Posts by ara_

    My Kemper bugged out the last two band rehearsals.
    I had some problems with the midi assignments in the past, mostly some kind of bug where midi channels randomly got assigned to a different rig.
    (program 5 = clean rig, program 7/8 = distorted rig; I choose the clean rig, tweak it a bit, save it, play a song, step on button 7 or 8 (don't remember, shouldn't make a difference) and the clean rig is still selected. The settings now say 5, 7 and 8 select the clean rig)
    The last two times I had a similar, but much worse bug. It starts off the same, but when I try to change to program 7/8 and I stay at the clean rig, the distorted rig seems to get deleted. It's just gone, even after a reboot with cache reset. This happened after about 5-15 minutes, I could switch normally before, but we usually play a clean only song first, so I only switched back and forth a few times at the beginning. Then, at the start of the 2nd song, the distorted rig was gone.
    Hopefully unrelated to this, but yesterday, the last rehearsal, the restore from my usb stick failed and all profiles were lost after the reboot, I could import them though. I didn't really try to get the midi board working after that and just switched by hand.
    I use a Behringer FCB1010, unmodified.
    I'll write support on monday as well
    PS: I love the sound and the capabilities of the Kemper, but the unwieldy rig management and the bugs I encountered most of the times I used the midi pedalboard are really starting to get on my nerves. I hope there's something obvious I'm doing wrong or the problem lies with my Kemper or my FCB1010.

    Hi Kemper board!

    Edit: I fixed the problem by reducing the cab volume from 5 to 0. I had the rig and stack volumes pretty unbalanced, now both are back at 0 and the popping is gone.

    I just noticed some strange pops, but only with the studio EQ engaged. I had to do some heavily muted C5 powerchords (I'm in drop C), mute the chord instantly and really dig into the string, but then they really popped out.
    Rig is here:…zqDkjbjT7?.kipr (Name: ara_TillS 860 2 MICS, customized Engl profile by Till, awesome stuff btw)
    My Studio EQ settings, for convenience.
    Low: 125.5 Hz, -7.5db (I also got pops at 60Hz, but 125.5 is the current value, so, yeah)
    High: 9576.2Hz, -6.3db

    Mid1: 599.8Hz
    Mid2: 1499.2Hz
    Both Mids at 0db and 0.707Q
    Mix 100%
    Volume 0db

    My Guitar: Ibanez RG1XXV (Basswood, bolt-on maple neck with walnut stripes, blocked Ibanez Trem) with Bareknuckle Painkiller pickups, bridge selected, obviously.
    I got the pops with FRFR speaker on right main out, headphones on headphone out, and left main out into Line 6 UX1 interface into Reaper.

    I hope I've been thorough enough and this helps improve an awesome product! :)

    PS: Take a look at the profile if you're into Higain and haven't tried Tills profiles yet, it's awesome and my main tone.

    I'm late for band practice already, so I'm gonna copypaste what I (wrongfully) posted in the feature request forum.

    I tried to save 3 rigs that I have also stored as snapshots in some midi slots.The rigs didn't even show up in the rig-list (yes I didn't filter any), so I had to save (Rename -> Store button without changing name) them again to have them selected.
    I put my rig "EVH5150" in slot 10, then "Crunch 2" in slot 7, then "Clean 2" in slot 6. When I scrolled up to slot 10 to see if everything was right, "Clean 2" was in slot 6, 7 and 10!
    I encountered that problem a few times before, but couldn't really remember what exact steps I took...

    The problem with my rig-midi slot settings getting overwritten seems to be related with my rigs that I saved as snapshots not displaying in the rig list.
    If I save the rig that I just selected from the snapshot list, it gets displayed in the rig list. If I do the same with another rig, the first one seems to get removed.
    While trying to confirm this hypothesis just now, my KPA overwrote another midi slot that I saved a few minutes ago and that I didn't select in the midi program settings before (I'm pretty sure of that, at least)


    I'll try to reproduce the error when I get back. I hope this info helps

    I'm not sure if this is related to my "select a snapshot-> rig that the snapshot belongs to doesn't get selected"-problem.
    But I had encountered what I suspect to be a bug (or a feature of questionable usefulness). I tried to save 3 rigs that I have also stored as snapshots in some midi slots.
    The rigs didn't even show up in the rig-list (yes I didn't filter any), so I had to save (Rename -> Store button without changing name) them again to have them selected.
    I put my rig "EVH5150" in slot 10, then "Crunch 2" in slot 7, then "Clean 2" in slot 6. When I scrolled up to slot 10 to see if everything was right, "Clean 2" was in slot 6, 7 and 10!
    I encountered that problem a few times before, but couldn't really remember what exact steps I took...

    Not sure if this warrants an extra thread, if so then I'm sorry

    Edit: I think this warrants an extra thread... The problem with my rig-midi slot settings getting overwritten seems to be related with my rigs that I saved as snapshots not displaying in the rig list. If I save the rig that I just selected from the snapshot list, it gets displayed in the rig list. If I do the same with another rig, the first one seems to get removed. While trying to confirm this hypothesis just now, my KPA overwrote another midi slot that I saved a few minutes ago and that I didn't select in the midi program settings before (I'm pretty sure of that, at least)
    I don't really get it, but I hope this report helps. Sorry that I'm posting this in the feature request forum, I'll copypaste this in the troubleshooting forum as well. It seemed related to the original problem :S

    Good point. Browsing through different input (and other) presets should be possible without unlocking the input (or other) parameter first. That would be logical as currently you can modify the values of individual parameters (delay mix etc.) in locked sectons without unlocking them. Deliberate changes to locked sections should "overcome" the lock whether it is a change of individual parameter value or that sections preset.

    Exactly, that's what I'm going at

    Hey forum.

    I just set up some midi program change settings in my KPA, and I had to fight with the Kemper a bit to get it to do what I wanted. Normally, I'd just deal with it and maybe be a bit pissed, but with the Kemper community, I get the feeling that feedback really can change things.

    One last thing: If it's possible to select snapshots with a midi board, you can skip the text and tell me how :D
    To the details: I have my most used sounds stored as snapshots, mostly so that I have a smaller list to scroll through. I always have the exact snapshot stored as a rig somewhere. But still, if I want to store the rig in the midi program settings, some other rig gets stored (I haven't found out the pattern there), even though the "selected rig" line shows the rig I selected via snapshot.
    To circumvent this (and not have to scroll through all rigs to find mine, even the alphabetic sorting didn't work right somehow), I accessed the snapshot, store->replaced the rig (so that it gets selected), navigated left and right once (not sure if this is necessary, not gonna test it without this step today, my Kemper is off) and stored it. Then it worked.
    Am I the only one that has this problem? Maybe my KPA was B-Stock for a reason :D
    Or maybe it's due to my... Feierabendbier


    Yeah, I would sell my amps, but you may want to wait and see if it meets your needs. Enough of the profiles sound real enough to make it pointless to have a "real" amp. Sometimes I have to change the cabinets around and tweak, but I can usually get in the realm of realism. I actually sometimes like the kemper feel better than my real amps. For example I had a afd100 and the kemper feels better and is more tweakable than the actual amp. This amp is a one trick pony, but the profile is not!

    That's what I was hoping for as well. I want to test it first, that's why I can't sell my amp+cab before I buy the Kemper (profiling my current rig would be nice as well). Do you use the Kemper with a FRFR monitor? I'm very interested in that as opposed to poweramp+cab.

    You're asking on the Kemper forum, you're not really likely to get many people telling you "Nooo don't buy a Kemper".
    So, no don't sell your amp, but yes of course get the Kemper if you can afford it. [...]

    Ok, your suggestion is pretty much what I see as the sensible solution the the "Kemper problem": Don't touch my savings and use the time I need to save up for it to reconsider if I really need it. Will be hard to keep GAS under control.

    I have the same question as OP, but with a different amp. I hope you won't mind if I semi-jack this thread.

    I've got an Engl Powerball II with an Orange PPC412 cab, and I'm pretty happy with the sound. (No gigs yet, just band rehearsal).
    Is it likely that I'll be just/nearly as happy, or even happier with a Kemper, a profile of my current rig (which I'd have to sell afterwards to get some cash back) and a good FRFR cab? (Mackie HD 1221 or FBT Verve 12ma maybe, these got mentioned a few times in other forums).
    The pros are obvious, no need for stompboxes (less clutter, less weight, control all in one midiboard), lesser weight in my overall rig, no need to care for any tubes, ability to take the kemper home and record in my bedroom directly into the pc...
    I really want to hear that I should do this right now, because then I'll pillage my super off-limits savings account and get one before I can afford one, yeah!