Posts by jipchen

    I recently played the first gig with the 2.0 beta firmware and Performance Mode. I am glad it is finally on board, and it worked great but I was astonished by the way the display is set-up.
    The name of the performance / song is centered and readable from a distance, but the 5 rig names are WAY too small to read them on stage (except if you walk up to the Kemper and stand directly in front of it). I would much prefer the rigs to be readable (like in browse mode) and the performance name to be a smaller. Personally I use two "performances" for two different bands I play in, and seeing the bandname is not as vital as being able to see the rig that is currently active. Am I the only one or are there more people who'd prefer a large(r) rig name in Performance Mode?

    I realize people who choose different performances for each song would like to know which song they're in, but don't you have to see what part of the song you selected, too (i.e. Intro, Chorus, etc)?
    Perhaps the best compromise would be an option in the settings to switch between a bigger performance name vs bigger rig name?


    Nice One
    Which Speaker do you use for it, you Play with the Cabsim on?

    I use it with a Mesa Boogie 4x12, so the Cabsim is off for the "Monitor Out".

    The comparison to the 6505 poweramp is interesting.
    My band is unusually loud, so i can't really empathize with the guys who use 50W tube amps for rehearsals - your 6505+ was 100W, right?

    If so, that's quite interesting.

    Yeah the 6505(+) is a 100W amp. I never had the volume over 3/10 though, it gets ridiculously loud. I play guitar in a Post-Black Metal and a band somewhere between Post-Metal and Hardcore, and we're pretty loud too. I have yet to use the Camplifier in a band practice but I have no doubt it will be loud enough to cut through the double bassdrum :D

    I got my Camplifier 180 yesterday, loving it so far :) Still not sure why the Kemper Powerrack/Powertoaster is 600 Watts, because even at -25dB Monitor Out the Camplifier is louder than I ever want or need to set my amp. I think -30dB is about my normal volume on stage or for band practice (it was similar when I still used my 6505+ head as a poweramp).
    This is an awesome product, fitting it in the Kemper took me 2 minutes. Can't believe I now have such a good sound, all my FX and now a poweramp in the little toaster with less than 7kg total weight :D

    [Blocked Image:]
    [Blocked Image:]

    Interesting. I also have the black version of the Kemper. And yes, I switch rigs while playing something. I didn't write the songs and I think it's annoying, but I have to play e.g. a clean lick and then immediately be able to switch to a distorted sound without missing a quarter note.. which was possible with my old setup (EVH 5150 + stomp pedals). If this lag is there for everyone and they just don't hear it or don't mind it, the MIDI switching of the Kemper is a huge disappointment for me.

    Most of the users are experiencing no lag (including myself with an old MC7 and before with an even older FC100), so I would assume it depends from the controller. If you can connect the controller to a PC there are plenty of freeware software that maps the messages sent out. Make sure he's not sending unnecessary stuff.

    Thanks, I appreciate the help. Yeah I realize it seems to work for most users, but I also saw several threads pop up here with users complaining about the delay, and no solution yet.
    I just checked the Output of my MIDI Moose with MIDI-OX and it seems like everything is fine. :S

    Thanks for the reply and sorry if my last question (suggestion) was a bit confusing. I just noticed you used two short 1/4" cables with *straight* plugs to connect the Kemper outs to the amp inputs. Just thought "L" plugs would look neater, also if you made those cables shorter so they run closer to the back of the Kemper their footprint for transportation would be negligible so the user wouldn't even have to remove them so often.

    Not trying to be a dick here, but I don't think the Camplifier comes with the speaker cables, so you can just get one with L-shaped jacks (I agree they're nicer). In fact I don't know a single amplifier or poweramp that comes with speaker cables?

    I'd also prefer a Speakon/Jack Combo socket - in case I forget the cable I can use some other guy's speaker cable haha.
    Though I've been wondering since years why amp companies don't make the jump and only use Speakon sockets for speaker connections because it's a lot safer and even easier. Bass amps have it, PAs have, only the guitarists remain :whistling:

    Before Christmas is realistic.

    Can't wait, I'm really excited to try the Kemper with the Camplifier and compare it to my usual (..past?) rig.

    I experience an annoying lag when switching between rigs with my Tech21 MIDI Moose controller. There are threads on this topic but it's full of people with the Behringer FCB and users with thousands of profiles.. I have less than 150 now and nothing has changed (I had about 400 before). I also use the latest OS, and set both the controller and the Kemper to MIDI Channel 1 instead of Omni, nothing changed. ;(

    We have a tour upcoming in March and I really want to use the Kemper but the delay/lag is too much. I tried predicting how long the lag is between changes and hitting the button earlier but that really does not work at all.

    So, how can I fix this - or is the MIDI section due for an update which fixes this issue, Mr.Kemper?

    I'm also experiencing delay when switching. I am using a Tech21 MIDI Moose and it's really annoying because I can't switch and hit an accord or it will be clean at first (when switching to hi-gain for example) and hitting it prior is a matter of luck because sometimes it's too late and othertimes it switches too early. Can't really use it live that way...

    I have a lot less then 500 rigs, more like 250.

    I think the AxeFX is a nice product but his behavior is a big no-go. The post contains some serious paranoia (not even kidding).
    Also interesting how the people responding do not question the statements at all, they automatically assume there really is "an all-out guerrilla marketing campaign" and damn the bad unnamed company for using such dirty tactics.
    The only one in this market who behaves like a douche and talks other products down is he himself how come he and his customers don't see that?

    Still, I guess the best thing is just ignore him and not make it a topic too often because that would mean going down to his level and also fuels his paranoia.

    This is definitely one of the most common uses, but I'd advise putting the gain at 9:00 and volume at 12:00; sounds less artificial and more like the real amp just goosed a bit rather than a distinct boost. Having the volume up too high changes the pick attack drastically.


    A model of the Maxon stomp (especially with the settings described by Jeff) would be highly appreciated!

    Very interesting! If it sounds good and the price is right I'll get the 1x180W version right away. Exactly what I was waiting for. 8o
    Any information on the pricing and a possible release date yet?

    What are you planning concerning the two different versions of the Kemper's backside? Bruno mentioned it here (A dream becomes reality : Matrix stereo amp module for KPA)
    Apparently at some point, Kemper changed the back design of the KPA so now there are different ones and it might not fit in some of them? Is this correct and how can we check if the module would fit?


    Wait, not sure I'm fully understanding this. Is it a retrofittable power-amp only or is it a poweramp built in a cabinet with a 12" speaker? From the pictures and the other products it looks like the latter, but then why use the word "retrofittable"?
    I'm sure a lot of people are looking for a retrofittable power-amp to build into the Kemper's back without a cabinet/wedge and speakers - I know I am ;)

    I need a portable setup but no speaker because I hook up the Kemper to a guitar cabinet on stage and the main signal goes directly in the desk.

    EDIT: Or is the "Camper" exactly what I am talking about and you used your "Blue" box to test it?