Posts by FearComplex

    Cheers folks! I forgot to mention I boosted it with a real TS. I purposely left the mixdown raw to show the profile in a mix. I'd ordinarily boost the high-mids and highs a bit in mastering which would bring the guitars some more clarity and bite. Not by much with this kind of riff though as it need's the profile's inherent strong lows and low-mids to carry some weight and make an impact!

    Yeah, that´s really obvious. Did you refine the profile? Sometimes users have reported that they got better results by not refining.

    Yep that's after refining, without refining the differences are a good deal greater again. Palm mutes really highlight the differences, when just strumming chords or playing leads the differences aren't as obvious since those styles naturally don't demonstrate tightness like palm mutes do. If I just strum a G chord switching between the Kemper and Reference I could easily think the results are spot on. It just comes down to what I'm looking to get out of it, if I didn't deal with metal playing it's inaccuracies wouldn't be as evident or bothersome.

    No problem whatsoever with charging for profiles. In my view it's no different than Toontrack or Slate sampling drums and selling their libraries. Then there's Redwirez and Recabinet who sell cab-only impulse libraries, this despite almost unanimous agreement amongst high-gain users that the free impulses are the best. If the commercial Kemper profiles are quality and better than any free ones available I'll pay, that's what it comes down to for me.

    Well I've just got done profiling the full rig and the results have been OUTSTANDING. :thumbup:
    I'm definitely keeping the unit as it's just amazing at nailing full setups.

    Preamp-only produces an abundance of frequencies across the entire range so maybe as Bill put it the Kemper isn't tuned or designed to handle the full spectrum?

    I've profiled the preamp only, no cab or power amp. I'll be able to profile the entire rig shortly (Mesa Quad Preamp, 50/50 Power Amp & Mesa 4x12 Cab). I've done comparisons switching between the profiled and reference amp while playing live using the headphones out of the Kemper and also recording the results using the master out to my audio interface. I'm thinking I should get good results profiling the entire rig since as I've said before I've been unable to tell the difference on some comparison clips but after extensive profiling of only the preamp there's a pretty substantial difference.

    I guess the Kemper somehow showed me the reference amp as the profiled amp (a bug?) because revisiting the saved profile again today it's at the 75% I heard before. I've since spent another 2 hours re-profiling and I just can't improve on it no matter how long I refine or what I play. It sounds pretty much exactly how my amp sim + ozone match eq profile did. With the Quad the notes sound glued and held together, rounded and smooth, the Kemper profile's mids are fizzy and *shroud* the notes, it doesn't come close enough to the tight ball of sound the Quad throws out. This isn't an issue with my preamp either as I've also tried profiling my Engl Fireball with similar results. I'm looking for reasons not to return it but it's looking like I'll have to, I bought it for recording purposes only and it's just not delivering the goods. It's a shame cause it's a cool unit and the full rigs are fun to play with but for what I'm using it for it's essentially Ozone's match eq in a box.

    Thanks Per! I was actually just coming back on to say I've managed to get it pretty much spot on now. Your point about what you play during refining making all the difference is absolutely true as that's the only thing I changed. This time I played EXTREMELY hard power chords constantly without allowing any silence whatsoever. In fact I even pressed the finish button with my left hand while I was still picking with my right. The new profile isn't completely indistinguishable from the preamp but I'd put it at 95% and that's more than good enough for me, the earlier results were only about 75% of the way there. I'm loving this unit now! :thumbup:

    Hey folks. New almost-satisfied Kemper owner here! I've spent a few hours now profiling and refining a Mesa Quad Preamp again and again and the results are not good. The profile is flat, dull and is nowhere near as tight or detailed/3d sounding as the Quad. Before getting the Kemper I experimented "profiling" the Quad using amp sims and Ozone's Match EQ and honestly, the Kemper is no better.

    It's disappointing because I've been unable to tell the difference between many real and profiled FULL rigs, the Kemper absolutely nails those setups but it's way off the mark with preamp only. I want to keep the unit because as I say it's great at profiling a full setup but I do a lot of recordings using real amps with cab impulses so this is a big issue for me. Any suggestions? I've tried refining for short and long periods and not refining at all. Can't think of what else I can do ?(