Posts by Bke

    Let us know if you get one and how you like it. I'm really enjoying it. I've spent 1000's of euro over the last few years trying to get the best tone at home.

    Original axe fx, 2 fx2's, small watt amps, large watt amps with attenuators (I like the Freyette power station station) have tried real cabs, matrix power amp, q12a and the Clr, two notes torpedo etc.

    Am on the waiting list for an ax8, but the Kemper (my third) through the Friedman is the best tone I've been able to get at home so far. Just sounds and feels great, dialling in using the definition, with minor tweaks to the eq in the amp settings getting great results. Thinking of cancelling my ax8 as for the first time I think finally happy!!

    Got a good few hours with it today. The only downside can see (hear) is that there is an audible hiss constantly coming from it. You only notice when playing very low volume and close to the speake. That's not a deal breaker for me but I could see it being for others

    Other than that, it's exactly what I was hoping for, much more of a cab feel from it, sounds great, played with several guitars and several different types of profiles from more vintage plexi to higher gain Marshall and all sounded better/gave better enjoyment to play than any other solution I've tried. I'm a hobbyist, play mostly at home and was looking for the best solution for me I'm that environment, so take my PoV for what it is.

    So it arrived today. Had only a small amount of time before I had to go out. Quickly unpacked, and plugged in. As reported its heavy but that doesn't bother me. Went to a profile that I was using, plugged in guitar and... What the hell, that's really bright and nasally. Tried another profile, a little better but still not impressed at all. Messed with eq, no great progress, checked settings no good Thinking this may be going back very soon feeling pressure as I need to go out soon and I'm feel a bit distressed about the whole thing

    Pause, deep breaths, chec full signal chain... k full signal path. Dopey me had left my wah pedal engaged the night before so it was on, toe down lol felt like such a dumb ass...

    far far to early to call it but I had another half an hour and was really happy with the sound and feel I was getting Will see how the next few days go

    Lesson learnt Don't rush when checking out new gear!!

    I don't really need a totally flat monitor, I love playing through a real cab but that's kinda limiting as my cab, which I like is not best suited for all amps. My ideal, I think, is a Monitor/cab that is flat enough that you can keep cabs on buy feels more like a can. Sounds like the Friedman may be what I'm looking for. Will be here Wednesday so not long to wait.

    Thanks for the comments all

    Sound is subjective of course, but thats hardly stopped forum banter regarding it before!, lol, guess if i was asking about buying a kemper having already tried an AXE FX2 and a Helix it would be a different story;-) always buy from places with good returns policy as none of this stuff is stocked in shops where i live so always have to by untried. Have ordered, will see if what i think in a few days.

    Play mostly at home through studio monitors, and tgrough a Freyette power station and CAB when I want a bit more volume or playing with others.

    Have been thinking of getting a larger FRFR type cab and the Friedman is what I'm considering. I've had the matrix q12a and clr in the past (although never tried the clr with Kemper, had an axe fx then).

    I seem to remember them sounding a little more hifi (for want of a better explanation) than I'd like The reports of the Friedman sounding a little more or feeling a little mor rike a cab is intriguing

    Love playing the Kemper through a real cab but know I'm missing a lot of the potential. Also only certain amps will sound good with a certain cab, same with a profiles. amps sounds good with a pabticular cab

    would be interested in opinions from people who have used the Friedman and q12a the clr or q13a and what they think. Hoping the Friedman might give me a closer feel to what I get from a real cab

    . Thanks

    Stores around my area aren't good regarding sound rooms for checking these things Ended up with focal alpha 50's as my space is very small. So far really like them. Kemper sounds really good, profiles I never liked before have really opened up and at sound good.


    im looking to get a pair of studio monitors for my Kemper. Would be for home use in untreated room. I don't need super high end stuff, am considering Adam F7 or focal alpha 65's, or maybe Yamaha hs7

    anyone have experience of these? Currently leaning towards the focal alphas


    What I'd love to see in a Kemper 2 is a new profiling process where you turn the gain and EQ nobs while profiling so it profiles the gain structure of the amp and how the eq interacts


    I had a Kemper a while back, got rid of it maybe a little before firmware 2.0 - liked the recorded tones but didn't really didn't dig the FRFR thing too much (tried Q12A + CLR) - i see a lot has gone on in the firmwares since ive had one - would be mainly using it through a Freyette Powerstation into various cabs, and studio monitors at home. Ive seen a couple of video's of someone using this setup (powerstation). So with the whole 3.0, better seperation between amp and CAB should i expect much better experience?

    Any improvements on the effects in that time? would likely stick to the stomp boxes i have, so not a major issue


    Don't have a solution, but to see what it might sound like, take your amp (assume line out from the amp if it has it, or from a load box with a line out) go from that into rear input, disable pre amp effects in kemper, disable amp and amp eq leaving CAB active - gives you an idea of what an IR of your profiled cab might sound like if you had an ir of it... eh... maybe 8)

    Side track, have you tried the CAB updated to the newest firmware etc with the Kemper? have worked it to some very good results (only at bedroom levels, no idea how it would translate in other appications)

    I'd actually would like one just for the use of even better effects. Are there any sound difference on the effects from the ultra to #2( and XL)? Don't get me wrong, the kemper ones are good, but still limited, in many ways.
    (Oh and I think most of the amp sounds from the axe units are beyond crap)

    For effects only I'd say a 2nd hand standard or ultra would do the job. Improvements in effects have been made on the 2, but I think most focus has been on amp modeling and more recently amp cab interaction and ir's. I don't use a lot of effects but have had success with the kemper going 4 cable method with the axe. Guitar into axe fx for comp, wah, dirt etc, then out to kemper for amp/cab and back into axe for chorus, delay, reverb etc. really don't want to have this thread turn into a kemper vs axe thing. I use both, I use them both on their own and both together depending on my mood and what I'm looking to do.

    Ideally if you are able to try before you buy you should. When I'm using the kemper I do not feel that I NEED to hook up to the axe for effects, I just sometimes do... They work well together IMHO

    Yes this reeks of overthinking things
    Have you tried the Kemper di out into Fractal? Then you could run a patch from each- that would work well! I do that with my amps & it slays

    Reeks of over thinking?, lol hardly. You ever try pedals with the kemper? Switch cabs on a profile? What's the difference here. Simple as this, fractal came out with a new type of IR technology, I think it helped my frfr setup which I wasn't really digging. Then I was curious how the kemper would run in that application.

    The one thing I didn't do was over think whether I should try it or not, i did not think whether I should spin the cab on the profiler or any other thing so as to kill my curiosity about hooking the systems together. Simple curiosity guys, nothing more, nothing less. Result was on some things I liked it, on some others not so much. No Biggy.

    Yep, know about the bit the kemper leaves in and like the mojo it brings.

    Have tried switching cabs with profiles, do it quite a lot, I have lots of jcm800 profiles I like. Just to be clear, I not saying I'm looking to fix something I perceive wrong with the kemper, or the axe for that matter - just that I tried something today, I liked it and wanted to share for others who have both systems if they wanted to try. No harm in experimenting;-)

    Just wanted to share something I was messing around with this morning. This has axe fx2 content so let me preface by saying I have no strong opinion, I like both, I use both. But today, I used both together! For anyone who has both you may want to try this.

    Guitar cable, kemper (using boost and amp from kemper) monitor out, cabs off into axe fx 2' useing cab (new ultrares with firmware 13) delay and reverb into matrix q12.

    Most fun I've had with Frfr to date. Have been leaning toward power amp/cab recently but what I was getting out of my matrix today was really good.

    Having an own hammer ultrares v30 loaded into axe fx 2' using rig manage to scroll through jcm800 amps on the exchange was sweet. Many profiles I didn't like before seemed much more usable to me. Also using lower game plexi, Jtm type tones into an own hammer ultrares pre rola 412 was really good.

    Haven't experimented enough to make any final conclusion, and also was playing at low volume so may not translate to high volume as well, but I can't wait for the missus to come home to take up kid minding duty so I can dig into this a little more.

    If you have both, give it a go and let us know what you think.

    When you plug in the USB from the kemper for the first time after installing the new OS beta, is it meant to install a driver or something on your pc? I didn't notice anything, but when I plug in the USB the kemper hangs shortly after. (Not sure how long as the active rig still works and wasn't paying enough attention). Happened a couple of times ended up resulting in all my rigs getting wiped (glad I had a backup)

    If there is a driver can it be installed annually?

    System is win 8 64bit. USB 3 if that's relevant.

    Tried again this morning using a USB 2.0 port on my PC. Worked a charm, have sent info to kemper. Not an expert on this is can't say its a USB 3.0 issue, just wanted to share the info. Rig manager rocks. So easy to preview and manage profiles !