Posts by sifi

    Hi folks

    I'm selling my KPA as it is surplus to requirements.

    It's in perfect condition.

    Price: £1150 including Thon flight case.

    I'm located in Marlborough in Wiltshire in the UK and can deliver in the Thames Valley area.

    I also have a Behringer FCB1010 pedalboard with the Uno4Kemper chip, looking for £90 for it.

    PM me if you're interested.


    Hi folks,
    I'm struggling to find clean profiles that sound great just with the amp stack - no stomps, no reverb, no FX 'sugar'.
    Up to now I have tried free and commercial profiles for AC15/30s, Twins, Princetons, Boogies - but none have been particularly inspiring.
    I play a MusicMan Albert Lee HH and use 2 x Mackie SRM350 FRFRs.
    In most cases I have had to drop both the Clean Sense and Distortion Sense to the 9 o'clock setting and set all volumes to 0 in amp & cab, as I was finding that it was clipping when I played hard.
    What are your favourite clean profiles? And do they sound good enough to play dry?
    Help! Even considering going back to a real tube amp... but hate the idea of faffing round with speakers, biasing etc again.

    I had a lot of hiss/noise and 'background digital noise' on clean rigs, and also had quite a low output level going out via XLRs to stereo Mackie SRM350s. Was even considering going back to my heavy old JVM410. This was on 1.0.8.

    I did a factory reset (hold top left soft button when switching from OFF to TUNER) and reset and intialised the flash memory. Then loaded a selection of rigs from the exchange (all Till Schleicher's rigs - thank you Till, they are great).
    Noise has now gone, and output level is WAY louder - was wondering why the Mackies sounded so quiet, now I know!

    So a reset seems to help even without going back from 1.0.8 to 1.0.4. Not sure it was the flash memory reset, having less rigs in memory, or maybe one of the rigs was corrupted - who knows! But it worked for me :)