Posts by Schatvet-Riisager

    Thank you for making a great fast tracking pitch shifter:-)
    I'm a great fan of expression pedals, and I wonder if it could be possible to let us control the volume of the pitched note with a standard MIDI controller message?
    This would be very useful in solos.

    I know that we sort of behave like a bunch of hungry wolves: Throw us a piece of meat and be shure that we will howl for more, never completely satisfied.
    But again, this is part of what makes the Kemper such an outstanding device: it gets better all the time, and outgrows the competing equipment along the way.

    Best regards,
    Finn Schatvet-Riisager

    I use a Yamaha MFC10 MIDI Foot Controller. It can be programmed to turn the effects on and of: Each time I press a certain footswitch I toggle a certain effect in the Kemper. The problem is: The MFC10 toggles the state of the effect. This means that the first time I press the button, the effect will be turned on. But if the effect was allready on in the first place, nothing will happen. Therefore I will have to press the button a second time to send an effects off signal, which then really turns the effect off. If I now press the button a third time, the effect goes on again. BUT: Now I switch to another sound and press the same effects button again, it will probably send an eff-off signal this time, because the last time it sent an eff-on signal. See? The problem is that the MFC10 does not really toggle the state of the effect, it sends eff-on/eff-off alternately. Pure luck if this triggers what needs to be triggered. Possibly your foot controller does the same thing. I guess this is a problem with the MIDI code set, it contains eff-on and eff-off, but I believe it doesn't really contain a toggle code. A way to solve this would be to reprogram the Kemper in a way that it would toggle the effect each time it got an aproprate eff-on or eff-off message, regardless wich of the two messages it got. I hope this is of any help to you. best regards, Finn.