Posts by BW

    Sorry for the obnoxious title to this thread, but I'm hoping it draws attention and so I get a result. In the past Kemper Support has been very responsive. So right now I really don't understand what's happening. They've had my Kemper to fix burned out LEDs since January 14 and I've emailed 3 times and called once to get an update on when to expect it back and have received no response at all. So if anybody has an idea how I might get a response, I'd appreciate it.


    A couple of weeks ago I had an issue and Support responded very quickly. Now I'm trying to contact them about burned out LEDs. I sent an email December 21 and never heard back. I waited until after the holidays and sent another email Jan. 5 and got an automated response with a ticket number and I've tried 2 more times since then and haven't heard anything. Any suggestions on some way to get in touch with them?


    Using the latest software update. I just sent this to support, but maybe someone here has experienced this problem and has a fix. I'm a little freaked. I have a gig tomorrow night and haven't used anything except the Kemper for 3 years or so. Not sure if I'll survive without it! :) I get the following error when switching to Performance Mode. I've noticed in the past few days that it seems kind of slugish, but everything seems to work okay in Browse Mode and I'm hoping that it will stay that way.

    Static is probably not be the right word--Sorry It's a feel thing. To be clear, I'm not complaining about the loop mono. Kemper gives us a choice for a reason. The SY-300 is can be very touch sensitive so in the loop distortion when I pick hard or soft, the sensitivity and reaction is greater than when I'm using loop mono. To me, anyways, it feels more natural. With the SY-300 it's really obvious if you have the loop in slot A and switch between the two types of loops. As you say the loop distortion gets hit harder by what precedes it--so it reacts differently and you can feel (which is really the most important thing) as though it "gives" as you would expect in a guitar setup situation.

    First off, I want to thank you Ingolf for all I've learned reading your posts these last few years!
    I've never used a distortion pedal through the loop. I've always had it in front of the Kemper. So when experimenting with the SY-300 in the loop mono, I noticed that it felt static, like some of the dynamic feel of synth was lost. Just thought I'd try loop distortion and found it has a much more dynamic, natural feel. The manual explains the differences between the 2 loops very well, but honestly, I think the name loop distortion is kind of misleading. It could be mistaken that it adds distortion or should only be used for distortion.

    On some things I'm using a Boss SY-300 in the Kemper loop and because of the way in which the Loop Distorsion functions differently than the Loop Mono, the Loop Distortion is a lot more touch sensitive and it would be nice to have a mix control so it's not always at 100%. I understand the intended purpose of it, but I can see this also being a benefit for the way things "feel" if your using a chorus or delay pedal, etc., in the loop. I know you can adjust your outboard gear to compensate, but it would be a nice convience.


    Timo, not sure if you mean run the OS X installer or Rig Manager installer again--Pretty sure (hoping :) ) you mean Rig Manager. I'm running 10.10.4 now. When I upgraded the Macs to Yosemite I was running whatever was the latest the latest version of OS X at that time. I've tried deleting the Kemper folder in the Library/Application Support folder and it doesn't help. Are there any other Kemper files somewhere in the system that might help the situation if they were deleted and then reinstalled with the Rig Manager installer? I am using the Type B USB port on the Kemper


    I have a few patches with delay set at 6ms to try to thicken them up. When I played those patches, the guitar sounded out of tune and had some phasing. I realized that I had the delay ducking on +0.2. When I turn the delay ducking to 0, the guitar sounds in tune and the phasing is gone. So you might want to check that out.

    I'm using a GR-55 for patch changes and for switching the Mod section on or off with the GR's CTL pedal. Everything works fine most of the time. But, sometimes, not all the time, when I go to a patch number on the GR that has no corresponding assign on the KPA, I get the DSP Error message on the KPA. I reboot the KPA, and all is okay. My main concern is that if I accidentally go to the "wrong" patch on the GR at a gig, I'll have to reboot in the middle of the set.

    I assume it's a software bug that will hopefully be fixed soon. Has anyone experienced this or something similar?


    Just played my first two gigs with the KPA. I'm in love!!! This has probably been discussed before, but I can't find it through search. I'm using a Velocity 300 as a power amp into 2 speakers cabs. For the gigs I play there's no reason to go to FOH. So I use the Main Outs into the power amp. Would the sound be different at all if I used the Monitor outs?
