Posts by ARelicMind80

    Frankly I can't believe any support person on the whole wide world is gonna tell a customer he should resolder a clock-chip on a modern multilayer PCB. Even the manufacturer of said PCB wouldn't do that, they would just swap the whole board. And I can't believe a customer is actually following that advice and soldering around a board of a brand spanking new 1.500 € device. Sorry, this part of the story is fishy to say the least.

    It's remotely possible that a not much informed person might tell somebody to change the battery although I do consider that highly unlikely given the device is brand new.

    Nobody seemed to be eager to replace my faulty unit whether the dealer or Kemper so i thought i was doing everyone a favor and not trouble them since they didnt seem keen on replacing my unit.

    I would absolutely not settle for that nonsense. It's the dealers responsibility to replace your faulty unit with a brand new one....and you should accept nothing less. Who did you purchase it from?

    A shop in Singapore who is a friend of mine so i dont feel comfortable sharing their store or identities.

    I cannot believe somebody at Kemper instruct him to do so, resolder a chip himself? 8o c'mon.... It must be something more not yet told, this is a very collaborative customer service to a user that damaged his unit voiding the Warranty. In this optic it does make sense, instruct him to do something that the producer itself would not do? No way....

    "Today, 6:54pm

    by ARelicMind80


    [Blocked Image: from "fretboardminer"

    Are you really saying the KEMPER support "gave you the instruction" to resolder a chip inside there? This is heavy stuff. Can you proove this?

    "Dear joshua.thanos,

    there are two things, that you might be able to check. However we want to prepare a phote, so that you find the elements in the Profiler.

    The clock has a battery, that you could exchange. We don't believe, this is less probable, but possible.

    And the quarz of the clock could have a soldering contact problem. So if you feel comfortable with it, you could try to solder the quarz once more. Just heating the connection up for a moment might fix the connection issue.

    Please wait for my phote and guideline.


    Burkhard Dinnies"

    as promised here are the instructions how to check the battery and the quarz of the clock:

    There are 2 phenomenons, both photographs are frontpanel! So when disassembling the unit: only the frontpanel has to be detached ! Please be sure to disconnect all A/C power before operation.

    1) clock doesn't keep time when A/C power cord is pulled. This could be caused by faulty battery (didn't happen until now)

    2) clock doesn't run at all ('freezed'). This could be caused by faulty RTC-crystal.. maybe a re-soldering could fix that:

    note: ONLY SOLDER WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING ! -- otherwise please ship to support and don't fiddle around yourself ;)

    Hope this helps!



    "Hello Joshua,

    too bad ... I have the following proposal:

    We can send a spare cable to you directly. Should take 3-5 days. Please send

    your address and we'll ship it asap.

    Regarding the clock perhaps your friend engineer can also solder the 2

    capacitors in the direct neighborhood of the quartz.

    We could mark these on another foto. If that doesn't help, I'm afraid we

    need to do the repair here. Exchanging the front panel is definitely more

    complicated than disconnecting this one cable.

    So I'm waiting for your address.



    Soo, plenty of proofs that i was asked to fix it myself. Like i said, its like buying a new shirt with ripped part and being asked to sew it myself as opposed to replacing it."

    Sooo, i know im the underdog here in a room full of people who loves Kemper but ive got the proofs...i pray it doesnt happent to you.

    I had a faulty unit that I supplied to a customer.
    I instructed the customer to send it back to me, which he did.
    I sent it back to Kemper, all the way from South Africa to Germany.
    Kemper shipped me a new unit free of charge including the shipping from Germany to South Africa.

    100% perfect Customer service from both myself, the distributor, and Kemper. :thumbup:

    Wish mine was like yours....bad luck on my side i guess.

    Are you really saying the KEMPER support "gave you the instruction" to resolder a chip inside there? This is heavy stuff. Can you proove this?


    Dear joshua.thanos,

    there are two things, that you might be able to check. However we want to prepare a phote, so that you find the elements in the Profiler.

    The clock has a battery, that you could exchange. We don't believe, this is less probable, but possible.

    And the quarz of the clock could have a soldering contact problem. So if you feel comfortable with it, you could try to solder the quarz once more. Just heating the connection up for a moment might fix the connection issue.

    Please wait for my phote and guideline.


    Burkhard Dinnies"


    as promised here are the instructions how to check the battery and the quarz of the clock:

    There are 2 phenomenons, both photographs are frontpanel! So when disassembling the unit: only the frontpanel has to be detached ! Please be sure to disconnect all A/C power before operation.

    1) clock doesn't keep time when A/C power cord is pulled. This could be caused by faulty battery (didn't happen until now)

    2) clock doesn't run at all ('freezed'). This could be caused by faulty RTC-crystal.. maybe a re-soldering could fix that:

    note: ONLY SOLDER WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING ! -- otherwise please ship to support and don't fiddle around yourself ;)

    Hope this helps!



    "Hello Joshua,

    too bad ... I have the following proposal:

    We can send a spare cable to you directly. Should take 3-5 days. Please send

    your address and we'll ship it asap.

    Regarding the clock perhaps your friend engineer can also solder the 2

    capacitors in the direct neighborhood of the quartz.

    We could mark these on another foto. If that doesn't help, I'm afraid we

    need to do the repair here. Exchanging the front panel is definitely more

    complicated than disconnecting this one cable.

    So I'm waiting for your address.



    Soo, plenty of proofs that i was asked to fix it myself. Like i said, its like buying a new shirt with ripped part and being asked to sew it myself as opposed to replacing it.

    Im going to try to hide my anger as best as i can and be as polite as possible in hopes that Kemper will provide a better solution for me as a paying customer. This post is not to to tarnish the reputation of Kemper and their company but it is simply a public outcry as the result of my communications with tech support that has been full of disappointment and lies. The dealer i bought this from and Kemper seems to not want to take responsibility for the faulty unit.

    I recently bought Kemper last week abroad and when i came back i had less than a day to set it up for my gig. However i encountered a problem that resulted in me canceling my gig. The save feature didnt work as it should causing midi crash so if i saved 5 presets and tried to recall them through my midi foot controller it would crash and the presets would disappear and i wouldnt be able to load them.

    I posted in the forum for help and no one could figure it out so i contacted support and after almost a week we found out the cause of the problem was because my clock didnt work and i had a defective clock chip. The clock not working caused every preset i save to be saved with the same timestamp and therefore causing a crash.

    So i was given the instruction to open up the unit and either change the battery or resolder the quartz chip. No offer was made to simply return the item and have it replaced or fixed. i decided ill try to save everyone the trouble and got an engineer friend to come and help me with it.

    We replaced the battery and found that wasnt the cause of the problem. So we proceeded to try and resolder the chip as instructed. As i was tring to remove the front panel completely to get a better soldering angle and view the red/pink cable broke because it was so fragile. I hv removed these types of cable in computers before but this was simply too fragile and broke upon a little pull (if you dont believe me you're welcome to try it yourself).

    So the tech support person i dealt with said the whole front panel needed to be replaced because of it. He wrote this

    "Hello Alex,

    the price of the front panel is 245,07 EUR and DHL shipping is 46,00 EUR.

    This is a reduced price reflecting the defective clock.

    Best regards,


    I had felt quite cheated at this point as a customer because i thought 'i bought a defective unit, then was asked to fix it myself...and when things went wrong i hv to pay another 25 percent of the price??'. If u bought clothings or cars be it cheap or expensive noone would tell you 'the clothing is ripped so sew it yourself' or 'the brake in the new car you bought didnt work but here's the instruction on how to fix that, do so at your own risk'....I merely followed instructions with consideration to save everyone the trouble. Nevertheless, i agreed at this price after asking they take into consideration that warranty is in place and the unit already was faulty and it wasnt because i was trying to mod it. So Burkhard confirmed that yes they already took that into consideration. I agreed to pay and waited for the bill.

    However, 2 days later i received this :

    "Dear Joshua,

    the price for the complete frontpanel (which colour you need?) is 469,38

    Shipping with DHL is 46,00 EUR (Standard)

    Please note that shipping from Germany to Indonesia needs around 2-3 weeks.

    When you are interested, I'll prepare a Proforma Invoice and after payment

    is visible on our

    account, we will send out this spare part.

    Please advise.

    Best regards,

    Katja Ambrass
    Sales Administration"

    I mentioned that that wasnt the price agreed on and i got this as a reply :

    "Yes, I know.
    But the Frontpanel board you need have everything: Potentiometer, Display, the metal plate (black or white), LED’s, cable and so on.
    We checked it together this morning with our engineer. The price I gave you before was only the panel (without anything)

    Best regards,
    Katja Ambrass
    Sales Administration"


    "Dear Joshua,

    please note that in general all customer has to return defective units to the dealer where they bought it.

    The reason is, that you will lose your warranty when you try to repair it by yourself and you broke something.

    Normally we make no exception at this point.

    Following your situation, I can offer you a discount of 100 EUR.

    Unfortunately this is all we can offer you.

    Best regards,

    Katja Ambrass
    Sales Administration"

    I thought, wait a minute, thats another half of what i paid for a supposedly perfect working Kemper and wasnt i instructed to fix the problem myself? There was even an instruction to 'solder the quartz chip' and when that didnt work to 'solder the neighboring chip next to it'...i mean what kind of scam is this?

    My dealer is not sure of their options on this matter and Kemper is offering me a non logical expensive solution...i am hoping this does not reflect on Mr. Kemper's principle of doing business. I truly feel cheated in this matter.

    Mr. Kemper if you are reading this, i hv the utmost respect in the product and new technology of the profiling amp and i actually got rid of my Axe Fx and amps for your product. But shouldnt customers given a faulty unit be replaced with a new one or at least fixed for free? Ive dealt with Suhr guitars and they completely did everything free and lived up to their 'Warranty' promise...that is the level of professionalism i expected from Kemper.

    I really hope that this plea is heard and i am given a better email is

    Thank you very much.

    Sooo, been dealing with support...we noticed that the clock on my kemper is not working and it might be whats messing it up cos it writes and saves the same patch with the same time or somn like that.
    Anyways, heres hoping its not a major issue...Mr.Chris Kemper, if you're there, is there a solution i can do without waiting another day for tech support's reply? I really wanna get this working and start practicing and gigging again ^^ .

    ^ ^ ^ ^THIS^ ^ ^ ^

    Or, if you've assigned the same PC number to 2-different rigs ....say, you changed your mind on rig-number sequence and you didn't "unassign" the midi PC # (in the original rig) this exact issue will occur when you get to the duplicate number with your foot peda

    Yep, here's what i did in sequence...i downloaded Two Rock patch from Rig Exchange....edit the patch and save it as ATTwoRock with my Initial in the beginning so i can find the ones i normally use in the beginning of the browse 'by name' section.
    I then assigned it to preset 1.....everything is ok.
    I play around a bit .... everything seems ok...then while changing between the 5 patches it crashes.
    or...I edit the sound a bit and save it as 'replace'...once i save it that way it crashes.

    Im doing it right...right??? Did i get a faulty unit??

    Didi you simply try to switch the profiler off and back on fafter it happened?
    What firmware version are you on?
    Did you update it after purchase?

    Hi Chris, yes ive done that all the time just to be able to use the sounds again but the problem lies is the midi crash making it super impossible to use live unless i use one patch only (i use at least 10)...
    Im on the latest 1.1.0 firmware...i downloaded it on the same day of purchase last week.
    Would reinstalling the firmware help?

    Sooo, yeah...i tried another cable. Even tried Midi Mouse instead of Mastermind. Still the same thing. The problem happens once i save and assign to say preset 1...i edit again then save....load preset 2....then load preset 1 again thats when the preset disappears even when u want to load using the 'browse knob' the preset is there but it wouldnt load. Why havent i heard from kemper? Anyone???? :S

    Yep, been checkin and rechecking that as well and i did use Channel 1 on both Mastermind and Kemper as opposed to Omni...and the thing is, it works perfectly for like 5-10 minutes which means that it was setup properly. Then when u actually start rehearsing ur songs n start switching between the 5 patches one decides to simply not change, the patch cant be loaded etc.

    I hv the same issue...
    Bjorn, what do u mean by 'u assigned rigs to more than one midi preset numbers'??? Did u find a solution for it???

    Are you on the latest FW? Older version had freeze problem with CC# 0. I would also make a factory reset on the mastermind: if it was programmed for the Axe it could be that it sends several different messages on different midi channels.

    Hi, yes ive reinit my MASTERMIND many also on the latest Firmware. What foot controller are u using??? Would the Ground Control pro work better???

    Hey guys, im Alex a super happy owner of the Kemper for less than a week. However i had to cancel a gig due to problems trying to switch it live with a midi foot controller. What do u guys use and what issues have u encountered if i might ask?...
    I used RJM's Mastermind which worked well for my Axe Fx(gone, im a kemper guy now) and had no issues but when i plugged it to Kemper it gave me problems.
    The issue starts in this sequence:
    1. Edit and make a preset n save it to preset 1...make no.2...make ...n no.5...all is well.
    2. Switch between presets for about 10 minutes while i practice with the songlist as well as make minor adjustments and save far is ok.
    3. All of the sudden i step on preset no.3 on my RJM Mastermind and it wouldnt select stays in either 2 or 4 or wherever i was in before...i cant even use the browse knob to select the sound now....cant use the arrow buttons to scroll through rigs either...i hhave to restart programming everything.
    4. Rebooted, restarted and reinit the Flash Memory, used only preset patches etc for a few times and the problem would just occur out of nowhere.

    Soooo, i hv a super beautiful sounding unit that i cant use live....i hv a Midi Mouse and a Ground Control Pro but i really wanna use the RJM Mastermind with this setup.

    Can someone enlighten me and help with this issue...appreciate it. I really wanna use the tagline 'Im a Happy Kemper' on Facebook and Twitter but i really cant cos of this issue ;('s hoping i can use that line very soon :D

