Posts by Brattcave

    There was some footage from the recent NAMM where they were talking about vinyl stop pedal alongside the pitch effects and re-amping. I think these features were shown as a "Look what we've added since you saw us last" nudge. I think a few of us obsessives (Myself included of course) got confused as the newest features like Beat Scanner were mentioned in the same vid. That's my take on it anyway...

    What's that? Rig Manager is out NOW... what am I doing here.... *legs it*

    I have the Adam A7Xs - very nice. As ever with these things, room size and any existing acoustic treatment comes into play.
    From what I've heard though from many users on is that there are a lot of nice options for monitoring the KPA. A lot of them cheaper than the Adams... e.g The Yamahas Raoul mentioned. The Behringer Truth range are attractively priced and get lots of honourable mentions here. But I'm very happy with my A7Xs...

    I have a patch bay plugged into the KPA effects loop. All sorts that I occasionally use but most often a Strymon Bluesky and Timeline (nice pitch-shifted delays), a boss slicer and a DD20 delay. I put a Boss loop station after and sometimes drive the KPA input with a Maxon vop-9. A Pod Hd500 gets some occasional use for its effects. All out to a pair of Adam A7x monitors.

    Options :)

    Hi Mavid,

    I have the bluesky, it's a nice unit. I'm not sure you'll be able to reproduce it with the current FX algos in the KPA.
    The shimmer effect seems based on some sort of delayed pitch shifter that adds an octave up to your input signal .
    The bluesky also has a plate as well as a spring reverb that the KPA doesn't currently have (Unless you count matchbox)

    Some rocket scientist here will no doubt come close but I've had the bluesky for a while now and I've not managed a similar effect with the KPA. But someone here will probably have some ideas I bet... ;)

    Btw, I think zoom does a ms stomp pedal with these sounds in for much cheaper than the bluesky, a few members here have reported liking it, might be worth a look...


    Cheers Martin - that puts my mind at ease. Just struck me the moment I saw it and whenever I get new gear I'm overly primed to look for flaws...
    Having now charged up the battery I'm pleasantly surprised by what the Variax has to offer. Still exploring the workbench options but I'm liking the different options you have for sound alteration - - you can even change the pots!

    Have to say the intonation is also out on all my strings as well! Half expected that to be honest. Might lower the action a little as well but it was pretty playable straight away - god knows how long the strings have been on there, my hands were black after 30 mins...

    Will report back after further noodlings but in general a positive start. The jazz box models do sound nice with the KPA.
    Although using this with the KPA it occurs to me... I am SO fake! Amps, Guitars...
    This will only get worse as I'm planning on adding a Fishman Triple Play later this year (If I can squeeze the pick up in that small gap after the bridge humbucker)

    Still... actual authenticity is over-rated as long as you sound authentic :D

    It is not a must, but an attempt to establish an effect that is often used, but never brought yet to the guitar world.
    And it requires virtually no parameters.If we see in 20 years, that it has not made it's way to our culture, I will be happy to take it out again.

    I was pleasantly surprised by the vinyl stop because at first glance I thought it was one of those crackling vinyl effects that seem to get added to things... I'd never use that but this... is fun :P
    The delayed pitch shifting would be very welcome. I guess a step sequencer is out of the question... not many units have those... I can but dream 8)

    Hi Folks,

    I jumped on those Thomann offers and just took possession of a new JTV89 Variax (Black). Giving it the once over the neck profile looks a bit lopsided where it joins the body!
    I'm not sure if this is due to the raised left sided body shape but I've attached a couple of pics to show what I mean. There doesn't appear to be any fret buzz and the neck doesn't look bent when I look down it - but I'm never very confident in my ability to see much when I do this :whistling:

    The neck looks aligned to the pick up height though. Might just be the contour of the body on the left side that makes it look odd.
    Any of you guys got a similar neck profile and can put my mind at ease! Diego - is yours anything like this?


    [Blocked Image:]
    [Blocked Image:]

    Do you need to buy profiles? NO
    Do you want to buy profiles? Yes :D

    With both Amp Factory and Armin's work you're getting some top quality set ups engineered by people who know what they're doing. Check out the sound samples on their page. Also, the Amp factory also has free samples to give you a good idea what you're getting and there are some gems in there. These guys have gotten ahold of some of the best and rarest amps on the planet and lent their engineering skills to getting great profiles. Which means we can get on with the business of making a racket with them :)

    I would say definitely check some out 8)

    That's a high quality tutorial Martin, thanks a lot. looks terrific as well, what software did you use?

    I'm getting to grips with my new Liquid Saffire 56, although I'm almost embarrassed to admit I'm hazy on the actual outputs. I'm used to a section of output faders from my previous audio device. With the Saffire once you map your mixes to the outputs in the router screen is it just a case of using the master faders of that mix to control the output? Hope that makes sense...

    Thanks - your continued contributions to this community are much appreciated!

    Thanks folks - your quality input is much appreciated :thumbup:

    I don't see the point in spending extra pounds on an intermediate interface like the forte etc which really is less flexible and doesn't sound any better due to the lack of spdif.

    Definitely - I think they missed a beat omitting spdif on these types of devices...

    i reserved one bus of my mainboard exclusively
    for the usb soundcard, the quad. no problems at all!

    I'll have to look into how to do that - I've also amassed a plethora of usb devices. Using Win 7 64 but here btw.

    The big benefit of having the Liquid 56 is the separate plugs on the backpanel. You can keep up to 16 devices connected (18 if we add the 2 Hi-Z inputs on the front panel) and you just select them using the MixControl software.

    This has seriously turned my head. I'd overlooked this somehow - Many thanks Martin! Another factor here is that the i/o is all on the back - can't stand things hanging off the front of devices! Given my investment in the KPA along with some Adams A7X, the Pro 56 could well round things off nicely. It looks like the extra outlay would be worth it...

    Another hour of research on and I've taken the plunge on the Liquid Saffire. I can dedicate the Firewire bus to it and the i/o, routing options, and liquid pre-amps seem to fit exactly what I need. Should arrive tomorrow! Now the weak link in my setup is... er Me.

    Thanks one and all for your comments :thumbup:

    Dear All,

    Apologies in advance for yet another interface thread... but we do them so well here :)
    I'm in the market to upgrade my M Audio 1814 FW (Reason: upgrade converters & preamps) and I've narrowed it down to either the Saffire Pro 40 , Scarlett 18i20 or the Roland Octa Capture. Budget roughly in this ball park...

    The Saffire has been out quite a while (2009?) now but this series seems pretty popular in these parts.
    Basically... if buying again would you still consider this or is there something else I've missed? Also any buyer regret? Latency issues? Any thoughts at all!
    The Scarlett looks like the identical USB model although I guess the drivers will be a lot less 'mature'!

    Basic requirements: Spdif, 6-8 instrument ins (I like to keep a fair bit of outboard gear plugged in), 2 outs. Not too bothered about additional DSP or more than 2 pre-amps. Shame really as apart from various Motu models they all seem to be combi jacks and I'm not overly convinced on whether you can ever really bypass these. Plus it must bump the price up. I'm leaning towards firewire as I have a fair bit already using the USB bus e.g midi connections, keyboard/mouse, external hard drive, various other things get plugged in now and again.e.g Live lauchpad.

    It's a shame that the likes of the Forte (none) or Babyface (Toslink) don't have Spdif connections...

    Any thoughts would be gratefully received :P


    The Axe Effect... Really... doesn't work for me.

    MBA, relax... You must realise your comment about 'endorsed players' was a wee bit off.
    But stick around, your threads usually spark some decent debate. I don't know about 'useless' effects, I tend to see these as ones I've yet to master. Like the wave shapers, still getting there with those but I'm glad they're included - gives me something new to learn.

    I might have thought the formant shift was useless...but then Bill showed me what could be done with this... ;)