Posts by chino3

    How are you powering the BM5s? They are passive, right?

    I think the Headrush is closer to a PA then it is to a guitar cab, and may be why it doesn't sound the way you want. You just have to EQ it to taste. If you bought two different types of studio monitors they would sound different too. You can't really compare FRFR speakers as being equal across manufactures. All have different tone.

    they are powered.

    as for EQ’ing, this is going to sound stupid but is there a “universal” eq vs having to eq every single rig?


    first things first, I really don’t know much about the fine tunings and intricacies of the Kemper, but I picked up the profiler after years and years of tube amps and big ass wood cabs. I have been running it through Dynaudio BM5a’s and it’s been fine for all this time of apartment playing. But now I’m ready to go loud again!

    so I picked up the head rush 108 and I’m just blown away by how bad it sounds and can’t figure out why it would sound SO different from the studio monitors. The monitors sound crisp and clean where as the HR sounds like a blanket is on it. I find myself having to drop the mids to 0 and blast the treble just to get a decent ish tone.

    I feel like I have to be doing something wrong. Here is a quick clip of a tele into the kemper first into the HR and then the dynaudio monitor.