Posts by stefherbuel

    Hi i want my kemper stage to send a program change in midi out to control another device when i select a rig in browse mode or performance mode...

    that doesn't seem to work...tried with another midi device (in place of the kemper) it works so it's no the midi cable and the other gear i tried to control who receive the midi message really well.

    tried to read the manual but it's not very clear on this subjet...

    can someone help me ? thanks

    hi , it would be cool if we could place the tuner at the input (as it is now) , or in the effect return 1 or 2 , PER PATCH, (or have the tuner linked to every input of the kemper) because if you want to use kemper with differents guitars , let's say acoustic and electric and plug the electric in the input and the acoustic in the fx return so you don't have to plug/deplug which is really cool live , (you just have to program a patch for electric or acoustic ), you can only have the tuner for the guitar plugged at the input ....



    If I was looking for something to run as a 4CM FX setup with a live amp a Kemper wouldn’t be my first choice. There are lots of great Multi FX available at a fraction of the cost of a Kemper.many of them are arguably much better than the Kemper for FX only. By running a Kemper as an FX board with a valve amp you are wasting the best bit of the Kemper and introducing much more complexity and much greater scope for problems such as earth loops, impedance mismatches, and faulty cables. Plus extra gear to carry and more effort setting up and stripping down. I can only see negatives for such a system and absolutely no positives.

    3 years after, sorry :) i' m exacty in the opposite opinion, kemper is , imho the BEST fx unit for a tube amp :) why ?

    - fx are really good , lots of reverbs , delays, modulations are really" organic"

    - you can run a cab sim profiled on YOUR amp and send stereo signal to FOH , so no need to mic your amp

    - and at the same time send the signal via monitor out to your amp

    - there are ground lift on each in/out which is GREAT depending the place you're playing

    - you can add different profiled preamp to your main amp if you want

    - and most of all , you can profile your amp wich means that if your tube amp has any pb you can finish your show with the same sound, which make the kemper stage the best spare ever because no one will notice as the sound will be the same and you don't have to repatch anything...

    juste my 2 cents

    You can take the Profiler of the very first buyer and compare it to what ships right now, both units will sound identical when you use the same software version and rigs. I have a friend who said something similar recently. The reason why he sees a difference is the newer content. Content providers became more experienced in making their own Profiles. And our factory rigs changed as well.

    but i mean between 2012 and now, was the code "upgraded/optimized", the "profiling process" upgraded or is it exactly the same technique/algorythm ?

    Kemper have responded that there is no difference. G String represents Kemper.

    If you think they are lying, buy two Kempers, a magnifying glass and a multimeter and get to work. Post your findings. In the meantime, the official answer has been given. It is "no".

    Also, piece of advice, don't trust your perception. If you look into psychological studies you will find this is not curious at all. It is very common for perception to be highly inaccurate and subjective. Study after study confirms this. People insist on looking for and finding what is not there.

    ok :maybe i thought it was hardware (because they changed some hardware in 2018) because my feeling when playing the thing was RADICALLY different than the first time i played it.i mean the first time i radically hated the interaction it was just not possible,like playing a sample sound. whatever the profile.what is curious is that we are a few other that had the exact same experience (not like it few years ago and like it now) but it's maybe software then ? opimization of code or anything like that, so if difference is in my head, are you saying that coding/profiling is EXACTLY the same as ten years ago ? real question.

    BTW i'm not golden ear at all, but in this comparaison of old kemper/stage i hear a - small - but definitly there difference in the clean sound.

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    I'm always impressed to read when someone is able to ear the difference between the colour of two cables.

    where did you read that in this conversation ? i'm always impressed to read when someone say thing that wern't written..even if it isn't hardware (are you SURE the hardware upgrade didn't change anything in perception ? are the conponant in the stage and toaster EXACTLY the same during all these years ? we don't know.) so.even if it's not hardware , maybe it's profiling upgrade ? who knows ? so a guy who tried a kemper profiler 9 years ago and has a totally different feeling 9 years of development after must be strong , it's in his head ? this is really curious.

    this brings me back to the old days when fractal audio team sweared the front input in axe fx sounded exactly as rear it was the truth.


    joke appart , don't know if it's hardware or software but my ears are still ok (you can find old discuss when i had kemper years ago in this forum where i found artfifacts in single notes playing in dist section , had a discuss about this with c kemper himself) and i hated the feeling of playing it few years ago, really .

    i recently tried a kemper stage and imho there is more difference than go from axe fx II to III, the interaction is radically different than the kemper i tried few years much that a few friends and myself (who had the exactly same experience with the kemper few years ago) thought that it was combination of software and hardware update (as a hardware update was announced in 2018/2019) , as you can find some video (see below) with recent and old gear that have a -few - difference in sound (so why not in the feeling department ?)

    the difference - in the feeling/interaction department - is night and day imho and i directly bought one if it's only software, congrat kemper team !

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    hi i'm not going back to boss product , i use amps + topedo vb101 , and when i come back to boss it's to use a GP8 roland wich is all analog.

    "That said, the actual amp profiles DO NOT have this problem."

    no offence to you bill, but that's what i was saying before, seems that people don't read what i write : THE PB ALSO HAPPENED WITH DIRECT profile "the PLEXI 50 DI" (who wasn't mine) and 2 profile i did myself from jcm800 and laney vc50
    this clip (kemper.MP3) is my tube amp with the direct profile PLEXI 50 DI recorded with a mic in front of it (zoom Q3)..and i hear this digital aliasing alot.

    i think it's important for c kemper to know that too.
    to resume :

    for some reason it does not happend with profile with cab.does this digital aliasing comes with the too muchs frequencies of the "direct profile" when profiling ? maybe.
    but i think it's good for c kemper to know that.

    @ stefherbuel

    i don't understand why you don't try to get to the origin of that. it would be easy: set up an amp and profile it. make one recording with the amp in this setting, and one with the kemper profile (a/b test like ck suggested). will there be a difference? if yes, then ck can investigate.)

    he can : i told the amp i choose (kemper profiled clean amp) touched nothindg, add a ONE dist ,with setting i used...and even gave a clip :

    and even asked other guys here to do the test in their seems nobody tried ?
    but here i don't know what i can do more , it's me that don't anderstand why nobody tries ?(

    I don't waste energy searching for the negatives.

    i can't let you say that ,

    i'm kind of guitarist who likes mike landau, dave gilmour , scott henderson, andy summers etc
    these guys use the clean amp + dist pedal way. not the same at all as amp overdrive.
    i tried kemper pedal and directly has the artifacts you're hearing in my clips.
    and i want to use it as preamp for my tube amp.
    i tried use a profile DI made by a user and tried mine with some digital artifacts too
    i had this pb 15 minutes after plug in because that was the first things i tried (integrated effects, dist and how it sound in tube power amp with direct profile)
    and most of all we are in - Problems and trouble shooting help

    i'm really curious to see what christophe kemper and moderation think about your childish attitude, they seems to don't care so i think it's better for me to go , i try to help, i don't like at all to be treated like that.

    Why doesn't it fit your needs?

    because i wanted to use it as a "preamp" profile , and the "digital" noise i ear with the "dist" stomp pedal was here with direct profile too (the fist kemper sample i posted is DI preamp profile ( called "DI plexi 50") and same pb was there on the 2 other i did myself..
    the pb seems not to be here with non direct profile , but that's not the way i wanted to use it (wanted a "super preamp" for my tube amp ) ...and to be honnest, the fact that this pb exist and that programmers and beta tester didn't heard it don't put me in a "trusting" position about the product, and the soft is still beta ...there's not only one factor.

    i have lot of gigs this summer and i need to have a system i can trust and i need it fast : rehearsals begins soon , so i can't wait for some fixes (i was one who thought that "total cab disable in monitor out" is a must have too...) and can't keep 2 rigs for now (wife, children ,house, car...etc you know that)

    ,and most of all i would have prefered a rack version and i know it will come in the future...etc... so i think i will wait and see how it turns when it will not be beta anymore, when the pb will be solved and when the rack version will be here...
    or ..let me see..... send me a rack version and i beta test it :-)) i'm not far i'm from marseille/france :) loooooool just joking :)
    your product is a great product christophe , don't want to bring something negative here...
    just : i hope my observation helps you to get it even better !
    Stephane Herbuel

    How high gain did you ever go with your other units by comparison? For me the Kemper goes way beyond the normal levels of distortion I have in any of my real amps or in any amp sim I've played, with some profiles it goes right the way into square wave territory.

    hi here's the kind of gain i use (here my amp in torpedo vb 101)

    Cannot believe this thread is still going..... :rolleyes:

    really ?? look :
    [Blocked Image:]

    is it lower enough ?

    i changed my guitar , i changed the profile :
    amp chief clean r121 (kemper amp 2011 10 18 )

    as you see it's one made by kemper.checked the sound , all the output (spdif out) everything 's ok , input sense ok , clean sound was ok
    added a ONE DS drive : gain at 5 , then 2 (yes ,2 ) , then full .tone at 5 .everything's off, no noise gate, no reverb, nothing.

    the result

    you've got some digital noise who sound like "added notes" ( 0:02 = F then Eb at 0:04 , and then D at 0:05 (!!!!)


    please try at your home with your kemper see is my unit has a pb .
    thanks a lot ;)