Posts by heavypick

    Yep, the problem has now gone :thumbup:

    You can now load a .kipr file, save it with another name and then load that saved file. Everything looks good!

    You can still create a 0 bytes file if you 'Clear' the tags and then save the file - perhaps a warning here? Or maybe a 'Restore Tags' or 'Undo Clear' which reloads the original file tags to allow you to start again?

    Hope this helps :)

    Hmm, thinking about it:- I suppose you will need to consider which tags you will not allow the user to change? The Author, for example? I am still new to Kemper, (so forgive me if I have this wrong) but I think I would not like people using one of my profiled rigs and claiming they created it when all they did is tweak some settings.

    Hey Laurent - great work! :thumbup:

    I hope I can help a little. I am using a Mac running 10.5.8
    I am running Inspector in Python 2.7 on Terminal

    Loaded a single kipr file - OK
    Did not make any changes to the file.
    Saved file with new TEST name
    Loaded TEST file and got this error:-

    I got the same error when I tried to load a file where I had changed the CabinetAuthor tag.

    I hope this helps, and is not just an error of my installation! 8|
    Note: I had to list the error message as 'code' because of the '8' and the ')' in line 15 were being shown as

    Hey all,

    Thanks for being so welcoming and helpful with suggestions for downloads etc.

    Zappledan, I play in a Rock band called Dream Overkill. We're a bunch of old fat bastards from the days of the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal (NWOBHM) way back in the late 70s to 80s. We were called Overkill, but the band from America that took the name in 1984 then went on to be very successful, so we decided to become Dream Overkill when we met up again 30 years later and decided we still had 'the dream' to get our music out there.

    We are currently recording all our old songs and preparing some new ones to go out and gig again (before we die 8| ) The KPA will be invaluable to us. I may even use it live one day!

    At the moment, live I use a 1980 100W Marshall 2203 (The old model before the 800 style came in) with a couple of Tone Bone valves in (to get it to distort at lower volumes) into a 1960A cab - I will definitely profile this amp eventually! I also use a Line6 XT Live but only for the effects and the convenience of the volume and wah pedal.

    The other guitarist uses a Blackstar Series One 100W into a Marshall 1960A cab. He gets a massive sound through that, so I will get him to profile it too!

    Wow - I have given a lot of info there. Sorry if I have gone on too much! If you want to check out what we have done so far, please look at

    there are a couple of our new recordings to check out and some pics from when we were young and beautiful all the way up to old and fecked :D - but we still love to ROCK! I hope you like it and look forward to adding more 'Kemperised' tracks as we do them!

    You did not lie!!!

    It really IS that good!

    I have just done what I'm sure everyone else did when they first got the KPA:- Played it for a while, running through the supplied profiles.

    Thank you Mr Kemper! :D

    I just plugged the Left main out (it does say in the manual that they are 'symmetrical' so I assumed using just one should give a decent mono signal unless there are stereo effects in the profiles used :?: ) into my M-Audio ProjectMix I/O, into a ProTools track, fired up the monitors and played.

    The coolest thing was that it sounded like I was really trying out different amp and mic combinations. There were plenty that I didn't like and plenty that I loved. Also, the reason I liked or disliked various profiles were NOT for poor modelling, like you get on stuff like Line6 (lots are good but some just sound harsh and artificial) BUT for the characteristics of the amps, cabs and mics. As it should be! I had a massive grin on my face the whole time. 8o

    My hands are sore, like I have just done a 2 hour gig. There are updates and more reading to do, but I am really fecking happy with this beast! :thumbup:
    I will get the other guys in the band to hear this for themselves, but this is a game-changer for me - I have a lot of re-amping to do on our recordings!

    Hey all,

    Great to be here!

    My Kemper is ordered and I am so looking forward to it's arrival! I reckon it will dramatically improve the recording process in our Protools-based system.
    By getting an awesome sound, without latency as you get with software like Guitar Rig, I hope to get a better, more responsive recording experience.
    I always think that if you feel like you are playing through a real amp, you will play better; a more natural feeling to get the best performance from a guitarist.

    Re-amping will also be a breeze - can't wait!! \m/

    Oh, I am getting a little excited here. It can't be that good - can it? :S