Posts by Bechti

    I'm more interested to hear what actually causes the delay. Kemper must have been pretty sure that the powered version can be available pretty soon, when they announced the rabat coupon possibility. It' s a bit annoying, because I still need to sell my unpowered version, and don't know when and I'm afraid I'm loosing more money...

    Its a cable. It needs to be suitable to withstand the voltage (isolation) and the maximum power the device will consume, i.e. the maximum current.
    Your cable can take both higher voltage and current, it is safe to use it with your Kemper.

    I'm coming from the other side. Christoph had this idea since 2001 according to Uwe Bossert (video on the Kemper page). Releasing the product in 2012, there was a huge development of technology. I bought my first digital amp (H&K Zentera) in 2000. Kemper didn't go for a higher clocked DSP, despite having the knowledge from the Virus, i.e. how demanding "sound" processing is. I reckon he put that knowledge in the development of the Kemper and I don't see a need for a DSP upgrade for he is not modeling, but converting the analog guitar sound into the amp sound. This is obvious not done be calculating the behavior of an amp circuit, but by measuring the frequencies. This is the real genius in the Kemper Amp. It doesn't need to emulate a circuit, it works more like an equalizer.

    I see the Kemper like a cab. If you like the sound now, you will keep it. The Pod or Axe FX are different, they're are promising to reach a sound, they can not produce, walking along that road you might get closer, but the Kemper Amp kept this promise from day one. The additional features are nice to have, but you could always add them with an additional device. I don't see a reason to be concerned here, and I have upgraded to any new iPhone and iPad that came out ;(:thumbup:

    I really love the sound from the Power Engine with the Beyma speaker.
    I didn't sound right with the original Celestion, but the Beyma is flat enough to act as a really good monitor.
    I didn't want to have a PA speaker, looking strange as a amp on stage. The Power Engine looks like a guitar cab, and with a little tuning (you can adjust the equalizer for the monitor out), it's close enough to the direct out, and it cost's less then a power amp (Powerhead version or Camplifier). You can't go really wrong.

    I also must say, that I don't like having spend a "fortune" on Armin's profiles, but I do not regret it. Even after having deleted most of them, the ones I have kept fit to my guitar/playing perfect, better then the free ones I have found. That's because Armin profiles the Amp with "all" relevant settings. For most free profiles you need to have a suitable guitar at hand. Armin's profiles gives you the variety, you normally don't get. What I like is, that you get the pure amp without a lot of tuning an reconfigurations, you can dial in the effects as you would do with your own amp, really great, pure sounds.

    I even found myself using amps I would have not picked up because I just went with the bundles (his first bundle contained too many amps I was looking for, so the bundle was cheaper), but I kept on buying the bundles, when they were ready.

    Only problem I have is that I needed to create a new account anytime I bought a new bundle, because the purchase side didn't recognize my cookies.

    I recommend the greenback Plexi set, if you only go for one set. The JVM set (with Elmwood speakers) is also great.

    OT: I asked specifically for the Runaway at the Fender booth.
    They told me it got stuck in CE procedures and nobody could give me any timeframe as when to expect the Runaway on the European market. ?(

    OT: That means normally, that the engineers have not considered to document the compliance with EU directives. The statement sounds like the product is not good enough... however my experience is, that it's just a pita paper work that has been missed :wacko:

    ... and it's even better with the Greenback Cab from Siggi Mehl.
    What I don't like (and I have bought all the Bundles so far) is the doubled and tripled Amp packs. I mean there is one JVM and I need to buy three packs to get all the profiles for it... same for the Mark V or the Deluxe 52. Having no real option to try the profiles before I end up buying all of them and using only one preferred set. Complaining on a high level, but essential with the knowledge I have, I would have just bought 10 sets (200€) instead of all Bundles (350€). But I know what happens when the next Bundle is available, especially after the great Plexi set ^^

    What I'm still looking for is a crystal clear Fender Sound to get my magic six pack completed:

    Fender Twin Reverb (I stil haven't found my clean sound in all the profiles I've tested...)
    Vox AC 30 crunch (I was supprised the sound side profiles didn't have more gain, I never played a real AC 30, but from other modelling amps, e.g. Pod XT and zenTera, I was expecting something else)
    Fender Deluxe (check)
    Marshall JTM 45 (The plexi profiles cover that)
    Marshall JCM 800 (The plexi profiles cover that, surprisingly)
    Mesa Boogie Rectifier (check)

    It's not a bout the mojo :D
    The concerns were also not raised if the hardware is fast enough. I think most of us agree that we bought the toaster for what and how it does.
    The concern was, that obvious the memory is used more and more with every os update. The first "border" was introduced with 1500 Profiles in one of the newer firmwares. 1.6 indicates that it is going down to 1000. Which is still enough, but we're forced to concentrate on the profiles we play the most, but some of us feel limited in their collecting passion.
    The former limit was cash (who had more then 10 Amps), not it's the memory chip (~1000 profiles) --> again a limitation because of money, but we're talking about 15$ (16MB) vs 30$ (32MB) which makes the limitation (1000 Profiles is not really a limitation when you think about how many amps one could buy) a bit unnecessary.

    I'm playing for 15 years now and settled myself with 4 amps:
    Fender Twin Reverb
    Vox AC 30
    Marshall JTM 45
    Mesa Boogie Rectifier

    With the possibilities the Kemper offers this basis looks now:
    Fender Twin Reverb Koch, Roland JC 120
    Vox AC 30 Fender Deluxe, Evil Robot
    Marshall JTM 45 - (there is no substitution for this Amp, if I would stick to one Amp-Sound, this is my all-time favorite)
    Mesa Boogie Rectifier Diezel, Engl, Road King etc.

    So I don't see a big problem here, because I will concentrate on the 4 sounds I need and the remaining hundreds of rigs will be used to play around.
    I'm happy the power amp version and the rack version have the same hardware in principle. But think of the POD/Line 6, it's not so unlikely that switching from analog to digital amps can end up in an hardware race... one more reason to go the Kemper way...

    128Mb Samsung memory, so 16MB.
    The firmware has ~8MB, a rig profile 4KB, so therefore we get around 2000 Profiles.
    I think it's enough, but 32MB would be nicer ^^ like always.

    But the idea behind the Kemper is sell the idea/concept, so it's the software that is where the magic is, and make profit by letting the software run in a cheap toaster :D
    I mean 550€ for the power amp version, I would like to see a cost break down... my feeling is the margin is above 50%, well for what it does, it's still a bargain for me ;)

    I am more concerned about the compartment internal material and finishing. but I'm based on thomann website pictures that can or cannot be updated. [...] the compartment is done with an ugly greyish aluminum.

    The black version's inside compartment has simply no surface treatment, so you see the raw aluminum (which is used for the whole amp). So the white version simply has also some of the inner parts treated, the black version saves the primer and the paint on those part. Just buy a white version and change the outer parts with your black version :D
    Or wait for the power amp which will close the compartment ;)