Posts by seNums

    i just opened up rig manager (i hadn't used it for a while) and it didn't recognize my Profiler and had an error.
    it said that i need to upgrade to the newest version of rig manager, so i installed the latest version for windows 7 64bit.
    then i restartet my profiler but the same error happened AND my profiler didn't react anymore. so i turned it of and wanted to restart it,
    but since then the profiler didn't start up anymore!

    i don't know what i shall do.... :(

    Are you recording with a laptop by any chance by the way? I had a laptop that if it had its power supply plugged in the same power strip as the rest of the gear caused a ton of noise.

    no, i have a pc. i had no noise when i recorded direct with the kemper, but when i used it for reamping. a friend told me that i should power everything with the same power strip. i did that and the noise were gone.

    ich weiß, dass das eigentlich ein englischsprachiges Forum ist, aber bezüglich meiner Frage glaube ich nicht, dass es unbedingt Sinn macht, den Post in englisch zu verfassen. Entschuldigung falls ich mich irre!

    Folgendes: Ich möchte mit einem befreundeten professionellen Producer in seinem Studio (UDIO Media) in Wien einen Bogner Überschall mit mehreren Mics und vielleicht (wenn wir einen organisieren können) noch mit einem Peavy 5150 EVH III in Kombination profilen. Das Problem ist, das es hier zu Lande so schwer ist den Bogner zu bekommen, bzw. sich auszuborgen, da er nicht einmal in in Wiens größter Musikhandlung - der "Klangfarbe" erhältlich ist. Wir haben momentan leider icht das Kapital, dass wir uns einen bei Thomann bestellen könnten.

    Jetzt wollte ich fragen, ob hier vielleicht ein paar Kempernutzer aus Österreich anwesend sind, die einen Bogner Überschall besitzen und ihn uns für ein Profiling leihen würden. Der helfende Verborger würde natürlich das Profile erhalten und für seine Mühen mit einer Steige Bier entlohnt werden! ;)

    Ich bin aus der Steiermark (Graz) und würde dafür extra nach Wien fahren, bin also im räumlich rellativ flexibel, was das Abholen des Amps betrifft.

    Danke für eure Hilfe oder zumindest für's Lesen! :)


    That´s right. However, the onboard converters in most state of the art audio interfaces or digital mixers are already so good that you won´t need a dedicated hi end converter. Those devices made way more sense 10 or 20 years ago when onboard digital converters with a good snr and frequency balance were still expensive.

    Yes, I know what you mean. And that's why it suprised me so much that Tosin and the other guy have DACs in their LIVE rigs...., is converted to analog (D/A conversion). 101000101010010101001010100101110100101 doesn't make any sound....

    If you're recording on analog tape, for example, you need a D\A conversion at some stage. It may make sense, if you have a converter you know and like, and trust above everything else, to use it for every conversion.
    In the pro realm almost no-one makes things (i.e. investing thousands of bucks) just because it's cool!

    As Guitarnet pointed out, your loudspeakers\headphones need an analog (i.e. tension, current, impedance) signal to be driven. This means that, at some stage, your mp3 - or any other file format - underwent a D\A conversion to supply an analog signal to the poweramp\headphone amp :)
    In many situation, when you know what to listen to, replacing a cheap D\A converter (like those you find in iPods or non-audio pro computers) with a better one gives perceivable differences. Whether the experience is worth the investment is up to the listener!

    Ah, thank you guys!
    I think(/hope) I've got it now: Your Instrument produces an analog signal -> that you can either record analog or digital ->
    if you put the recorded analog signal on vinyl it stays analog an no A/D convertion is needed, but if you put it on a digital medium like a CD or mp3 a good A/D converter makes sense -> and if you finally listen to the record on your PA or CD-player or PC... the player or soundcard converts the signal back to analog so you can hear something (so a very expensive D/A-C. only make sense if you have a very good PA or speakers).
    Right? 8o

    Ok, so then what is the point in converting a digital modeling amp signal to analog?
    Does this actually make the sound better or does it just sound better to say: "The signal is analog."? ;)

    And if you listen to a song on your pc or mp3-player, ipod etc. isn't this always a digital signal you're listening to? ?(

    In this video ( of Animals As Leaders rig they say that they don't use the digital to analog converter inside their AxeFxs anymore and instead they are using the Mytek Digital Converter because it has a higher sampling rate.
    What is that for? Does the Axe have such a bad sampling rate?

    Our Kemper does the opposite, right? - Everything is in analog and then it is converted to digital for the outputs... ?
    Please correct me if I'm wrong!

    Hi Patrick

    good to hear about your success. :thumbup:

    Would you mind giving some tips (hardcopies, templates) how you solved the switching with logic ?

    Thank you

    BR Ralf

    Hey Ralf,
    maybe I could do a youtube tutorial when I have the time...
    But for now I can refere you to this video: It's for AxeFx but it helped me a lot!

    Further more you have to know how to assign your rigs to midi program changes on your Kemper. You do that by loading a rig, than pressing the "System" button and then going to [Page 5/9]. Now you should see "Current Rig" (- which shows you the rig you have loaded) and "PrgChg#" (This shows you which rig is using the selected Midi program change number for now). So you just have to select the Midi program change you want your rig to be and to press "Assign".

    I hope that was helpful to you!


    my name is Patrick and I own the KPA for about 5 months.
    I play guitar in a band called "Dropzity" and last weekend we were finally able to use it the first time in a live show.

    The Profiler was switched by a Midi-track played through Logic, which also sent samples to the mixer and a click track to the drummer and me. Thanks to the rig exchange, andy's profiles and mostly your tips and advice on this forum, I was able to reproduce almost every single sound and effect we did in the studio! :) (Btw: So great to play a gig without "pedal-dancing")

    Although the guitarists from the other bands smiled at me when they saw my "amp" and the guy behind the mixer asked me if I'd like to have pink xlr cables to connect the KPA to his mixing board, they were blown away when they heard the little toaster in action! :thumbup:
    Everything just worked and sounded so fine!

    I just wanted to thank the Kemper team for building such an amazing product and you guys on the forum for always answering my questions (even if they are dumb :rolleyes: ) and helping me out!

    Best regards,

    (Btw: Where can I change my profile name on this forum?^^)


    Thanks to you both for your answers!

    I tried it with the stereo widener, but it also didn't work for me. Indeed it does feel like the sound travels from left to right while you change the settings from one extreme to the other, but there is always some remaining sound on the other side...
    I think the stereo widener enhanches the panning equal on each side, since you can only tweak the intensity of the effect and tune the frequencies that are emphasized or not.

    while I'm the only guitarist in my band, I wondered if it's possible on the KPA to use stereo panning as an effect.
    Like playing an intro and for the first two bars the signal is on the right side, in the next two bars everything is on the left side and when the whole band comes in, you switch back to full stereo. (like emulationg two guitarists)

    Is that possible to do that with any kind of effect we have on the KPA? Maybe with a long ping pong delay, stereo widener or something like that? (Sorry, if that's a noob question! :D )
