Posts by TTV

    You have a decent interface already.
    Just get a SPDIF cable and your set.
    KPA to 11R works perfect (my freind has the same setup) and can play both together at tracking if he wishes.
    Just need to set the i/o options in PT is all.
    good luck

    OK, so by connecting KPA and 11R with SPDIF cable and using the phones output in 11R, I'm able to hear everything (KPA, 11R and laptop)? If so, BIG thank's, saved just money and nerves :D EDIT: This really works; S/PDIF cable enbles now my 11R being as the main audio interface. However, I noticed some small quality loss in sound when using my headphones in 11R compared to the same rig and phones in KPA. Nevertheless, this was worth of asking, thank's for the information :thumbup:

    Hm, for the price difference to an A..-II you can buy a VERY decent audio interface which will give you everything you need. ;)

    Yes, the price is totally different. Actually I got the pole position in AXE-II que, but decided to take KPA :) With 11R I was able to keep my setup simple and that's the way I'll prefer. Perhaps I need to check those audio interfaces before making the return decision ... Idea is to connect KPA to laptop (ProTools) via USB and connect headphones to some device that I can hear both guitar from KPA and any sound coming fron PC. Any interface sugestions?

    Hello guys! I got my KPA yesterday. This USB audio is something that I really miss. I use KPA and 11R only through headphones and it's totally Sh#t if you need to mix with cords to hear e.g. Youtube etc. For home guitarist like me, KPA is superb soundwise, but the other features should also fit better to home usage. Studio is totally different, since you are not spending "leisure time" and surfing in Youtube while playing. Hopefully USB-audio support will be included to KPA asap, otherwise I'll return this back to Thomann and buy A..-II 8|