reference, for my recordings 90% of the time I just get a raw amp tone, so YMMV.

    Also, the KPA seems to get a rep of its effects "not being as good as the AF2".

    IMHO, that is simply not true. The reverbs and delays are superb and the pitch shifting algorithm effects are great! I had a guitarist doing a bass part in a track a few weeks ago using it! (sounded awesome actually!  :thumbup: )
    Where I think this inaccurate rep comes from, is that (and to be fair to the AF2) the editing software of the AF2 allows for an easier "audition" and "testing out" of effects with your patches, especially if you are new to effects.
    With the KPA, I find that you need to know roughly the type of effect you want in advance, as auditioning different effects is more time consuming and less intuitive as the Fractal softwares approach.

    Great discussion.

    Bottom line: If you can afford both, then why not!? Lucky you!  :thumbup:  

    Hi there,

    Ive noticed the following bug with my KPA on v2.5. Basically, with the headphone space option under the output settings, if I have my headphones plugged into my KPA, the Headphone Space toggle switch does not work as expected. I would expect it to toggle the space on / off....however, either option leaves the headphone space on in my case.

    Additionally, over SPDIF, the headphone space toggle switch does work, but in reverse. If the toggle switch is on (ticked), the headphone space is actually disabled. To enable it via SPDIF, disable the headphone space toggle switch and voila! - the headphone space is restored, even though the toggle switch is disabled.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1 - Plug Guitar and headphones in to KPA directly.
    2 - On output settings, set space to something massive, just to make this obvious (it happens against any level though)
    3 - Hit the toggle switch, and note that the headphone space option is still there regardless of the toggle switch option.

    (SPDIF issue)
    4 - Plug your headphones into your soundcard, and make sure you can hear your signal ok.
    5 - Again, set the space to a large value and toggle the headphone space toggle switch.
    6 - With the switch unchecked, the headphone space occurs, with it checked the effect is disabled (ie, its reversed from expected operations)

    HTH  :)

    SPDIF vs Analog....

    Im going to give a short very basic overview of the signal flow of the Kemper and some ideal monitoring situations for beginners.
    This will be very basic, and there will be points to make arguments for and against some points. It is ideally for beginners, so if you want an "in depth discussion" / argument about anything I say, go to gearslutz or something :P


    In theory at least, SPDIF should be the superior sound, as it is passing the audio through 1 less conversion process.
    (in laymans terms):
    SPDIF: Guitar -> digital conversion within Kemper -> output as digital via SPDIF into soundcard -> soundcard sends digital signal to DAW for mixing (the incoming signal is already digital, so no conversion needed before sending the signal to the DAW)

    Analog: Guitar -> digital conversion within Kemper -> conversion to analog at Kemper output stage -> soundcard converts the incoming analog signal to digital -> soundcard sends digital signal to DAW for mixing

    Generally speaking, whenever a signal gets converted to or from analog, you lose a tiny bit of quality. In other words, the less conversion processes you have in your signal chain, the better.
    Now, the thing is, the human ear cannot really hear the tiny audio loss from the sound conversion process of analog to digital (or vice versa) in most situations.
    The only place you MIGHT hear a difference is in a really well sonically-designed room with high-end speakers and in a perfect listening environment, which very few users have....and even then, any noticed difference could be subjective in a psycho-acoustically sense (read: all in the users head!).

    So generally speaking, digital vs analog should not be noticeable. Any difference is 99% likely down to human error, ie, a setting accidentally left on, or a plugin one thought was disabled...

    Now onto monitoring:
    When you load up your Kemper and connect via your DAW, with a lot of soundcards there is a front-end monitoring panel, that is almost DAW like in itself! It can get a bit confusing, but think of it as a latency-free monitoring tool for now. Then you have your DAW, and finally you have your soundcard again before it is sent to headphones / speakers.

    So it looks like this:
    Audio into soundcard via SPDIF from Kemper -> "Latency-Free Monitoring" (LFM) Software -> Soundcard -> heaphones / speakers
    ................................................................................L-> DAW (Logic, ProTools, Cusbase, etc) -> soundcard -> heaphones (HP) / speakers

    So the signal here is sent to BOTH the LFM and DAW software respectively AT THE SAME TIME. (the "L->" is a mis-aligned break-out arrow)

    (What I mean by "Latency-Free Monitoring" software (LFM) is for example, RME Totalmix for RME hardware, UAD Console for UAD Appollo, Maestro 2 for Apogee, Mbox for Mboxes, MREditor for MR816X/CSX, QUAD Control Panel for Roland Quad Capture, etc etc...)

    Now, the signal passing through your LFM and DAW software do not hit the soundcard at the same time. Often, the DAW is slower due to audio buffers etc that the DAW populates first, amongst other things. If you put plugins on your track in your DAW, this further slows down the signal getting to your soundcard due to the extra processing of the plugins. For now, lets presume that we are not mixing and have no plugins on the DAW track.... it is just setup so we can record our takes (as it ideally should be, though perhaps bar a level monitoring plugin or something).

    Due to the time difference of the audio getting to the soundcard via the LFM and DAW routes, the combined signal output to your HP will sound different than the sound coming straight out of the HP jack on your Kemper, for example. The 2 signals combine at the soundcard at different points in the original wave form that was first sent from the Kemper to the soundcard, and cause "phasing" to occur (aka "comb filtering" to some)
    For more info on phasing, this explains it quite nicely:…anda-0613-3.htm

    Note that if you record in your DAW anyways, and then listen back to the recorded audio that passed through your DAW, you will not actually hear the phasing sound that you heard through your HP while you were recording. The DAW has no knowledge of the LFM audio stream, so only the DAW audio stream was actually recorded. The phasing wont actually be printed within your DAW and you wont lose that awesome solo you just played!  :thumbup:

    So what can we do about it? How do we stop it?
    Simply go into your LFM software OR your DAW and mute the audio stream being heard. This will stop that audio stream being sent to the soundcard (and out to your HP / speakers) and what you hear in your cans should be what you get out of the Kemper.

    Which one is best? Well, there are Pro's and Con's for both.
    Personally when I record guitars, I usually mute the LFM as I dont monitor with latency-free effects, that a lot of LFM software allow. Since Im tracking guitars, I usually already have the drums and bass tracks in my DAW to play along with, so for me it makes it the best option.

    When I record vocals, I do the opposite...I mute the DAW stream and monitor via the LFM as I like to add some reverb to my headphone mix. This does not mute any other tracks from the DAW...all you do is, in your DAW setup a new track, arm it, and mute the output of that track within the DAW. Presto, you can heard your LFM headphone mix with your monitoring reverb, AND the instrument tracks from your DAW at the same time while recording!  :thumbup:
    Just dont forget to unmute it when you're mixing .... (you'd be really would! :) )


    I HTH some folks with basic signal flow and setting up the ideal monitor mix for you.

    to the OP, have a look at the "Space" section of the headphones. Ive noticed that if this is on, it can be imprinted into the SPDIF output going into your daw. Possibly also your analog too, but I connect via SPDIF and not analog so Im not sure about that. Either way, try turning it off. :)


    Is this normal?
    Im on Kemper firmware v2.5.0.10080 according to the startup screen.

    Anytime I undo or redo a volume change (as in, changing a rig volume via the volume knob (NOT the Master Volume knob)), the undo-redo display reports it as a "tag".

    Likewise, if I undo/redo on a Gain change, it reports it as "Amplifier". Why is it not reported as "Gain"?

    Is the redo-undo display not supposed to show the parameter that is being altered? If so, then to me its reporting is more confusing than helpful.

    I would have expected its display to report back the exact parameter that was just altered.
    Just wondering if it is just me, or something that others have encountered. Also like to check if it is indeed a bug, or just user-idiocy  :D


    This may be the inner nerd in me talking, but I wonder how hard it would be to port an OS X version to Linux, seeing as how its all mostly Unix anyways under the hood...

    I surprised that they didnt go for a RM for OSX at the same time as Windows.

    Almost all of the bigger studios are using OSX nowadays, a parallel launch would have been nice.  :)

    I guess though the Windows guys can be the guinea pigs for a while though.....  :thumbup: but Im getting a bit antsy for the OSX version.