Posts by labou


    Anybody else as issues mapping a large number of Browse profile in the Browse Mode Program Change System page?

    Every time I get in the 20-25 profile assigned to any midi values the new one I'm assigning load random profile from other midi program changes value. The first one I mapped remained fine, but when the problem start happening any new assignment I do becomes completely random. I tried loading the latest beta, resetting the unit and unassigning all rigs to start from scratch, but I still have the problem.

    Any clues will be appreciated.



    I will also love and will be willing to pay for an editor.

    The design of the KPA is good, but I still do not consider the KPA a fun device to use... You need to have it on your desk where it should probably not be so it easy to reach as you play guitar and then you have to do the tap dancing in between pushing button and turning knob. Honestly the KPA is a recording device, so it means I'm in front of my computer when using it. If I had an editor the KPA will be under my desk instead of cluttering it and I'm sure it will be much more fun to use.

    I have a GR-55 and I have no idea how the hardware works, I have almost never touch it and I barely ever see the thing, but it works great and it is fun to use due to guntown editor.


    I'm an owner of the first batch of Kemper and got the original LED dying and got my board replaced like 2 years or something ago and all was fine until like 2 weeks ago when I notice that one LED on my volume knob went off and since then 2 others also went off. Is it still an issue on the latest board? How long are those under support?




    I can't figure this one out...

    I was using the Intrument Output to record my dry signal while recording the wet one via SPDIF, but lately I started layering guitar sounds coming from another unit inside the Kemper using the FX Loop Stereo block right after the amp. However, I just realised that I was no longer recording the dry signal through the Intrument Out, but a wet one, I guess because the FX Loop is engaged.

    Is there a way to still record the dry signal of the guitar coming while also using the FX Loop?



    I exactly feel the same... at first I was not even sure I will install it since I had everything I could possibly need Inside the Kemper, but now that I did and that I mess around with it my rigs amount Inside the Kemper went from 914 to like 24 and what a breeze it is now to compare rig together, it is definitly a huge step forward....


    Have you tried exiting the software and restarting it? The behavior you are describing happened quite a lot to me and it seems to be related to renaming folder Inside the Library after which it seems impossible to import any new rigs.

    Actually, I wish they come with a full stack mixer :) That could remove the need of a lot of double tracking recording when needing to blend 2 different amp characteristic together... but if full stack is impossible then I agree at least cabinet mixing will be really useful...

    Kemper customer support has been excellent. I just shipped my KPA to Matt in Texas to repair the LEDS. I'll report back when I get it.


    Please let us know if you have any more info on the cause or solution after getting yours repaired. My third Gain LED just died on me, but I don't feel like sending the unit out for a few weeks just to repair something that doesn't cause any audible malfunction.


    Finally did the update and the original problem when switching rig seems to be gone, but as Bruno and Chris pointed out I also have crazy crackling noise happening on certain rig when muting/unmuting FX. Switching rig seems to cure it when it happens. One rig I have it a lot is Keith Merrow 5150 SIG RED profile, try muting/unmuting the Tube Screamer/EQ FX.


    Or the other possibility is to use one patch by song where you can configure it in stompbox mode with the possibility of doing 8 Program Changes. The down side is that you will loose switch led indication and patch naming I guess telling in which patch/part of the song you are.