Posts by stompman

    Picked up the 68 Marshall over the weekend. Now, I've purchased very few profiles so I can't really compare these vs. other commercial profiles (except ones that were included in OS updates). With that said, they the ones I've heard so far are truly fantastic. Spent several hours playing through them. Really like the EVH profiles for high gain/lead. There are also some other great clean/crunch profiles in this bunch.

    I also really liked the # of profiles. 10-15 sounds about right to me for an amp. I don't have the time to sift through a lot of profiles, but I don't like getting 5-7 or fewer profiles as it doesn't really provide me with a virtual amp (or at least part of a virtual amp).I think that is one of the problems I have with some of the rig exchange profiles - many of the ones I've downloaded tend to be only a few profiles per amp (perhaps that's changed now).

    I'm a little curious about the naming convention as the numerical order didn't seem to be related to gain, which I initially expected. Can you shed any light on the naming?

    Nonetheless, I'll be picking up some other profiles out of this pack - especially for the price of a beer! Thank you and very well done. :thumbup:

    Came across this recent amp shootout on Youtube by James Lugo who does great stuff. I've only listened to the Classic Tones in any detail.

    1) Classic Tones :…qX0kD2QPfH7-1YC

    I really like the 3rd Power amps! Also like the Two Rock and the Phaez Pasadena

    2) High Gain #1 :…qX0kD2QPfH7-1YC

    3) High Gain #3 :…qX0kD2QPfH7-1YC


    Edited for typo.

    Love the Kemper and am amazed every time I don't have a chance to play my electric for a week or two and then go back to it. Two of the best features for me are its profiling technology (vs. imitating) and its amp-like U/I.

    With that said, one of my personal challenges has been to use the Kemper like an actual amp. In other words, selecting an amp - e.g., Marshall JCM - and then dialing in the sound with the knobs. The problem is that I know the more that I deviate (with certain knobs - e.g., gain) from the original profile, the less likely it is to sound like a profile that was actually made at that new (e.g., gain) setting. Now I haven't A/Bd this to audibly hear the difference because I don't have the gear to easily do that. Please LMK if I am wrong here.

    So what happens is, if I want more gain, I need to select a profile that is closer to what I want (hard to do without a librarian of course) and then possibly adjust that one as well (although maybe less so). This requires me to think more along the lines of what "profile" I want instead of what "amp" I want.

    So I got to thinking, what if the next generation Kemper would allow the unit to dynmically adjust between different profiles as you adjusted certain knobs (again, e.g., gain). In other words, if you start dialing up gain from a clean profile it would eventually switch to a higher gain profile once the unit deemed that that was a better profile to use. Settings on the KPA that are not "profile" based (e.g., EQ) could be carried over into the use of the higher gain profile (certain settings could be locked in a profile of course so they wouldn't import from another profile). This would allow users to simply select an amp and then dial in whatever sound they like with knobs as opposed to "changing profiles".

    Now comes the fun part - the profiling. If the above were feasible, then profiling becomes a bit more like sampling. In other words, if you have a lot of profiles of the same amp with different gain settings, it is probably going to be more accurate (sound better TBD of course) than if you have a few profiles of the amp. You could even have one of the pre-amp slots be something like a "lead" vs. "clean" channel if profiles were tagged appropriately to simply do something akin to a flip of a switch (or changing the input) on an amp.

    Finally, the user could then crate "snapshots" of the amp at whatever setting they like for their guitar and then use those in the same way as a single profile.


    Thx for the prompt reply Trebie! Looking forward to digging into the cleanup project. My CLR was delivered today (haven't tried it yet) and I have been waiting for that so i have a good reference with which to do the cleanup.

    Been toying around with it and I have a few questions.

    1) If you modify Rig tags but keep the filename the same, the Rig will not import (i.e., overwrite) unless the old rid was removed from the Kemper. Correct?
    2) The Rename Rig Files from Directory is temporarly disabled so the only way to rename files is manually. Correct?
    3) Is the best way to use this tool for batch processing to remove all rigs from Kemper and reload the modified rigs with the same filenames to avoid future duplicates (e.g., I forget I already downloaded a rig from rig exchange and it imports because I changed the filename)?

    Thx for all your work on this!

    I got the mail that I'm now on top of the list this morning.
    Placed my order and should have the unit within a week, hopefully.
    I signed the list only March 9th, so this means either the list is not too long or they really deliver quantities.
    This will be a good week! ;)


    I received my initial email confirmation for the active wedge on mar 11 so I should be soon! Did u get the active wedge?

    I only use headphones right now. I use a Zoom R8 so I can play along with backing tracks etc. and I noticed that I didn't have a lot of headroom on volume although I liked the sound better than through the Kemper headphone out. Wound up getting a Sonus HP4 headphone amp and love it. No fizz that I can hear (although I'm a hobbyist). I found that without enough headroom I would get fizz especially on gainier profiles.

    Very interesting. Perhaps it is a s/w error then, which would be fantastic (as opposed to some hardware problem). I'm surprised (or maybe I just haven't seen) a response from Kemper on these LED problems as it has happened to quite a few people. Again, encouraging if it might be a s/w problem.

    Hopefully we'll get some confirmation soon. Good luck with keeping that LED lit!