Posts by getzzn

    So... as a touring guitar player, I always have to deal with pickups in acoustic guitars, which aren´t pleasing - piezo´s are awful X/ ,
    some microphone´s inside or mixing systems like the LR Baggs Anthem are pretty good :/ , but not as good as I wanted them to be...
    So I have some guitars with three :!::!::!: different pickups, three different preamps, three different channels on the mixing board...
    I play acoustic guitars most, so in some (most) situations: just plug an acoustic guitar in the Kemper, EQ´s work fine and the sound is quite good - but:

    It could be so easy:
    making a profile of the real sound of the guitar! So Kemper Team: the next level of profiling!
    put some microphones in front of the guitar and plug the pickup into the Kemper;
    compare the signals and make an opportunity to blend the microphone signal into the crappy piezo signal or something like that;
    would make my life much easier!

    What do you think?

    And by the way: play Furch Guitars!!!

    Hey there,
    I often use my acoustics with some profiles in the Kemper. Always sounded good... not best, but good enough.
    For weddings I use an old Taylor with the built in Fishman Pickup, but this piezo died a few weeks ago... (over 25 years old, of course, this had to happen some time!).

    With some other acoustics, my loved Furch guitars from the Czech Republic, I put some L.R. Baggs Anthems in,
    but they have too much "wood", which the Kemper can´t handle with? I can´t get a good sound out of this combination... Anthem and Kemper...
    So it works fine with some other preamps - or going directly in the mixing desk...

    Next idea was, to put a dual pickup system in an acoustic (a Furch aswell, OM-like), so I decided to get me a K&K Pure Western in combination with a microphone inside the guitar - with a K&K dual preamp for the STEREO output... my fault, I cannot go directly to the Kemper...
    I also put a K&K Piezo pickup inside this acoustic, but this was not my sound, didn´t like it...

    So my question:
    Does anybody use an acoustic guitar with other pickup systems like some magnetic pickups to use them with the Kemper,
    something like the DiMarzio Black Angel magnetic pickup (difficult to get it here in Germany...), the L.R. Baggs M1 (active or passive) or the M80...
    and if so: what would you prefer an why?
    I will put it in a Furch OM24 with the K&K Pure Mini and microphone, but with an extra output (for the piezo, which I don´t like at all)

    Thanks for some ideas!
    Greetings, Mario

    I bought the Ortega Horse Kick Pro a few weeks ago... well done stomp box with 5 different sounds including two good bass drum sounds. I use this with an acoustic project with two guitarists and a full acoustic band (5 guys, 2 guitars, bass, accordion, singer) and it just works perfect for this!
    Give it a try! Small, good sounds, for use on an effect board...
    Best regards, Mario

    Just buy Logic Pro,
    get yourself a audio interface (with enough ins and outs) (or a mixing desk with USB ins and outs), (both is here, Allen&Heath QU Mixer, ZED Mixer / and a USB audio interface from Presonus)
    get studio headphones (AKG K271 MK II here)
    get some studio monitors (Adam A5X here)
    get some good Microphones
    and learn how to use it.... still learning here - and it will never end!

    And if money is there: get the Neumann 120er monitors, get the Universal Audio Apollo in the right size, get some good plugins and be happy! (is in the studio of a friend of mine)

    I do it the same way...
    just a little compression, reverb, sometimes delay
    and for soloing an equalizer boost in the X slot - everything works fine.
    There are several acoustic guitar rigs, so you will find a good starting point to work with...
    best sounding acoustic guitar preamp for me!
    I switch between electric and acoustic guitars a lot, so it works really fine - and just one channel on the mixing desk!

    Best regards, Mario

    Hi there,

    after 3.1.2. i have a big problem:
    I play both kinds of guitars through Kemper - best sounds I ever had... period!

    But after the update to firmware 3.1.2: if i play through an acoustic guitar profile without a cab, take the electric guitar and switch to a "normal" profile with cab...
    the cab will not be correctly loaded... it sounds awful!

    If I play on electric guitar and switch to acoustic guitar... the same: the cab sounds muddy and awful aswell.

    Switching is made by the Voodoo Lab Ground Control pro.

    Yesterday I wanted to switch at home, cause on weekend there are some gigs: If I switch sounds on midi, then press rig up or rig down ON THE KEMPER, the well sounding profile is loaded.

    Don´t know, what to do...

    has someone the same problem and knows, how to fix it?

    Bets regards, Mario from Bavaria

    Well, after I bought a Suhr Guthrie Govan Sig Guitar I sold all my others - no need for something else....
    But now I wanted to have a nice little custom tele built with my specs (like tremolo, arm rest, etc.).
    So I asked for prices here in Europe.... puhhh!
    I looked for an alternative builder and found Haar Custom Guitars! The prices here are much easier to handle!
    Years ago played one in a music store - great guitar!

    Has anyone here more informations about playability and the shape of the necks?

    Well, I use a Dynacord AXM 12A as a floor monitor: but not especially for the guitar sound, for an overall floor monitor with louder mic signals, keyboard sounds and everything. The Kemper sounds great through the monitor aswell!
    It is the best sounding monitor, that I used until now!
    I use a lot of that stuff... Yamaha, EV, fbt, RCF,active, passive wedges, but nothing sounded that big!
    It´s not the loudest monito on the planet, but the best sounding, comlete sounding, in my ears.

    I am planning to get a second one just for the guitar sound to hear it individually (from the monitor output) - but didn´t decide it yet:
    perhaps it´s better to have a Camper 112CX behind me... because I am used to have a guitar boxy style thing behind me?!
    So I want to give it a try aswell.

    So: give it a try, guys! It´s a very, very good product, indeed!

    Thanks a lot!
    But I´m wondering, if the chambering will be the better way to reduce the harshness...
    the korina body should really be a good choice... but with the chambering it will be perfect, or? What do you think?

    Has anybody chambered bodies (no cateye or other "open space" at the top!!!) - sorry for my english, don´t know the right words, kindly.

    Greetings from Bavaria,

    I´m sure, that there are some cracks here... and I am not!
    Since I bought a Suhr Guthrie Govan Signature Guitar I´m absolutely happy...

    But now, I want to get a new guitar - just in case - when something happens on stage... or a string breaks, or, or, or...
    damn it, i don´t need any reason - I just want one!!!! :thumbup: And I like Tele bodies, so the next one will have a Tele Body with a maple neck!

    But I don´t know, which wood combination is the best for me - perhaps some of you guys could help me find out.

    The guitar should sound a little bit different to the Suhr GG (Mahagony Neck and Body with maple top),
    but should also have two humbuckers, no single coil needed in the middle, but with a 5 way switch, so I can have the middle positions...
    drilled directly to the wood without any pickguard - like Eddie did it!

    The wood for the neck should be roasted maple cause of the look and feel,
    the sound of the whole guitar should be sweet, not too sharp, with an extra boost in the high mids... you know, what I mean?
    Not that sound of a twangy telecaster... more like a fat tele with enough high mids - to be heard without being loud...

    Should I get a swamp ash or alder - isn´t that too harsh?
    Or should I get basswood or more mahagony-style, cause the neck sounds different enough...
    or is this all esoteric shit and get the wood that looks fucking crazy?! :thumbup:

    Thanks for your advice...
    best regards from Bavaria,

    so... I bought one!
    The Tech21 flyrig rk 5, the Richie Kotzen signature pedal is the best thing!!!
    Nicest little backup for Kemper, really tiny, little pedal.
    For me the perfect thing... now everything can happen - hope not - but if something breaks:
    cool little pedal on the floor and the show goes on and on and on

    Just my two cents,
    best regards, Mario

    Hello everybody,

    I found this little pedal from Tech21, the flyrig RK5, in the www...
    I´m looking for a backup for the Kemper - aswell as for weddings here in Germany: you also have to play a little show beside the regular gig...
    So: who played through this little pedal - direct into P.A. - and can tell me about it?

    Best greetings from Bavaria,

    like "drog", I also use the Voodoo Lab Ground Control Pro and two Ernie Ball Exp pedals,
    best way for me... cause you can use 4 buttons for the on/off-switching of stomps, another 4 buttons for effects on/off and 4 buttons for switching between rigs.
    Bank up and down... everything exactly like my older 4-channel-amps-switching-setup with effects...

    and the best: programming the GCP is very easy...
    you can switch on and off of all effects and stomps like you have programmed it in the Kemper...

    I´m more than happy with it!