Posts by borg64

    Hey Sven, first, thanks for your nice feedback it means a lot to us!

    And I overlooked your first question ;(

    Not sure atm, we will work things out as soon as possible. But as said previously, the pricing will be very fair and we think about some goodies for the customers who bought the pack before the release of the following stuff...

    Thanks for the support and the feedback, it's awesome to imagine different people in different countrys in front of their KPA's with a smile mixing/recording/ or writing heavy as hell music.

    Thanks, and no worries at all. The question regarding the next set being released as a separate product or as an upgrade was more for clarification, as the original post could be interpreted as you're looking to expand on/add to the current package in future sessions, rather than releasing a brand new one.

    20 Euros for this pack is well worth the price of admission in my opinion. Looking forward to the next one, keep up the great work. :)


    Aaand bought. :)

    Initial impressions after 30 or so minutes play-through on my ESP and Gibson: Grrreat stuff! Very effortless to dial in, and I like that there are some profiles which are a bit less 'full on' from scratch, nice for adding pedals in front. Cool variations too, these will complete each other great when layering tones. And I love the fact that there's no added FX by default, just load up and play without having to bypass a chain of 80s cathedral reverb and Grand Canyonesque delay lines.

    Will gladly purchase the next profile pack you make. Awesome value for a set of great high gain tones in my humble opionion. Yes, only three amps, but there's a lot of ground covered amongst there 30 profiles, and they all sound top notch. Recommended!


    Thank's a bunch for this awesome feedback Blackbird!
    We're very happy.

    The next session is fixed and more profiles are on the way in a couple of weeks.


    Will the profiles made during the next session result in a brand new product, or will they be added to the current pack?



    Hey folks!

    I was tracking some bass yesterday and decided to get the KPA involved, so I tried splitting the signal output; one amp + cabinet signal through the Kemper's Main Output Left, one unprocessed DI signal through the Kemper's Direct Output/Send. These signals went into my Metric Halo LIO-8 input 1 and 2.

    Got both signals into the interface as expected, but the DI channel came in way too hot, clipping the input on the LIO-8. The Input meter on the Kemper never flashes above green when playing the bass, so the signal going into the Kemper should be well within acceptable levels.

    So, I'm assuming pilot error on my part, but what am I doing wrong here? Is there any way to attenuate the Direct Output signal inside the KPA? Plugging the bass directly into the LIO-8 results in a clear signal without any input clipping.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, hope someone can help.
