Posts by heavypick

    Try turning guitar 90% to the PC while playing - find a position where noise is reduced
    Turn off PC monitor screen
    Turn off the room light! - Sounds amazing, but interference from certain lights can be picked up and amplified
    Get a passive DI box - may fix the problem, if not then it will improve signal/noise ratio of your guitar signal anyway!
    PCs are notorious for sound card interference - are there connections to it at the front and back? If so, try them.
    Try muting PC's own sound card Mic inputs during recording. Could also look at moving the power supply for the PC sound card to an alternative location in the case, reroute the cables - or disconnect it!

    Good luck

    Hi all,
    KPA OS: 4.22.12590
    RM: 1.6.39
    iMac running OSX 10.10.5

    RM can see and operate the KPA, and detects that an update to the KPA firmware is needed.
    The dowload begins and install, then it fails with a 'Software Update Failed' message.

    An error occurred while updating Profiler. Please try again or contact for assistance.

    I tried again:

    Rebooted everything - failed.

    Switched out the USB lead connecting the KPA to the iMac - failed
    Restarted RM - failed
    Started typing in this post
    Restarted RM one more time - and it worked!
    So, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again :D

    Note: I learned this approach with KPA/Mac through seeing earlier updates via USB stick failing and causing me to try other sticks, re-downloading etc when all I needed to do was take the damned thing out and put it back in again! (Worked most of the time!) :thumbup:

    This is going to sound obvious, my apologies if you have already checked for this.
    But I have made this mistake, particularly when I had been trying Reamping:

    Press the 'Input' button on the Kemper and look at the screen for 'Input Source' - it should say 'Front Input'. Turn the knob beneath it until it does!

    Hope this helps

    Here's the gear shots of my band, Dream Overkill at our first gig with the KPA rigs:

    Shaun's rig consists of a Power Rack into an unpowered Yamaha CBR 10 cabinet. This cab is a new offering from Yamaha and is only about £175, making it a really good choice for an FRFR rig. He is using a Line 6 Radio system (Relay G30 that used to be on his old pedalboard) velcro'd into the base of a 4U rack box with the KPA.

    My rig is using the Yamaha DXR10 powered cab (Easy to see because we had left the stickers on!). At 1100W it has plenty of power available. Also in the rack is a Line 6 Relay G55 rackmounted radio system. We play pretty loud and both rigs push out enough for our needs and balance pretty well.
    Note: The DXR 12 system does have more power, so has more headroom available but BOTH can get to high volumes.

    We also both have Foot Controllers. This particular venue is very small so we didn't need the Radio systems but wanted to test everything out in a good friendly place! :)

    The Sound Guy was a bit unsure about the KPA Main Out being linked direct to the PA system, but was happy to try it when we told him we had set the feeds to -16dB and unlinked them from our Master Volume so we could turn up or down our speakers without affecting the feed to the PA.

    The Gig was a great success! Everybody said it was the best sound we had ever had in this place (The Winchester Gate pub in Salisbury-great little venue with good beer) and the Sound Guy was amazed and totally won over. The sound in the room was just awesome! Both cabs spread the sound much wider onstage than we used to get with our guitar cabinets, so onstage sound was better for all of us.

    Mr Kemper's little box of genius just keeps on winning people over!

    Pics by John Egremont

    Our development team likes to get user feedback regarding Aux In routing and mixing enhancements.

    Until recently the Aux In signal had been fed into analog outputs only with two separate mix controls for MAIN OUT and HEADPHONE/MONITOR OUT. These mix controls named “Aux In >Main” and “Aux In >Headphone/Monitor” are located in the Output Section.

    Some users have requested to route Aux In signal to S/PDIF OUT, too. We introduced this additional capability in 3.0.0. But accidently the mix control got linked to “Aux In >Headphone/Monitor”, which created an issue for some users. For example in my own rehearsal room I was suddenly feeding back my monitor mix into the mixing desk via S/PDIF lacking separate mixing controls for HEADPHONE and S/PDIF OUT.

    In firmware 3.0.2 we have made the correction and linked the mix of S/PDIF OUT to “Aux In>Main” as intended originally. Unfortunately this seems to create issues for other users. Now we are investigating a final solution, which should be as simple as possible and meet most users’ needs. We are hesitating to implement a complex mixing desk matrix for something as simple as an Aux In, which should primarily be used to mix in signals from MP3 players and play along. Limiting the number of Aux In mix controls to two, we are basically left with two options:
    a. "Aux In >Main/SPDIF" and "Aux In >Headphone/Monitor"
    b. "Aux In >Main" and "Aux In >Headphone/Monitor/SPDIF"

    So please tell us your suggestions and if you have special needs elaborate a bit further what those are. For example it isn’t really clear to us, which applications require routing a signal via Profiler Aux In to S/PDIF.

    I think that option 'b' would be the most useful.
    I use S/PDIF from the KPA to record into a DAW (ProTools)
    I can imagine a scenario requiring routing Profiler Aux In to S/PDIF might be to simultaneously record what you are playing AND the other music you are playing along with out via S/PDIF into ProTools.
    e.g. Playing guitar along with a backing track at a live performance and recording both via the S/PDIF
    Just my first thoughts - I don't think I would ever need this myself ;)

    Hmm...I'm not an network cable expert. No idea what the difference is.

    But it works with my Kemper...that's all I can say.

    As far as I understand it, Cat5e cable works the same way as Cat5 so you can use either for the KPA Remote. Cat5e cables are wired exactly the same but are more tightly wound in pairs to reduce interference and crosstalk on networks data traffic.

    For me the biggest problem with IEMs (In-Ear Monitors) is the cost. Wireless systems can be amazingly expensive and the moulded in-ears do not last as long as you think they should, given their cost! There is some hope that the new digital systems will drive prices down in the future.
    Next problem is the sound - some feel there is no bass or the sound is lifeless, dry and weak. Whatever the sound is like to you, it does take a lot of getting used to!
    Next problem - many venues and events simply do not have facilities/setup time to allow the use of IEMs. Bands become used to playing with terrible monitoring and just get on with it.

    Protection of hearing is the most important point - my band rehearses with headphones on. After four hours of play in a room, you do not want your ears to be ringing!

    Perhaps there could be a thread on IEM systems that KPA users have proved do the job well, whatever the volume of the band.

    To come back to the original poster's point, I am also confused about which way to go, being a long-term amp and 4x12 cab user. I guess we just have to try to adapt to the new ways and see which suits us best. I am currently trying KPA and DXR10, but may go the KPA-Guitar/FRFR 2X12 route later - we shall see!

    Hey SwAn1,
    Your post was very witty and made me laugh!

    The problem is that a text medium is very poor at anything remotely subtle/open to interpretation, so that things get taken literally and can lead to offence.
    Funnily enough, I think it was this limitation that helped spawn the use of smileys back in early computing Bulletin Board days, so that any potential sting seen in a post could be defused with a ;) to show some humour was intended.

    We should all remember that many people on the forum are not native english speakers, so are more liable to take what is written literally.
    I am sorry, I seem to be lecturing - I'll stop now

    As a band, we are working towards 'taking the plunge' into using KPA rigs live.
    We set up two rigs in our rehearsal area for some LOUD testing!

    Rig 1: KPA Toaster into Yamaha DXR10 powered FRFR (Full Range Flat Response) speaker (1x10 Speaker and a Horn powered with a 1100W Amp)
    Rig 2: KPA Rack Powerhead with 600W amp into a Marshall 1960A (4x12) cab.
    Each KPA was loaded with exactly the same profiles from the USB.

    1 - Amazement at the richness of the sound of the Yamaha - fuller, fatter sound than the 4x12 . It's wider spread of sound will be very useful on stage too.
    Head to head like this it was very clear. (Of couse our room affected the sound - but we are used to that room!)
    2 - Despite the first point, BOTH rigs sounded great! Just different - and either would work in any live setup.
    3 - We are a loud band and had no problem making the amps loud enough to match the drums! :)
    4 - It became obvious that you need to select/tweak the amps to suit LOUD (Gig-level) play - make them a bit cleaner to get a better dynamic response seems to be a good idea. Heavilly distorted sounds tend to become muddy at high volumes, so maybe try to turn down the gain a little and boost the output for live use of your favourite bedroom-level rig.
    Note - we also swapped guitars to make sure the differences between the Ibanez and the ESP didn't affect our results

    Testing continues, with Performance Mode and FCB1010 programming before we commit fully - the first gig with KPA will be a bit nerve-wracking! ;)
    The KPA Foot Controller looks good, but I am happy to wait and see how well it is received by the players on here.

    Hope this helps

    For me, the Yamaha DXR10 has been a revelation!
    There is a whole new world of quality tone now, without the back-breaking chore of lifting heavy valve amps and 4x12 cabs!
    Currently we are testing this new world by loading the identical rigs into 2 different kpa setups:-
    KPA POWERED (cab off) into Marshall 1960 4x12 cab
    KPA NON-POWERED into Yamaha DXR10 FRFR powered speaker
    Both guitarists (Ibanez and ESP guitars) then played simultaneously. Then we switched KPAs

    BOTH rigs sounded great. The Yamaha sounded richer and fuller!
    Each sounded similar, but the guitars did affect the sound - we could probably gig with identical rigs in each player's KPAs and still sound different enough to work well :)
    Testing continues - loving it!

    Sorry can you explain how assign rig to midi in performance mode and create this cache for fast switch. Thanks

    For full technical information on the way that the kpa handles the rigs via midi in Performance Mode, download the REFERENCE Manual from the main Kemper site. In this PDF document you can search for 'Performance Mode' and you will find how it is done with MIDI.

    For advice on how a user can set Performance Mode up with Rigs loaded and use it with an FCB1010, check the Forum - I'm sure you will find threads on it - has someone done a tutorial, perhaps? If not - then perhaps someone who uses the KPA and FCB1010 live could do a Tutorial or Video guide? :)

    My suggestion would be to set the Monitor Output from the KPA to 'Master Mono'
    As it is, you are only getting the left side, so it will sound weaker, particularly when stereo effects are in use.
    Hope this helps :)

    From my experience, Rokits are an excellent choice!
    I have the rp6 version, because I am recording and mixing in a large room. For a typical home setup the 5's are perfect.
    Great sound, no colouration, easily handle high volumes and very well made.
    I would recommend you get speaker stands for any monitors to help isolate them from desk/table surfaces etc as these can muddy the sound.
    Have fun! :)

    Mind blown!
    Never had an inkling of what Schoenberg was about before
    It's too easy to dismiss stuff that doesn't conform to your own usual norms of shapes and patterns in music and other art. Stuff like this, if you let it, helps you realise your comfortable shapes and patterns are just that - comfortable. It's amazing how good our brain is at grasping new forms and feelings, if you allow it to experience them.
    It's cool to get unsettled now and then!

    Now I need a lie-down :)