Posts by musicman65

    Yes. The output EQ's are there to normalize the response of the final speaker in the chain. Let say you dial in your tones using studio monitors then use a powered speaker for live use. The sound you prefer is from the studio monitors and you find that the powered speaker sounds different. I use the EQ to correct the tone. I always use a long guitar cable and check my tone through the PA Mains as well. I correct the EQ for that feed as well but I do that at the mixer channel unless the mixer has limited EQ controls.

    Performance 1 - 5 are my standard go-to sounds.

    Performances 6 - 128 are song specific.

    I use an Android app called Bandhelper that I arrange my setlist with. My phone sits in a holder on my stand. It sends MIDI per song change to call the Performance per song. Probably half the songs use my standard go-to performance patches but the rest are specific to the song. I have hundreds of songs loaded into the app with lyrics and MIDI patch #s per song. The app allows separate projects (bands). I can override the setlist and change to any song in the fly. I never tap dance in the Kemper Remote between songs.

    I run stereo with hard pan L&R with a delay of 12ms on the R channel. The other guitarist is mono but I split his signal and delay the L channel by 12ms. The delay is 50% of the distance in feet between the FOH Mains x 1ms. Our mains are typically 20 to 24 ft apart. This produces the aural illusion of guitars panned left and right but both guitars still have equal volume on both sides of the room. Anything above 20ms doesn't widen the image much more. You'll need a digital mixer with channel delays and twice the number of channels than you normally need.

    I use this same trick on every signal except the bass drum and bass guitar. Shorter delays bring the aural position closer to center. Every instrument and vocal is placed aurally in the same position as they are visually located. The drums are the same way. The final touch is to delay both mains so the stage sound aligns with the mains which is more important in smaller venues where the unamplified drum sound mixes with the mains. The drums are usually 12 ft behind the mains so the mains are delayed 12ms.

    Yeah, I'm an anal audio engineer but damn, it sounds good. Huge difference. The PA becomes more transparent since the sounds appear to come from the positions of the instruments. This is effective for anyone sitting anywhere but the left or right edges of the room. On the outter edges of the room, it doesn't help but doesn't hurt. Panning always causes loss of volume somewhere...don't do it.

    Please get some kind of mobile interface supported on this forum. I have all but quit participating because of this. I miss the Kemper community but not enough to sit at a computer. Tapatalk was excellent.

    BTW....Burningboard or whatever is being used is HORRIBLE compared to any other online BBS/Forum software I've used since the dawn of the internet.

    Beware, there is a lot of hype and snake oil in selling "high end" cables. The only things that matter are the specs and construction.

    Speaker cable with "magic copper" is complete bull. Nobody can hear oxygen free copper...unless the placebo affect counts as hearing. This is so common in car audio. Stupid money is spent on super cables. As long as the specs are correct, the electrical signals, amps, and speakers don't care.

    Signal cables with proper specs can be had at a fraction of the hyped boutique cable prices and electrically are the same or better. Quality construction is important of course.

    Cables are important. Its just unfortunate that "audiophile" fake claims are used to sell overpriced cables....and some are not educated and fall in the trap. Blind tests have shown that we can't really hear these "differences" unless the comparable cable is out of spec junk.

    Buyers beware! Buy quality not hype.

    If you tone doesn't translate well to other systems, one or more of the systems is in need of EQ. If your headphones you dial in your tones in with are not flat, your tone will always need correction. If they are accurate, your PA needs EQ.

    Let's be clear here. EVERY venue will have very different room response and require your PA to be normalized to the room. If you start with good direct recordable tones, the venue PA with poor EQ will kill your tone. If its your PA, EQ it. If its a house PA, go stand out front and listen to your guitar. Use the main EQ on the KPA to compensate for the crappy PA.

    My band uses a real time analyzer with dual 32 band graphic plus 10 band parametric EQ. We analyze every room we play and store it for recall. If we can't analyze before the show, we set by ear then do it at closing time so we have it for the next time. We still have to EQ to taste but that's generally minor changes. The RTA gets us 95% there.

    Bottom line....start with known good profiles that are verified with trusted flat headphones then make sure your PA reproduces all frequencies evenly AT the venue and your all set.

    To have a separate amp and cab component in a profile, the profiling process would have to change. The amp would have to be profiled with a standardized dummy load then the cabinet would be connected to profile the speaker.

    Currently the amp and speaker are profiled as a single system. Apparently the cab off feature is a simulation of what an amp might sound like without a cab. There are profiles that have been made from an amps output into a dummy load. These are accurate and many say they work well with a real cabinet.

    I will be criticized for this, but expensive and good sound quality are NOT mutually exclusive. I use wired IEMs since I have to have a cable for 13 pin guitar anyways. There are plenty of commercial earbuds that, to my ears, sound as good as the purpose built and generally overpriced IEM stuff. Guys, if you spent the money and like em, more power to you. I'm just making a personal observation. My mid priced Titan earbuds from Skullcandy have been in use for 4 years now and I have tried various high quality loaner IEMs but none are any better for me. Some where actually worse. They weren't accurate at all.

    That's my .02. To each their own.

    Pitch to MIDI algorithms have been around a long time and aren't perfect even now. I doubt Kemper will waste time reinventing the wheel. A hex pickup equipped guitar through a Roland guitar to MIDI device will always give better results. Mono pitch to MIDI is full of glitches and is pretty unusable without serious software filtering. Surely Kemper won't bother with that.

    I run a Roland VG99 in front of my KPA. Not only do I get guitar to midi, but also guitar modeling, alt tuning and much much more. IMO its still the most advanced digital guitar device ever created. The KPA has a long way to go...


    I really dont understand this problem
    I played several times almost as loud as possible at 10db powerboost with just a single Celestion 8 ohm vintage 30 speaker, and till now it survived the noice :P

    Keep jammin til the magic smoke comes out...eventually it will.

    I'm a vol pot player. I keep my pinky on the gas most of the time. I also install a treble bleed. I always try various cap values while listening for the tone to get slightly brighter when I roll off. I like my strat to get a little fatter on 10. That's just my preference.

    [quote]I've never seen a great producer's studio relying on Windows as their main machine. I'm sure there are some that have Windows boxes, but OS X is definitely still the dominant OS for audio recording in the real world. When I first started out I used Windows because it was cheaper ... but it soon becomes apparent that the uptime/stability just isn't the same.

    That's incorrect. I work in industry and there are 0% Macs used in mission critical applications. I have PCs with 99.999% uptime measured over years of use. The instability illusion is based on the fact that the open PC platform allows poor hardware/software to be used if desired. Any PC built with similar (yet more affordable) hardware to a Mac and running quality software will deliver equivalent or better performance and reliability. Apple doesn't even offer a suitable multiprocessor server solution so they don't really play in the real world of true high availability computing. Try controlling a petroleum refinery with a Mac...Lol.

    Thank you Kemper for providing a librarian.