Posts by Steeldom


    I'm still looking for an affordable solution to power my Kemper. There's the headrush FRFR112 that's to be released soon.
    But today I came across the VoX VX50 series. There's one for bass, one for keyboard and one for accoustic guitar. Since the Kemper is a modeler an accoustic or even Keyboard Amp might do the trick.

    I have an MV50 AC and I love this little tiny powermachine. And the VX50 seems to have the same Nutube technology in it.

    But I'm not quite sure about the 8" Speaker. If it will have enough headroom for rehearsals and small gigs.

    Has anyone of you experience with one of these amps?

    Well it's a pretty common forum behaviour that instead of answering peoples questions they get asked why they would want that in the first place.
    I've seen it a lot of times in all sorts of forums. And it always bogles my mind.
    Why do you even care?

    I want an editor. Others want an editor. If you don't want one, or don't need it, good for you. Why does it concern you if I want it?
    I don't understand.

    Of course I don't think that we are being "neglected" in any kind by Kemper BUT you have to admit, that this is a heavily asked for feature since the beginning of the KPA. And every modeler I know of has it, so it's far from unreasonable to want one for the Kemper as well.

    Just to be clear:
    - Asking for an editor does not mean that people don't like their KPAs
    - normally asked it does not bash the Kemper company or C

    But come on, why do we even argue. If I could put my Kemper on it's cabinet beside my desk and controll everything via PC, while I play, it would be A LOT more comfortable for me.
    I don't understand how one could argue against that??

    I really don't see how one can be "offended" if people would like a KPA editor.

    The fact that it has been asked for numerous times over the years (it was a topic when I first owned one in 2012 and it still is) shows that there is a "need" for it. However big. By poiting that out you are not bashing the KPA or Christoph Kemper at all.

    All it really is is:
    "This is a great product, and this addition would make my life much easier."

    Simple as that.
    I come from Line6. And whether you want to blind your eyes from it or not, the editor is a keyfeature for PODs, Helix and whatnot.
    Sure you can dial in everything on the unit. But the times where that was necessary are over. We live in times where we can controll everything from our PC.

    Although not having an editor does not devalue the KPA it would certainly INCREASE the value of the unit, having one.
    And if community members can do it without access to the raw code, it shouldn't be a major problem for the people at Kemper.

    Bottom line:
    Can I live without one? Yes.
    Would it be amazing to have one? YES!

    Well this topic has gotten more interesting. If you notice the maker of the video in the opening post comparing AXE III with Kemper yesterday also started another thread in this forum comparing Kemper (that he borrowed) with his real amp.

    According to his post he was really surprised that the Kemper got "very very"close to the amp,

    This to me says that thread like this are very useful in clarifying information and misinformation. For the most part many might not even know what the Kemper really does and honestly many of those can be AXE FX II or three users because many don't even know the difference between tone match *simple EQ Match" and profiling " which is advanced dynamic convolution, Likely with eq match and other advanced patented technologies"

    It's unfortunate that simple information like this is not even common knowledge, for whatever reason,. by players who are researching cutting edge technologies . Maybe threads like this can shed the lights on similar basic information that many of us here take for granted and assume that since everyone should know this when many just don't.

    Fractal user New to Kemper

    Sure but I still think it would be much better to approach this topic with a concrete goal in mind.

    For information about what a specific unit is and what it does, the other units are irrelevant in the beginning IMO.

    But if you approach this with a request like e.g.:
    "I want to play Pink Floyd as authentic as possible with digital gear." Then you can have a discussion about which aspects of that goal which unit can provide the best. What each unit can and can't to with that goal in mind.

    Imagine comparing a sportscar to a family van. They are both cars yeah, so they can do some things similary. But the whole concept is different. How can you even compare the two when you don't know on what basis you are comparing them?
    You could argue that the "feeling" of a sportscar is much superior to that of a van but what good is that to a family of 5 with two dogs?
    You get my point right?
    The "better" car is the one that fullfilles the specific needs of the customer best.

    My thoughts on this:

    The annoying part is not the "Axe fx III" or "kemper", it's the "VS". Why make it a competition if not to declare a winner?
    And why would you want to find out a winner in this in the first place? What's the purpose?

    To find out which is the "better unit". Ok fair enough. What's your criteria on which you want to decide the "winner"?
    Unless this is specified the whole discussion is, as others have stated, useless.
    And if your criteria is "sound" then you might as well stop talking because that is an unbelievably subjective matter.

    So what is the point? Is your gear a religion to you and you want to "convert" other people to it? If so you might want to get your prioritys straight.
    It's gear, they are TOOLS. Tools to do what you want to do.

    There is no: this or that is better. It highly depends on what you want, what you need.

    We could have the same discussion about amps. About cars. About guitars. About bread. About brands of sausages. And we would come to the same non-conclussion as here.
    So this is utterly unproductive.

    Productive would be:
    I am a musician that does that kind of music. I have these needs. I'm looking for a solution that can do this and that.
    What are my options? What are the pros and cons of these options? Has anyone experiences in similar situations as I will encounter them?

    Then you can have a discussion about two or more different pieces of gear.
    Everything is else is kindergarden.

    It really depends on what kind of person you are. What you want, what you like, what aspect of playing guitar makes you the most happy.

    To me it's a lot like comparing Lego and Playmobil. Is building a complex patch half the fun for you? Do you want to dive down into the deepest parameter settings. Then get the Axe since you cannot do this level of tweaking with a Kemper.
    If you are more of a "sit down and play for hours" kinda guy, then the Kemper is probably better, since a huge amount of awesome tones is just a drag and drop from the rig exchange away.

    Soundwise you cannot make a mistake with either unit.

    Maybe the problem is, if I understand this correctly, that the whole band get's the same monitoring which is the powered mains facing the stage. Did I get this right?

    It will be difficult to find a mix that suits everybody when you can only have one monitoring mix at all. FOH this is a different thing. But a "good mix" that's pleasant to listen to isn't necessarily good to play guitar.

    Let's face it, every musician probably wants to have himself a bit above the total mix to be able to play comfortably.

    So maybe thats the argument of the sound guy.

    Hi guys,

    I'm back (almost). I'm at the brink of undoing my worst decision yet, which was to give away my Kemper... oh the heartbreak :D

    I'm going to get a new one and I wondered if there's any additional benefit in ordering it directly from the Kemper shop instead of buying it
    on e.g. Thomann.

    Any comments?

    Me, too. 3 years of it in HS and I can barely read it, much less understand idiomatic speech.

    I wouldn't call it idiomatic (if I go you right) but it can be a bit complicated at times. You can try to watch movies you already know in german. That way you get used to the sound. ;)

    My guess is that the KPR will change midi presets. But for the CC part... let's see. But I think thats a feature that can be integrated afterwards if there is enough calling for it :)

    So today I did a few tests outside.
    My setup was my Humbucker Tele with Häussel Pickups (Vintage Blues + Tozz XL) right into the Kemper. Monitorout into the Camplifier Studio into my 1x12 Cab
    (Harley Benton G112 nothing fancy ;-)) The Cabsimulation was "on". Ca 1,5 meters away I put my smartphone on a chair and pointed it towards the cab.

    I tested about 10 factory rigs on dfferent noise levels. With the Mastervolume on 2 they were all aroung 70dB. At 4 I got +- 78dB. At 6 my cabinet already began to sound distorted. And everything beyond didn't get really louder only muddier.
    So I guess with a different cabinet I could have gotten beyond that point. The max-volume i meassured was 81,5dB.

    Loud enough for every rock band I played in so far. Not loud enough for heavy metal I guess. But the pedestrians and cyclists were cheering ;)

    I remember a video of someone demoing the axe-fx ultra. And he programed something like this on a button of his midi controller.
    At the end of the solo he would hit the button, then having more delay and stuff, then changing presets to his rhythm tone and have
    the last solo note delay over him already playing rhythm again.

    It's a good thing when you're the only guitarist in a band.