Posts by flint757

    I'd prefer a quicker way to add to favorites. I usually just download a bunch of profiles, go through them and if I feel interested I'll add to favorites. Once I've gone through the list I go into system and delete all non-favorite profiles. The only problem is I have to go through the menus to add to favorites. I'd be happy with an easier way to delete and/or easier way to add to favorites. Neither are particularly hard, but if you are going through a 100 profiles the tediousness of it starts to wear on me.

    I have the RP8's and the only downside to using monitors is that they are designed to be heard perfectly from one spot in the room. If you're standing/sitting somewhere else then the sound won't be quite as nice. That being said I have no complaints with playing through monitors, sounds awesome IMO. Never played through RP5's or RP6's though so YMMV.

    I have never bought a product that sold something with the direct intention of people taking it apart themselves and installing something else, not a complete product at least (Kemper is not a PC part) and definitely not something with a warranty. And to avoid the rebuttal from those with an out of date warranty, I can't name a product sold for people with an out of date warranties by the parent company beyond an extended warranty. Speaking generally as I'm sure there are exceptions, but they are called exceptions for a reason. You buy a car and you lose your warranty if you start screwing with it or you have to take it to a dealership to install a pre-approved product in most cases. You buy a Dell, HP, etc. and if you personally break the seal your warranty is void. You pop open your PS3 or XBOX and again you void the warranty. It's not always about it being easy or hard, although I imagine to install this internally would require soldering, a skill not everyone has.

    I do think it'd be an interesting prospect for Kemper to come out with a product similar to the Camplifier however. That way anyone who now or in the future buys the non-powered version can still 'upgrade' later on.

    Well the other reason is, unlike the camplifier, this one would be wired internally. With the camplifier it is just a small power amp with the screw holes positioned correctly so as to fit there. It doesn't even need to be attached to work.

    The regulations is why they can't add them to current units with internal wiring. They could theoretically add/make a power amp that can just be screwed in for the early adopters with no internal wiring so no warranties get voided.

    Fair enough, performance mode would definitely help with your problem. It's still not impossible as a better foot controller would also resolve your problem. You are making the choice to stick with something severely limiting. I too needed better access to profiles and other setting so I bought a better foot controller to meet my needs. In any case I imagine performance mode will be in the next update (or at least I'd expect it to since they've been demoing it) so this problem is going away fairly soon. :thumbup:

    Not following. You can buy a midi controller for like $80 and the FCB is about to get a chip made by UNO with the defaults setup for Kemper. You can setup a midi # for any profile and then recall it with a midi controller (not 'fancy'). In a live gig what would you be using anyhow? You aren't going to just turn the knob between tones. It isn't as convenient, but it is most certainly possible and workable. The 1000 rig thing was the case from the beginning as far as I'm aware so...

    I couldn't completely follow your post though so if I misunderstood just ignore me.


    Hey I took a stab in the dark and pretty much said so. 8) The rest of my post was still relevant though.

    Whatever works for you, that's all the world is about. I considered purchasing that at one point and still might.

    Well, this is actually a very good post. Thanks. These are exactly my sentiments. :)

    Completely agree. Performance mode, much like the foot controller people are complaining about, would only make things a bit easier and that's it. Without both of those you can still achieve everything you need with pretty much any foot controller. Just a bit more work is all.

    I can't see how the price of a used non-powered KPA would drop either. The whole attraction for me was NOT having to lug along my 4x12 cabinet to every gig. It's almost a two man job getting it into my wagon! I want to rock up with my guitar, KPA and cables and just plug in.

    Also for me, playing through a cab just defeats the purpose of having all of these great amps/cabs at our disposal in the first place. Isn't that the idea behind this wonderful little box?!? Not having a go at anyone just putting forward my thoughts. I think I might go and play guitar now...

    I could easily sell my unit for the exact price I paid for it originally. I don't think many at all will sell for the power amp version. In fact the introduction of the rack unit flooded the market more than the power amp probably will honestly. I heard a lot of new customers joining on and quite a few saying they were going to swap it out for one. Should they not offer us options to keep prices inflated? That is a ridiculous argument.

    Been waiting 8 months actually there, Mr. Sarcasm. ;)
    Let me know when your foot controller comes in. :whistling:

    Sorry...haven't been keeping up with things. Having too much fun profiling some cabinets with my other solution.

    He was referring to the start time not performance mode bro. In any case if you sold it you aren't exactly waiting anymore are you.

    You can't Profile with your other solution, you wish you could, but you can't, Mr Sarcasm. ;)

    Indeed. I'm going to go out on a limb and say he bought an Axe II. Good for him, gear is all about what works best for the individual. That being said tone matching is not equivalent to what the Kemper does. Start time is a little long compared to other gear I've had over the years, but it isn't excessive either. If you compare it to a tube amp the start up time is just fine. It would only really be an issue during a gig if it shut off accidentally and you had to turn it on again which is a problem in itself. All of the other 'features' like performance mode and the power amp were handled poorly in the sense of them being listed initially at all because what performance mode is wouldn't have crossed my mind if it was never listed and imagine that applies to all of the complainers as well. As for the foot controller, AFAIK, we were never 'promised' one and even if we were it is an accessory that you will have to pay for. Buy an FCB1010 or a GCP and move on with your day.

    It seems a lot of people, involving the power amp, don't understand the logistics of business/government at all. It's a scenario where nobody can win because an expectation was set and it is impossible to meet now. It isn't like if he somehow managed to see the future and the current predicament he'd lie to us or say the same thing from the beginning. In a way it was a screw up, but there is only so much that can be done to remedy it before suggestions start sounding a tad ludicrous.

    Let someone try to come across as harsh as you are:

    Sell your KPA, get a competitors product, so you find some peace ... and we as well. ;)
    As was said before: Most of the users are VERY happy with this amazing product. But they are not as vocal as those who try to make it look like a desaster ready for Wolf Blitzer's Situation Room on CNN.

    Just my few cents,

    Agreed. I rarely post and am very much a happy user along for the ride. I also enjoy the updates/surprises and welcome an open dialogue even if I get let down every once in awhile.

    since things are getting a bit out of hand, i'd like to remind you what this thread was originally about:

    the fact that you CAN NOT upgrade a non-powered kemper profiling amplifier to a powerhead.

    this is a fact, no matter how you look at it. the 300€ rebate may represent an option for many. i also see CKs point about "what if the unit hadn't a hole in the back in the first place". if this was the case, then nobody would have expected to be able to upgrade to a build-in poweramp like it was announced from the early beginning.

    the rest of this thread is mostly personal opinions on the matter. mine is, that kemper did not handle the "upgrade" situation properly, and that's what i wanted to express in this thread. the fact that kemper does not show interest in selling the poweramp for the users to install it at their own risk, is also a letdown. a lot of users here are handy with electronics and would be easily capable of doing this upgrade with no or very little support needed from kemper.

    as for now, i'm considering two options: 1) trying the camplifier. 2) building my own poweramp

    It's a legal issue and a major warranty issue. For one if something goes wrong they do have to fix it, at least for the power amp. Legally most companies HAVE to have a warranty and that is tricky for self installs. After filing all the paperwork, shipping, overhead, labor, etc. he is also not wrong that selling it and receiving a discount is far easier for everyone involved.

    Secondly, I have a feeling that the numbers are much lower than units sold currently who are capable and/or want to install it themselves. Under such a plan it is plausible that it wouldn't be profitable and if something goes wrong, even if you don't demand reparations, it makes them look bad and it is NOT their fault.

    From beginning to end if I were in CK's shoes I would have done nothing different though including the early assertions.

    Someone please enlighten me. Somehow I 'm not getting the relavence of a looper in the KPA ? ?(

    Because despite resistance to the notion (in general) the Kemper, like the Axe-fx, is an all-in-one unit even if effects aren't the bread and butter. A looper, while maybe not essential, is a very useful tool that even the most basic multi-effect boards have and come in cheap pedals too. Even my Peavey Vypyr had it and I used it all the time when I owned it. Great tool for learning and writing.

    It is definitely happening as there is going to be a button on the KFC supposedly. The bigger question for me is will it only work with the KFC or any foot controller. It may very well store the clip on on board memory inside the KFC, who knows. ?(