Posts by jasonsmith

    I've played on my Kemper a few times or so. Haven't messed with it much as I've been needing to get an FRFR or whatever as I don't like doing the headphones thing.

    But, it still has the factory settings. I've not messed with anything in the software. And I noticed the few times I've messed with it. That there would be times when I'm going through the factory presents (All the different factory installed amps). And sometimes I couldn't hear my guitar notes, but would only hear the "effect". i.e. if there was delay or reverb or something on the setting, then I could hear that, but I couldn't hear my guitar notes. i.e. when I'd pluck the string. And this happened over some of the other presets as I'd flip through them. Like this problem would just happen sporadically and would be there even when flipping through other presets. Then after going through a few like that, I'd then start hearing my guitar notes again.

    The first time this happened, I had thought those were just weird presets or something. Kind of like how AxFx as some weird stuff where you can really only hear the "effects".

    But then I noticed when going backwards, that those presets that I couldn't hear my guitar on previously. I could then now "hear" my guitar. So that told me something wasn't right and that it wasn't just a weird preset.

    I've noticed this randomly the few times I've messed with it.

    Has anyone heard of this before? Don't know if this would be a hardware or knob/pot issue, or software.

    It's kind of hard to explain. But imagine if there was a delay in the preset. And you pluck your string, but you don't hear the plucked string, but DO hear the "delay" from hitting that string. Imagine if you could isolate JUST the effects part of the sound, and that's all you'd hear.

    Like on a preset that had reverb. You couldn't hear your guitar notes, but could just hear this reverb sound.

    Ordered the regular black toaster Kemper.

    Already have an interface, but will probably look for one with s/pdif to keep it all digital.

    Also will probably look for something like FRFR to jam on. As this will pretty much be used for direct recording, and so I'd want to hear my recording tone when jaming vs. playing through a guitar speaker cab.

    I am interested in the new capturing technique that removes the cab/mic/pickups from the mix. I always thought that was kind of a weak part of it, but now looks like you can capture just the amp. And then you can mix/match cab sims I guess.

    I'm looking at getting a Kemper Profiler.

    I'm looking at the Kemper toaster either regular or powered version.

    I only plan on using this to record stuff with. So was thinking of getting the regular one and using FRFR speakers to jam through so I can hear the actual sound of how it's being recorded.

    I got rid of my speaker cabinets, so wouldn't have a need for the powered version right now.

    But I'm guessing if you are just going to be using this to record and listen to your recorded sound by playing through FRFR speakers, then I guess you just need to get the regular version?


    @jasonsmith The USB is only needed for updating FW, which happens about 3 times a year (if you skip the betas). You can use Rig Manager on your computer connected via USB to your profiler for loading, organising, renaming, tagging and previewing profiles, stored locally on your computer/KPA or directly from the online Rig Exchange. I think you might not have fathomed this.

    If you do make the leap over to Kemper, you'll find not only great tone and playability coupled with ease of use and tweaking on the fly, but also a great community on this forum and to a lesser extent on facebook. I admit that I was a bit condescending in my previous posts, but I honestly can't for the life of me imagine that your hang ups would matter to you for a second longer, once you'd started playing around with a KPA. For that, please accept my apologies.

    Okay that doesn't sound like too big of a deal. The comments on the USB flash drive I had read had talked about having to use the USB flash to do updates and to also load new profiles.

    If you can connect the Kemper to the computer to load the profiles, then that's fine.

    Maybe the comments I was reading were made before an update or something.

    I'll probably look at trying the Kemper at some point. Been looking at doing some recordings for a while and planned to keep it all digital.

    I still don't see the problem with suggesting that you be able to connect the Kemper directly to the computer for updates and loading profiles. If they added this feature, no one would complain about it. I can see why some may like to be able to load profiles with a USB flash, but I don't see it as a feature. But more of a limitation at the time of the design like how Blu-Ray players used to require USB flash for it's updates.

    And yes, I don't have a Kemper to have experience with the USB flash. But I had seen several Kemper owners complaining about having to use a USB flash and thought I'd mention it as something that should be updated.

    If I end up picking up a Kemper. I'd have to get a new interface as my current one doesn't have S/PDIF. I was looking at the powered unit, but I've already gotten rid of my cabs. So since I'd be using the Kemper for recording mainly, probably would save money and get the regular one and use FRFR speakers to listen to the digital amp/cab.

    One thing I didn't like about the Axe FX II, was that it sounded like it had a blanket over the amp to the sound. Though I only used studio headphones to listen to it.

    "Also I'd like a redesign of the case/buttons, because I don't really care for the look of the product. That's one of the reasons why I decided to try out an Axe-FX, because I think that is a well designed looking product. The Kemper looks more toyish and lesser quality in terms of looks compared to the Axe-FX. Kemper should get outside help in designing their 2nd version whenever that gets released."

    You don't seem like a potential customer, you seem more like a person that came here to ask Kemper to completely change everything about their product to suite your specific needs. That's impossible.

    No, I asked if there was a redesign coming out or coming out in the near future i.e. Mark II. The answer was "no". So I made a suggestion for in case at some point in the future they decide to do a redesign.

    Years ago I was deciding between Kemper and Axe-FX. Went with Axe-FX at the time. Years later I was looking around again and went to check out the Kemper and noticed they still had the same model as before. So thought I'd see when a revision would be coming out that I could check out. But looks like that isn't happening.

    and about the USB stick, I think you're looking at this the wrong way:
    it's actually the only unit I know of that can get updates, make backups, import and export rigs without using a computer.

    That would be fine if you could also connect a computer to it and do the same thing. I wouldn't have a reason to do an update without using the computer. So it's not a feature for me.

    I think it's just an excuse for outdated way of doing things that probably I'm assuming can't get fixed with an update.

    I used to have a bluray player that required frequent updating via USB flash. It was annoying and I ended up getting a bluray player with wifi so I didn't have to mess with the USB flash nonsense anymore. The reason you don't need to use a USB flash anymore to update blu ray players is because they redesigned their players to have wifi so you could update via wifi instead.

    Haha if those are your two biggest stumbling blocks then I'd say go back to your iPad and JamUp/whatever! Seriously, the KPA is a sophisticated device, both in it's sounds and operation, aimed at pros. If you can't get over the aesthetic, then you shouldn't even be in the game. Also, it's easy to drag and drop a file to a USB stick and put it in the slot on the KPA!!! Sorry, but it's true.
    I wish you luck with whatever you end up with.

    I'm only using real amps. I don't use anything else.

    Would you like Kemper to sell more amps? If you do, then you should listen to what I'm saying. The reality is there are a lot of people out there deciding between the Kemper and Axe-FX for example. Some go with Axe-FX just for looks alone as you can't really play these in the store to try out. So that's a lost sale for Kemper. Of all the amps and gear out there. Kemper seems to be the most polarizing with regards to it's design. There's a lot of people out there who don't even take the Kemper seriously because it looks more like a toy. Fact is you'll buy it no matter I presume. But if Kemper redesigned it and made it a bad ass looking amp, they'll get more sales.

    And the USB flash thing would be pretty annoying. Lot of complaints on this. Just because you are happy with it doesn't negate others issues with it. And you don't even know how I'd be using the Kemper if I had one.

    I'd have to go grab the USB flash out of the drawer and connect it to the computer. Drag and drop the files. Pull out the Kemper and flip it around. Connect the USB flash. Then flip the Kemper back around to do the update or whatever buttons you push to do that. Then pull the USB flash out and put it back in the drawer. Then push the Kemper back into it's place.

    Why bother with all of that if I could just leave a USB cable connected to it, and just connect it up to the computer and not mess with all that USB flash nonsense? That should have been fixed in an update or something, but I'm guessing it's a hardware limitation.

    It reminds me of when I had to do the USB flash updates with the bluray player before I got one that had wifi in it.

    OP is either a troll or just a product of the culture created by other companies who count on its users to constantly pay for the newer version of their flawed products.
    The Kemper is one of the few products that actually delivers right out of the gate and doesn't need to play the game lIke these other companies do.
    I don't feel sorry for any people who keep investing money in these other gadgets cuz they would obviously rather worry about non essential features rather than the actual sound of the product.
    I also feel like every time a new Line 6 product launches you start seeing a ton of astroturfimg all over the web. Just look at the gear page and their helix thread. So large and the product ain't even out yet. Same thing happened with the hd500.

    Your "troll" commentary is just an attack designed to try and shut down discussion of critique of the Kemper amp. I'm a potential buyer here giving feedback to help Kemper make a better product. I'm sure they'd like to have my money, and I'm giving them suggestions to try and help them with that, not counting that it would help them get other buyers of their products as well.

    It's a 10+ year old design overall. Not counting too that it's a first model that will already have lots of things that would have gotten improved on with later model revisions. Also, you don't "have" to buy the new revision models when other companies come out with them. You can keep using whatever model you bought. If Kemper was at Mark III right now, you could have kept using your Mark I model.

    And I'm not asking if or why there isn't a redesigned new model every year or something like that. I had figured a 10 year old designed piece of electronics would have had a revision by now or a new redesign soon to come out.

    Do you consider it a "flaw" to have to use a dedicated USB stick to transfer updates and amp models back and forth between the Kemper and the computer? That's pretty ancient as I'm guessing that it was needed to be that way when it was first designed out a long time ago. All the other similar products don't have this problem as they can all be connected directly to the computer to get updates or to transfer files. I'm guessing Kemper would have addressed this years ago if it could have been fixed via an update. It doesn't matter how well someone thinks the Kemper sounds, this is an example of a turn off for a potential buyer.

    that is a generalization. computers and audio hardware shouldn't be compared like that.
    also, your number would be wrong

    The number wouldn't be wrong because it was designed out years before it was released. So it's a 5+ year model design. It still is a computer. We're not talking about a tube amp here. I believe they worked on it for like 6 years before it was released? So I'd say overall a 10 year old design.

    It's not really the 'first' product. The Profiler is made by the same guys that made the quite successful Virus family of synths.

    It's the "first" Kemper Profiling Amplifier. I wasn't referring to the first product they ever made. It's fairly common to release a Mark 1, then some time later to come out with a whole new version or a Mark 2. You come out with model revisions to update hardware and to fix/address concerns there may be with the design. For example, one complaint I've seen alot with the Kemper is that you can't connect the Kemper to your computer and do an update. You have to transfer a USB stick back and forth. I don't know if that is fixable with an "update" or if that is a hardware solution. I'm assuming it's a hardware solution as I'd figure that would have been addressed years ago. That right there shows the age of the design that needs to be updated.

    one would think that a musician chooses gear based on how it sounds

    also, the Profiler was designed to give guitarists the best possible UI
    instead of just a box with a few token knobs. the workflow, the layout,
    the controls feel very natural and are extremely easy to navigate.

    again, more than a decade experience in designing UIs (see above)

    I can't really tell "how it sounds" without first buying it. I'm just saying, and a lot of other people have said this and still say this. The Kemper looks toyish. Years ago I was deciding between the Axe-FX and the Kemper. Going back and forth and decided to try out the Axe-FX mainly because it is a better looking product. I ended up not keeping the Axe-FX though as I ended up just tweeking it the whole time and not playing. Didn't try the Kemper because it just looked goofy, but was still interested. Years later I figured there would be a Mark II or something by now to check out.

    I may later on get the Kemper to check it out. Even if it sounds amazing, I'd still think it looks all goofy and should be redesigned when they release Mark II. I think it would help sales if the Kemper not only sounds good, but also looks good as well. There are lots of comments of people not even willing to try the Kemper out just because of how it looks. That's just the reality of it. If redesigning it to look way better increases sales, then it would be a good thing regardless if someone thinks others should buy it without regard to how it looks.

    But then again, learning of having to transfer a dedicated USB stick back and forth to do updates and transfer amp models is a pretty big turn off.