Posts by ithaqua

    Hi Mr Kemper,

    my question is simple: does the KPA is already able to send datas? I plan on building my own midi peadal board as a project to learn Atmel microcontrollers programming, so I wondered if I could get datas from the RJ45 to display the tuner and the name of the rig on mi foot controller.
    Thanks in advance for your reply

    Stop :!:
    this thread is to ask for a for sale / wanted section... not to sell your gear!
    Now, there were 147 views, and only one +1? does that mean nobody here has something to sell, even a guitar or a pedal? or does it mean nobody is interrested in a dedicated section on this forum?
    If even there were a reply from an admin to say YES NO or WHY NOT... but nothing...


    As I've bought the MATRIX GT1000FX, my Engl 930/60 is for sale. It's in perfect condition (no scratch, no racking trace...ehhhh nothing in fact !!!). I've used it less than 20 hours. Bought at the begining to make a WDW with my Powerball, I've never had enought time to build my mixer ( too much work!!!).

    It works very well wih the Kemper, but my goal was FRFR so...

    If interrested, please make an offer (a serious one).

    Thanks in advance


    A power amp shouldn't be that complicated

    Woww..... building an amplifier is not very complicated. Designing a good amplifier is more difficult. Designing an amplifier that sounds good enough for the KAP is wayyyyyyyy more difficult. The goal is not just to amplify the signal, or there wouldn't be so much difference between an ART SLA and a MATRIX, for exemple.

    The KPA is a GREAT unit for sure, but the axe II is not as bad...
    Let me take an exemple: LAMBORGHINI vs FERRARI... both are legends, but many people prefer FERRARI (it's not my case, I perefer bulls instead of mustangs). Well... who can seriously tells one brand is better than the other??? who can tell "I've driven both and X is better than Y because of bla bla bla ... ?" only a few pilots!!!
    Now we're speaking about gear. My old buddy Bruno told me that he used the AXE II for one month without plugging the kemper, and decided the AXE was excellent, untill he plugged the kemper again and made a A/B comparison. The result was WOWW !!! the kemper is better than the AXE II... I know Bruno for many years, and I know how much his hearing is astonishing... but what if he didn't have a Kemper to compare? the AXE FX II would certainly be the most excellent processor on earth...
    Now, this is my friend's opinion... he's a pro guitarist, he lives from his music... It's not my case!!! I play 1 hour a week (maximum) because I'm too tired to play at the end of my working day... What can I say about Kemper vs my olde AXE FX standard??? The Kemper is easier to use, sounds more natural, but seriously lacks of some FX. Yes I'm an FX addict. I'm not a pro, but It was sweet to make my fingers doing crazy things with weirds effects (and YES they were good enough for me, and YES I had a square wave tremolo with no need to wait a further firmware to get it!!!.), especially when I was tired and wanted my music makes me dream. I play what I want, for my pleasure, and I don't care about other's opinion on how bad I am.. music is a love story between my guitar and me.
    If I get an AXE II now, and if I play in one ore 2 weeks, I'll probably won't hear the difference, but I'll notice how much weird things I love and can play. I've readen so many things about Kemper vs Fractal ... this is bullshit !!! for how many times will we read A / B comparison between FBT VERVE vs KSC K12 vs ATOMIC wedges? there are NO best cabinets or speakers because there are NO people who hear exactly the same thing with the same tastes...
    Why did I sell my AXE FX STD? to buy an ultra to get more FX: that's all!!! Bruno told me the Kemper is better? Yes, obviously, but if I don't play any guitar for one month, even an eleven rack will sound good to my ears.
    I don't need any people to understand my goals or my wants, I just want a Kemper that fits my SKB, with seven pins midi in (my FC 200 works perfectly: why would I buy a kemper foot switch with just 3 small leds for tuner I won't see from my 1m83???) . If this never happens, I'll sell my lunch box to buy an AX II.
    To finish, I have no desire to be agressive (the closests word in my vocabulary, even if it's not exactly what I want to say) with Mr Kemper, but like cars, I can sell my "ENZO" to buy a "MURCIELAGO", and won't be disapointed as well: the kemper is not the only high end product on the market... now wait and see

    Why a rack if you can have a better looking head? Get a hard case for gigging.
    We will soon have tour cases available that can be placed onto your 4x12 cabinet. Lift the upper case cover and you're done. Definetly looks more amp-like.

    Hmmmm.... it's definitely a matter of taste...

    -to be honest, I hate this small lunch box (and I don't like green color)

    -to be more honest, I hate this format a lot more than I like how the unit sounds (don't know why, but it looks awful to me)
    -I don't like head amps too
    -I just like racks (for a lot of reasons I won't explain here)
    -I've sold my two 4x12...
    -I've just bought a MATRIX GT1000FX, and don't want to sell it and lose money

    -I don't want to sell my 6U SKB and lose more money.

    -I've bought the lunch box to give it a try the time I had to wait the 3U rack version

    - the kemper has no real place in my room... it's on the top of my SKB and take dust more and more every day (my GT1000FX doesn't because I carefully put the cover on when I'm finished to play), while there are 4U free in the SKB for nothing...

    Mr Kemper, you're the boss and you decide what you will or won't do, but as you ask users what features they do request, why to not considerate the users who really want a rack unit? make a referendum, do what you want to see if it worth it, but please, make a 19" 2U or 3U (I don't care about that), with a 7 pins midi in with phantom power.

    Well, I know what many people think about headphones... no room reflection, no natural hearing... And they do not sound like a real amp...but: I like playing through my headphones (AKG K271MK II) when my wife is sleeping, or when I have to open the windows in summer and don't want my neighbours to go crazy.
    Something else... the main utililty with stuffs like KPA or axe fx is that you can hear the RECORDED sound of an amp, exactly like when you listen to a CD... I don't care about how does James Hetfield's guitar sound in studio, but I REALLY love the sound he has on Master of Pupetts, or And Justice For all... and it's exactly where I want to go: When I listen to Metallica with my Ipod, it's through headphones, and what I want to do, is to get the same sound whith my Kemper, my guitar (EMG's of course), and my headphones. Exactly the same with my FRFR system and my HI FI .
    So, For those how think the same about me, which headphones do you use? the AKG is very comfortable to use and is pretty neutral, but lacks a bit in the low ends... So I look for other opinions, and why not to find better headphones.
    BTW, some famous musicians / artists like Quincy Jones have used headphones for years, and nobody can tell their mixing are bad...

    Thank you very much!!!

    What took you so long ? Welcome ! :rolleyes:

    I' ve spent one year to find how to power on my axe fx... I didn't want to sell it before playing a bit with :D

    Naahh.... in fact, I knew the existance of the Kemper 1 month ago when I called Bruno to see if he knew a matrix GT800FX for sale... for my axe fx standard. I won't tell all the conversation (I love my friend a lot, but he speaks... he speaks... he speaks...a lot...that's pretty surnatural :D ), but I finally bought a GT1000FX and decided to give the Kemper a try before buying an axe fx ultra... And now I have no regrets... The kemper is at the top, but I still think the axe was pretty good... but a lot more complicated to use, and a bit less natural.


    My name's Sylvain, from France. I've posted a bit these last days, but I wanted to introduce myself as a true member of the growing Kemper family...

    So... my KPA arrived this morning, and F**K !!! this small thing sounds awsome!!! First thing I did was to load it with profiles of Metallica: no doubt, James Hetfield tone was at home (Not James himself, unfortunately).

    It's done..... a 15 years of tone research finally ends: I'll be able to play now, learn guitar playing, and stop looking for tubes, amps, patches, presets, axe fx kiding...

    So thank you Mr Kemper for this amazing stuff (but I still wait for a 3U rack unit !!!), and thanks to the members who welcomed me (can I say that in english??? :huh: )


    Finnaly found a B-stock at Thomann's. Not really what I was planning for , but my quest has ended. Kemper on the way... I'm so impatienced to hear by myself, and test Metallica tones.

    Thanks for your replys and your offers.
